I think I'm beginning to understand the theory of EVO combustion.
the EVO is still a Cloud, so it must share a lot of its characteristics, including the thermal equilibrium behaviour and times.
When you heat up from a cold start, or dial up, the vape will be in a state of underequilibrium when it goes green (most extreme if from a cold start).
When preheating on high temps and then turning the dial down, when it goes green, the vape will be in a state of overequilibrium (most extreme when going from max to min).
Both over/underequlibriums will mellow out into true equlibrium if the dial is left unchanged for few minutes, ideally 5 or so.
And what are these states and how they behave?
The true equilibrium is the perfect state of the vape, it should combust only depending on the dial here. So if we have a unit than combusts at 3pm, it will combust there everytime, but never combust under 3pm.
It should deliver huge Clouds - same at every draw speed.
The underequilibrium is a state when the rest of the bamboo (above and under the heater) still heats up. Especially the heating chambers that have gone much lower.
In this state you can dial high temps and not combust, but its a play with fire.
If you hit it SLOW you will combust.
If the session takes too long, it will reach true equlibrium and this dialed temp will start combusting even on harder pulls.
The overequlibrium is a state where you lowered the core temp, but the rest of the bamboo is still hotter. The heating chambers down there will be still very hot.
This can combust even if you have under-combustion temp dialed. Especially when hitting it HARD.
When hitting hard, you will be collecting a lot or excess heat that is stored in these chambers and not give it enough time to "cool down" in the heater part of bamboo.
My theory is based on my thinking that the precisely heated heating chambers in the OG Cloud are now lower in the EVO, acting as pre-heaters for hard pulls now and being more sensitive to under/overequlibrium.
Then when the air exits these chambers, it enters the brand new primary heater, which is just a long precisely heated hollow tube. This will heat up mostly slow pulls and also improve the precision of hard pulls, when the precision of these chambers got lowered.
This is only my theory of the EVO heat, I don't have one nor do I know how its shaped exactly. I've only used the knowledge from this thread to finish this theory.
My conclusions:
If you never want to combust, then never enter the concentrate range. I know it will give you a faster heat-up, but also a risk of combustion if you don't let it cool down enough.
If you want consistent experiences you have to give it some time after it goes green.
This is just how the bamboo equlibrium works, not even the fastest heater in the world could improve this.
Actually, faster heaters will make the over/underequlibrium more pronounced when they are in either of these states:
OG ticker: 8 mins heat up, 10 mins to equilibrium - it heats up so slowly that it brings the equlibrium with the heat up itself.
Non-tickers: 4 mins heat up, 8 mins to equlibrium - here the equlibrium get more significant, even when it gets faster to get there.
EVO: 2 mins heat up, 6 mins to equlibrium.
Unreal Cloud from hyperspace: 0 mins heat up, 5 mins to equlibrium.
Here is how I imagine this:
From left to right: underequilibrium (hot dial), true equlibrium (hot dial), overequilibrium (cold dial)
This is how I THINK the new bamboo is shaped now, if someone knows better, please correct me.
EDIT2: I think thew overequlibrium can't actually happen unless the heater is capable of cooling.

The bottom is actually naked, so it will cool down faster than the core and therefore the third image is bullshit.