Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Been using my evo for the past few months and I'm just curious about a couple of things..
The first being why is it recommended to turn the evo on and wait for like 10+ minutes before hitting it? Like shouldnt I hit it as soon as the light turn from red to green? I just don't see the point in waiting that long.
Secondly why do people hit the evo at 9 - 12 o'clock? Like whenever I do, the vapor is so minimal. I generally just start the evo at 1 and then take my second hit at 3, third hit at 4, and the last few hits on 5. Anyone else do the same?
It sounds like your unit may run somewhat cooler than some others, requiring a higher setting on the dial. But that's not unusual. Many report that they hit at 11 or 12, and even Seibo in one of his vid's uses the 12 setting. But others prefer it higher. You may be able to hit it faster because you're starting it up at a higher setting. Personally, while my unit's sweetspot is 1-1:30, I turn the unit on set to 3 and when it goes green I drop it back to ~1:15. Your material and/or personal preference or load may be a factor too, some folks like to hit it hard to get as much as possible as fast as possible.

EDIT: Corrected first, stupid post.
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