God damn dawgs. This is some great shit. Amazing high. As great as I had hoped. Got some nice rips on this thing. Seems like a way more powerful high. Seriously. Like an insane head high. A really amazing clear, and UP, and happy high. I did use some very very high quality sativa, amnesia haze.
There was no way I was going to be able to hold off on trying it, lol. Vapefiend is amazing imo. Everything was great, BUT the box was not wrapped shut. Perhaps this is why his prices are so good, because he is using refurbished parts? Honestly, I would never care. As long as it works as advertised and if problems arise, he takes care of it.
Also, I might call him and ask if I could switch the hydrapiece with a dry one, so I can order one of that that chinese site and save some dollas. I did drop quite a bit of money on it, but its really sweet. Its looks sweet. And it feels great to hold in your hand. I thought it was going to be a lot more bulky and unwieldy, but you can handle it really easily, hold it one hand in bed.
Oh and btw, why do people take the glass piece off? When people vape and when people are done vaping, they always take the peice off. At least vapecritic does. I don't get why. Why not just leave it on?