Hello guys,
I am thinking about purchasing an EVO hydra tube-kit from vapefiend, when they have these kits back on stock. So, maybe you guys are able to answer the questions I have?
1. One hit-extraction.
I have found recently my Grasshopper to be my preferred choice for one hit extraction through my bubbler. I like to load about 0.05 in the chamber and hit this through water on maximum heat level. The good thing is, that I don't have to stir, it extracts really fine, one huge cloud, dark coffe-brown ABV.
=> Can this also be done with the Evo? I am chasing high temperature / micro dose hits and having to stir to fully extract a little amount of like 0.05 - 0.1 g would be a no-go.
edit: Are here Grasshopper-owners who are able to compare: heat level 5 (max) through water compared to EVO hits? this would be awesome
2. Turning the unit upside down.
Is it really recommended to NOT use the EVO inverted?? I can remember reading in an interview with the CEO of the company, that this would be one of the features of the EVO, being able to use it with any water pipe I already have. And I have plenty, so have there been made some changes regarding this behavior or is it still okay to use the EVO upside down for quick hits ?
3. I had the chance of holding an EVO in my hands some months ago. The EVO had this neoprene sleeve on and the velcro fastener on the bottom of the unit was covering the air-intake hole. I didn't want to ask, but I am sure this must had been an user-error and not meant to be like this, correct?
Thank you