It's strange?You're right bro, I'm probably gonna have to get my hands on those vapexnails at some stage, if for nothing else but so I can compare them to other dab setups I've tried
I never usually mix concentrates with flowers but doing it in the way I mention above has very different flavor and effect to how people usually mix the two together. I find that the key is in making sure there is only barely enough flower in the bowl to wick up the dabs you have smeared on the nug beforehand. Basically, the pieces of flower are being used as wick material just like we used to use cotton in our e-nanos to wick our dabsBy the time the load starts tasting like flowers (IME about the 9th or 10th hit), you know that the oil is spent and the bowl is almost finished. The last hit tastes like vaping flowers I find - the others is much more dab like.
I do usually prefer to keep my dabs and flowers separate too thoughI only combine flower and rosin in this way when I need to get medicated very quickly. It is nice to sit down to a single bowl on the evo that gets me as medicated as I need to be quickly - especially in the evening to beat insomnia.
Reading sure is a good hobby to pick up bro, when we're sick especially it is a great way to keep the mind sharpSounds like you're making the best of things like always bro, civilized indeed! Glad to hear it!
8 zips I could see being a tough limit depending on the medical need. It really depends on how the material is being processed/used by the patient as to how tough it is I suppose. 8oz could become 12-24g of full melt from the best of flowers, or it could be processed easily into more than 40g of great solvent based or even rosin dabs! Obviously by the same token, 8 zips would be a hell of a lot of bowls if someone is only vaping the flowers straight.
For folks who consume huge amounts of oils (1g or greater a day) and such for much more serious conditions than my own, I could see them going through 8 zips worth of processed meds very quickly indeed!
My consumption is reducing!
1 gram of flowers and 1/2 gram SHATTER is all I can handle these days.
I read faster with CANNABIS?
EVO before bed is so healthy?