You have quartz, they did have a disclaimer on the page when we bought (we both got HydraTrees relatively close together right?) during the end of the anniversary sale in October (@twosilvertrees this bundle is the only one that ever came with them I believe)
@gaseous_clay yes I also am still dying to try a HydraCirc (too bad that FC-MP didn't work out, maybe they'll fix it eventually...) I believe $160 isn't as cheap as they were before "from the vault" recently at $150, even with the 10% off, and now shipping is more money? Or still 15? Only kits went from 25 to 35?
Anyway yeah after trying the showerhead circ in the Devastator main body via the FC-MOD I can definitely see that ciric percs are different than trees but not necessarily better... I'd say a tree is overall more versatile with different water and draw levels, but the Circ is somehow a bit tastier and smoother in a sense? So different, but both good! I also do really like my GB-187 matrix and inline to honeycomb can with the Evo, they each have a bit more diffusion. HydraTree on top of circ perc is a fun combo too (but I still want to try a HydraCirc! lol)
The boro nails have the slit upward from left to right and the quartz slit is downward from left to right.
@Shit Snacks - I think you hit the nail on the head. There really isn't one that is better, it is all preference. For me, it doesn't matter what I'm using, after a few days, I get bored of it. It can even be a Mothership or Sovereignty piece but I will get bored of it and want to try something different. Sometimes the something different is just a standard waterpipe with a two slit diffusor. I think what I am trying to say here is that glass is like ice cream, 31 flavors beats 1 flavor, no matter how good that one flavor is