Just unboxed my package from
@EVlL 55 (No wonder I couldn't ever fucking tag you. I was like, oh maybe the member finder thing doesn't have you in the system or something. I finally copied and pasted your user name. Got it now...I always thought it was evil55 haha. Tricked me!

). Thank you so much man. The unit looks brand new and came in the original box which I was happy to see. Perfect condition and the swagger tree perc HT pulls sooooo smooth.
I don't know how I went this long without This setup.
I started off with a volcano for my first vaporizer mainly because of the bag and build quality (still have it today and haven't had one problem with it. Haven't replaced one part besides the bags and it was used everyday for 3 years). It appealed to my brother/roommate and me because with the bag we could just fill it up, then pass it back and forth with minimal effort involved in the whole process.
About 3-4 years after the volcano I got a couple portable vapes; the solo, pax, and about another year later the lotus. The solo was nice for long chill in bed tv watching sessions. The pax was for on the go. The lotus can produce some big hits but you just have to be careful not to burn the herb.
Then I got the e-nano about a year ago. I loved the micro bowls and big hits. Concentrates were tasty in it too. For the price, it was a steal and the wood is pretty sexy.
I've wanted an EVO for a while now but felt pretty satisfied with the vapes I had. Now that I'm done with school and have a good job, I figured it was time.
Wow this thing is fucking awesome

all vapes have their place for different scenarios, but this EVO will be used daily.
With no knowledge of how to use this vape, I decided to give it a go without researching. All I knew was that 12-3pm was a good range. So I plugged it in, flipped the switch on and turned it to maybe 12:30-1pm. Took off the cap in the elb, filled it about half way, maybe a little less. Once the joint turned green (which I love the glowing red and green, so sweet) I slid the elb in, placed the HT on top and took a hit. Huge super tasty cloud. Took the elb out, shook it up a little, then took another hit. Same huge tasty cloud. Took a last hit that was a little smaller and called it good. The herb was perfectly toasted to the darkness I prefer. Just off those three hits, I'm really high

like I just took a dab high. This thing kicks major ass