Not to rain on the parade but this was definitely a mistake because while everything has been approved, we are still waiting for the component to arrive. Once they arrive (its an international part so hoping it clears customs quickly) assembly should only take a couple of days and off goes the INTL EVOs
ahh, thanks. I had it at 1:00. I'll turn it up. I saved it because I wasn't certain.^ Turn the evo up and the avb will be brown instead of gold.
the high is simply beyond beyond. I had no fucking idea this existed.
I preheated my EVO to max for under 10mins, had a session with just herb. No combustion.Has anyone gone above 3 without any combustion?
EDIT: Also, one ELB of a little bit of left over ground up weed and some bottom of the jar shake has got me high.
Time for ELB #2.
Hope you mean IGG supporter and not actual preorder but thats great news! I have been itching to try a bonafide VXL vaporizer for years!
This is gonna make waiting for my email even harder!
Not to rain on the parade but this was definitely a mistake because while everything has been approved, we are still waiting for the component to arrive. Once they arrive (its an international part so hoping it clears customs quickly) assembly should only take a couple of days and off goes the INTL EVOs
I can confirm for you that they match perfectly. There is about 2 mm of clearance.Can anyone confirm that the EVO will mate with this glass or is there not enough clearance?
Wow, this thing is amazing. I was using a volcano daily for a while, then switched to combustion for a minute. This wins. When I first got the volcaano, I was really impressed at the time by the german engineering of all the interlocking pieces. Now in comparison, the design on the Evo is so much smarter, more efficient, and more effective. Well done, guys.
I'm digging the geometric swagger logos (in the pre-order, it was shown with more of a street art tag.) The glasswork with the logos is solid / classy as hell. The HT is smaller than I thought it would be, not a bad thing.
At noon with a half-full ELB and medium-fine-grounds, I get flavor for days with thin vapor. You can get a good 8 or so rips before it feels like time for a reload. The hits get a little warm if you're not using cold water. Not completely satisfying spread so thin. At 3pm with a 3/4 full ELB and extra-fine grounds, I'm ripping through about 3 nice bong rips worth in 2 hits or so, blowing dragon clouds and forgetting how to use the unit. It's looking ~1:30-2:00 as sweet spot on mine. Just great.
I'm going to need to order some more ELB's stat.
A new record for cloud hits this morning. -9 fahrenheit. I lifted the bucket and sure enough it had not frozen. My first elb i turned a coffee shade in 2 hits. My second only got brown in 2. My third it only got golden and subsequent hits could do no better. Damn it's cold!! (Turned to max 24/7 in these conditions)
Finally got my Evo yesterday, Hoooray!!!I was an IGG contributor and have been looking forward to this for along time now. I am going to give my initial thoughts and review. I would first like to give my background on vaping. I probably hit my first vape about two years ago and I have only used a few units. I own the Vapir N02 which is a cheap, semi-portable vape that simply gets the job done. Other than the fact that it doesn't charge its batteries anymore, I do like it. I have also hit and handful of vape pens/ pax type vapes, which are pretty good for something so small. A good friend of mine has the Aromed. I LOVE the Aromed! As far as I know it is the only other vape to offer water filtration. I was actually on the verge of purchasing one when I stumbled across the cloud and decided to go for it. I was sure that the cloud would be as good as or better than the aromed, it definitely LOOKS a lot cooler.
Unpacking and initial thoughts...
I was beside myself with excitement. Opening the box and laying eyes on this unit was really cool. The bent neck HT is beautiful! I have never owned a high end piece of glass before, Ive broken too many cheap pieces, So I am a bit nervous about having this...
So I immediately plugged in the Evo and set it at 3. I then set about filling the HT. I'm assuming the bottom chamber is supposed to be dry? It seems to have 3 chambers and the top two hold water, unless I'm doing it wrong. Please advise..
Evo had turned green by this point so, I dialed it back to 12. It took several minutes for it to go green again. I then turned to the ELB. I have read here that people pack these things at a third to a half full. Well, it holds such a small amount, that I just went ahead and filled it.
Moment of truth..... I put it all together, and proceeded to take my first pull.... Disappointed.I only got a very thin, wispy, almost clear pull. Not like the big clouds puffs I had seen on videos. I tried again at the same setting, same result.. I then moved it up to about 2 and tried again for hits 3 and 4. I did get some visible vapor and a wonderful taste. Just not the big cloud that I was hoping for. I got about 5 or 6 pulls total from it before it started tasting off. I pulled out the ELB and the material was lightly browned. Darker than Im used to seeing from my N02.
I was definitely feeling good after my first session, it just wasn't what I had expected. I feel I may be doing it wrong or I have a faulty unit. All the videos I have watched of people using the cloud and evo show very thick, visible clouds. I blew mine at a lamp and it was barely visible.
Sorry for the long post. Could someone please advise if I'm even doing it right or how to trouble shoot to see if I somehow got a unit without the firmware upgrade.
Thanks and happy vaping!
I have electric base board heating in a house that is decades old. A heater is made to heat. It's not bad for it. In my opinion heating and cooling cycles is worse. And it takes forever for my evo to initially heat up when it's so cold. My original is still going strong running 24/7 and it will be 2 years old in april. Essentially I'm not to worried about it.![]()
I just wanted to give a quick update. Above is my initial post after just one session with the Evo. I would like to thank everyone that gave advice including @stonemonkey55.
I have since done A LOT more testing and I am happy to report that I am super impressed! I found that I was definitely over packing the ELB. It is strange to me but less is more when it comes to the ELB. I have found that I get tasty, cloudy pulls between 1 and 2 on the dial.
I seem to be more amazed and impressed every time I use this thing!
One major "problem" I am actually going through MORE herbs now because I cant keep my hands off it. Plus I have invited over several friends to try it out. I need a second job!
This is a great forum! Im glad I have found all you wonderful people to share this experience with!
Happy Vaping!