Well-Known Member
Completely banking on that!Just that (IMO) the Evo remains one of the best and hardest hitting vapes on the planet. You will enjoy it.
Completely banking on that!Just that (IMO) the Evo remains one of the best and hardest hitting vapes on the planet. You will enjoy it.
Evening all,
Just thought I'd introduce myself to the thread, I'll be hanging around moving forward.
Purchased an Evo with the Turbine and should have it early next week, just in time after I get back from vacation.
Looking forward to catching up on this thread, but it's a bigg'un. Have there been any major spikes in problems or discoveries that I should look at a group of pages to get the jist? Otherwise I'll read the first 50 or so, skip 50 or so and then spot read to try and catch up.
Fancy meeting you here ;-)
Before I purchased the EVO I read every single post from beginning to end and even read some posts from other sites. The history of the device is going to concern you. It certainly did concern me but..... the later posts showed a trend that the manufacturing issues were clearing up and that the Evo users were beyond thrilled with how the device performs. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am I didn't let the history stop me from purchasing and I owe @stickstones a debt of gratitude for that. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't bother with the earliest posts. It may even be better to start around pages 300 or so and do the 50 page skim going forward.
Thanks all, and I have a turbine on the way with it. I'll be checking in Tuesday after a test run!Everyone in the past few posts who have ordered Cloud Evo's will absolutely not be disappointed. I'm not sure if you guys got hydratubes or not, but I would recommend one as soon as you can.
Anyhow, enjoy the Cloud life! :-) It's amazing.
I hope you like it? (I do!)Thanks all, and I have a turbine on the way with it. I'll be checking in Tuesday after a test run!
It is not conduction at all it is convection and that is why the draw matters so much. Conduction is like the flowermate, draw is whatever as long as it's cooking your herbs. Just want to avoid confusion. And to the guy that says he's not sure if it's working. Do you have a hydratube? Pack an elb, like at least half full; use a water pipe or hydratube, turn it on to like 2 and if you don't fill that hydratube with milk by the second hit then there is something wrong with the EVO or how long you are drawing for.. If you take a long enough draw you should be getting milk that makes you not miss combusting. And the high should be strong.. I've never met w person who was like Immune to vapor, people always say things like I don't think vapes get me high, i need to smoke to get high. If you say that after a session with me I would be very very surprised. It hasn't happened yet lol. Especially with the EVO everyone loves that thing haha.Long draws are definitely needed since its a conduction system. Its not like smoking by any means, but the Evo is arguably the best cloudchaser n the market, so you should definitely see it.
Sounds like your doing it right man , grind fine , make sure herb is somewhat dry , pack your elb but not tight , try upping temp to 1-2 o clock and try ripping it with a hard draw for about 10-15 seconds. You should get lung busting clouds. If not you may have a problem and a faulty heater. Also bad flower could be your problem .Waiting for the green light yeah, pretty loosely packed, have just retried with an only half full elb on 2 and the herb comes out the same way you are describing, I don't feel high but maybe I was expecting more with all the anticipation ha. Sometimes it creeps on me so I'll just keep trying, thank you for your input! Maybe it's just bad bud!
Dunno why it wouldn't work. I assume you're waiting for the green light? Not trying to be rude by any means. Also, are you packing it tight? Cause that would definitely hinder its ability.
I normally end my session with a few hits with the temp maxed out, and my herb is mostly brown with some undercooked edges (saving that up for edibles). Are you getting medicated still?
It is not conduction at all it is convection and that is why the draw matters so much. Conduction is like the flowermate, draw is whatever as long as it's cooking your herbs. Just want to avoid confusion. And to the guy that says he's not sure if it's working. Do you have a hydratube? Pack an elb, like at least half full; use a water pipe or hydratube, turn it on to like 2 and if you don't fill that hydratube with milk by the second hit then there is something wrong with the EVO or how long you are drawing for.. If you take a long enough draw you should be getting milk that makes you not miss combusting. And the high should be strong.. I've never met w person who was like Immune to vapor, people always say things like I don't think vapes get me high, i need to smoke to get high. If you say that after a session with me I would be very very surprised. It hasn't happened yet lol. Especially with the EVO everyone loves that thing haha.
Yeah quality of bud can make a huge different in vapes, idk where you live or what you are vaping but sometimes even with great strains, like I have sour GSC, AK-47, DEEP SLEEP, and some shatter and co2 right now. I need another strain, maybe tonight? But those are all from harbor side and they are steep hill tested, even with all that saying it's good tree, which it is lol, some of it produces less vapor than the others, sour GSC is like my favorite one but the deep sleep gives me more hits per elb.. do you have concentrates? It sounds like your EVO is working.. Maybe try some dabs to be sure that it's not a problem with the device.. This is the first time I've heard of a problem with whispy vapor with the EVO. Welcome to the EVO family @peachyGirlimmaterial but yeah ha.
So just had someone time me, half full elb at 2, 12 second draw (my fullest lung capacity bongs have killed my lungs haha) and there is definitely vapour but it is very pale, nothing like milk. Could this just be the weed? I also notice when the light goes green I pick it up and it goes straight to red again then back to green very quickly. I've been switching it off entirely between as I have a thing about leaving stuff plugged in is that ok or is leaving it on better for it? Thanks for your help so far guys!
I've been there.. I actually have been to the uk a few times, the cannabis scene there is different forsure, the best stuff in the UK seems to come from holland? My sister lives in Paris now but lived in Utrecht before that so I have had the opportunity to vape Dutch pot. It's nice but just can't compare to what we have here. The U.S. has the best tree forsure.. Cali just keeps coming with really good bud. Humboldt county basically grows enough good stuff for the whole country; though there are some in the us that still are dealing with shitty prohibition and can't get the best stuff either. I hope we can all share the best together one day.. People need to open their eyes..This time added some keif and left on as suggested and getting much better results thank you guys. Think this bud coupled with user ineptitude and the fact my glass is also pretty big were the issues.
@Oogendoogan haha I live in UK farm country I'd love to get my hands on concentrates but I'm lucky I even have a reliable regular dealer! Even then sometimes it's not my fave, and that happens to be now unfortunately... C'est la vie
When "VAPING" you'll definitely need some decent herb. Vaping requires THC Smoking doesn't require anything but fire!This time added some keif and left on as suggested and getting much better results thank you guys. Think this bud coupled with user ineptitude and the fact my glass is also pretty big were the issues.
@Oogendoogan haha I live in UK farm country I'd love to get my hands on concentrates but I'm lucky I even have a reliable regular dealer! Even then sometimes it's not my fave, and that happens to be now unfortunately... C'est la vie
Try stirring to get those uncooked edges! I get even cooking when I stir between every one or two hits.