"Now through December 24th enjoy an extra special deal of the day delivered directly to your inbox! " Nuff Said. Get on their email list and subscribe if you think your thing might be on sale.
Or is it A-HOLES tend to limit their options.

or It seems to be more A-HOLES than Options sometimes. Amiright?
The balwderdized version I came up with is "Opinions are like button holes, everybody has at least one."

Still would find it funny hearing more what these surfers have to say about bags being 'gross low class behavior'.
( surfer showing disapproval seeing a bag user->

My simple musings on being right/wrong. I don't try to be
right or wrong. Just
correct. Or try to be
even more correct and less incorrect. Less burden on my part on being judgmental.

Cause I want to be a little more EMPIRICAL and not be swayed by something that appears different from what I'm familiar with.
Bags aren't my main thing generally. Perhaps not the most direct way either, but I can take a spent ELB and my EQ and extract the goodness even further.
VCAPs are off the grid, small, portable, modular and heavy duty. But it is like driving a stick shift. The impact is different too.

Not bad, just enough difference to justify getting one.
EVO is the first thing I plug in. And I love that they went with the standard PC plug in the US.
I can use the EVO heat hack to heat my 'M". no flame required.