I finally received my 420 evo bundle . I have been waiting for a good sale ever since I missed out on the xmas sale . I almost missed out again though as I bought a new truck , and pretty much all money I had went to a downpayment

. Well the discount code , and the evo being sold as a base kit cheaper now, I was still able to snag one up

. I Really wanted a turbine too , but I'll just have to wait a little bit till I have more disposable income to play with , Maybe chandelier in my future

After following this thread for over a year I pretty much knew what to expect and how to use the evo right from the get go . My first session I completely fell in love with the evo . I have had honeymoon periods before with vapes ,but wow nothing to date has quite got me excited as this thing . Yes it meets or exceeds my expectations on all fronts . I will have one of these units , or the next iteration of it for the rest of my adult vaping carrier no doubt about it . I really can't believe what I was missing this whole time with all my high priced portables . I mean they have there place ,but wow evo is another level .
So that brings me to my next topic , my new found love for this device left me feeling a little ambitious this weekend . I felt like the only thing I would change about this unit is its finish . I think the evo has a beautiful shape , but the swirled black composite material does not leave a lot to be desired . My unit especially had all this swirling on one side and not the other which kinda bugged me . So it got me looking at the unit , and thinking. The way the evo is built with its isolated bamboo and simple design , it makes it possible to completely mask off the unit with out taking it apart to refinish it . Once masked there is no chance of anything entering the unit or airpath or electronics . The only downside is the upper circle part where the screens are has to be masked completely , I feel it would be to risky just trying to mask the screens , if you run a nice tape line it still looks amazing .
So I decided to make my evo BMW space grey metallic with a low gloss satin clearcoat finish . Its a deep dark silver/gunmetal color , it has a nice flop in the flake that really changes tones in different lighting conditions . I think it looks great on the evo and also just happens to complement carbon fiber well

. I decided on a satin finish vs your regular high gloss automotive finish to keep fingerprints and smudges off during use . I am such an ocd person I would probably want to wipe the unit off every time if it was gloss , although I think high gloss would look amazing

The evo's body composite material paints amazing well with professional automotive paints , I used PPG Deltron 2000 . I was a little worried at first by just looking and touching the composite that it may have some mold release solvents embedded into it that would not work well with a professional paint job . That is not the case , the composite is soft enough to let you bodywork all the little manufacturing mold dents and dimples out without any kind of bodyfiller . The best part is it seals beautifully once prepped with no primer or additional sanding needed , WOW ! Its like these things were originally supposed to be painted .Perhaps they were , as some of you might remember the first prototypes were high gloss black and white . All quality auto paints are rated 300 - 400 degrees so the hot evo outer shell should not matter. After paint ,my unit works flawlessly and I detect no hint of anything paint related upon inhale
My only worry now is that I have possibly voided my 3 year warranty ? Since the unit was never disassembled , and by not painting the complete top circle and lower half I don't see how this is really any different than putting stickers all over it or , engraving your name into it etc ? I just hope if they void my warranty that they will still service it if needed. I really take great care of all my toys and the evo will be no different, so I'm not to worried especially with all the positive feedback on the units reliability .