This is a custom blown piece from CALIFORNIA.@ataxian idk if I ever told you, I love your tube
That's what she said.... But seriously that circ looks sick great color
The perk is crooked however works fine.
I broke all my HYDRO-STAND's so I have them fused onto the rig!

Breaking glass is what I do?
You think it's just me?
Everything is glass?
Maybe in 300 years COMPANIES will use materials that are not so fragile?
I broke most of my NAIL'S as well? ( I can use pens )
I use ORGANIC COTTON and roll the SHATTER in a ball the size of a half grain of rice.
The Quart's Nail's have the best flavor! (subjective)
At least I have more BASKETS ORDERED. (one left)
EVO taste great I just need to be more careful!
I'm trying to be CIVILIZED however I'm failing in this area!
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