So UPS sucks and it took 20 days for my Cloud EVO to reach vxl for repair

. Only about 7 days back through Fed EX, UPS said there was a heatwave in Kansas city that messed up the shipping. Frustrating. However in the meantime I have an adapter I was using in the past with my Haze v3 that is rubber, and I tried putting it on my Omicron v4 and putting that up under my Turbine. The draw is a little restricted, but man does it take fat, tasty, milky and smooth concentrate rips through the HydraTurbine. Very big very smooth hits on the 3rd power setting.
Another way for you to use VXL glass if you're in my situation that works great, with a potent wax pen. I know this isn't really Cloud EVO related, but it is hydratube related so figured it was okay to post here. I'd sent my still working okay EVO in a month ago so it would be back by my birthday... it's coming two days after my birthday. Fuck You UPS.
Here's the adapter.
I have a few more questions. How would you users compare the level and quality of medication say compared with a flowermate v.05s?
You're in luck, I have the Cloud EVO and flowermate v5.0s. Last time I smoked the flowermate I got ripped! But I noticed if I don't use a vaporizer for awhile it gets me high AF. The EVO may feel comparable if you do smaller bowls, but weight to weight of flower the EVO will get you much more medicated. And if you go beyond one ELB (or do a large bowl yourself), or make an herb sandwich with some concentrate, or throw some moon rocks in there the world feels like a video game.
Plus it's just a joy to use, the draws are smooth, the hits are big. I find with the portable vaporizers they work okay, but I don't like taking a bunch of small draws over 10-15 seconds vs just clearing a ELB in 2-5 big, smooth, unrestricted draws. Plus because the EVO is pure convection the first hit or two may taste similar to a flowermate, but the EVO is tasty from beginning to end, and no or very little of the popcorn taste you start getting after the third hit on the flowermate.