Dharma Initiate
The EVO without the sleeve I agree is ugly as sin! But it produces a holy amount of vapor!!
If you can find a vape that delivers Evo quality vapor for £60, you should return your Evo and buy that immediately.
Also pass the word on to us because I want one.
I said that it's retail price would probably be around £60 if it was a mass product intended to be manufactured and sold in hundreds of thousands.
Let us know how it goes when you try it, sure your worries will be put at ease once you see what it's capable of.You missed my point completely mate. I'm not saying there are vaporisers I'd be aware of that deliver the same quality of vape for £60. I said that it's retail price would probably be around £60 if it was a mass product intended to be manufactured and sold in hundreds of thousands.
For illustration sake let's compare it with a smartphone. EVO costs roughly the same as OnePlus Two which I just bough for my key employees for Christmas. If we can trust Google to manufacture an iPhone 6 costs $215. There are about 25 components in a smartphone some of which are truly high-tech made from high grade materials and precious metals. What's so high-tech can be in a vaporiser? Nothing I'd think of apart from a heating chamber. My quick rough estimate is that production of a single EVO costs around $30, $40 tops. To develop a vaporiser is not a rocket science too. Not that recourse consuming baring in mind that it's not a first vaporiser ever invented. I could give this unit to my technicians to take apart and I'm pretty sure they would confirm that my estimate is not far from being accurate. Of course to make a profit in a niche market you must have very high margins and I admire Vapexhale guys for being bold and smart. But If we talk about the aesthetics of this product there are miles of space for improvement and I'm sure they must be working on this .
@Mangos , @HellsWindStaff , thanks for the words of encouragement. I was lucky today to locate some decent looking and smelling Blue Cheese. I'll finish cooking myself diner in half an hour and gonna take this boy for a spin. Let's see what he is capable of.
It most certainly should! I'm currently using my Arizer Air, and I can make a quarter last about a month and a half compared to a week or less when I combusting!
The only time I've seen my usage increase since i started vaping, is when my vaporizer wasn't giving me the desired effects. A better vaporizer fixed thatI so really want to believe this. So far I'm not seeing it with any of my vapes. I actually believe I go through less combusting still.A quarter would last me a month combusting and nearly 2 weeks when vaporizing. Sure it could be a combination of things, tolerance, frequency and other factors but I'm just not seeing it yet.
I'm not arguing the fact that it's supposed to save us money on herb, I just wish I was seeing it.
I'm not arguing the fact that it's supposed to save us money on herb, I just wish I was seeing it.
The only time I've seen my usage increase since i started vaping, is when my vaporizer wasn't giving me the desired effects. A better vaporizer fixed that
I so really want to believe this. So far I'm not seeing it with any of my vapes. I actually believe I go through less combusting still.A quarter would last me a month combusting and nearly 2 weeks when vaporizing. Sure it could be a combination of things, tolerance, frequency and other factors but I'm just not seeing it yet.
I'm not arguing the fact that it's supposed to save us money on herb, I just wish I was seeing it.
The only time I've seen my usage increase since i started vaping, is when my vaporizer wasn't giving me the desired effects. A better vaporizer fixed that
The taste? Don't think I'm qualified to comment on this as I never find the taste of weed that enjoyable. Probably I just don't like the taste and smell of cannabis that much. When I see guys on videos tasting different strains, smacking their lips and commenting on slight hints of berries, lemon, earth, diesel etc I wonder if they are faking or not, because all I taste regardless of the strain is a taste of weed. That's it.
This is a first for me, never heard someone spend this amount of money on a vape and not enjoy the smell or taste of weed. I would personally hate that and just not do it if I didn't enjoy
And yes. It's supposed to get very hot at the top.
I don't like the taste of alcohol. So I don't drink it.
There are certain strains I dislike the taste of (pinene rich OGs don't taste amazing to me and I'm not a massive fan of cheese) but how someone can say they all taste the same is crazy to me. I have some tangie there (Myrcene rich) that is incomparible to the S.A.G.E (pinene rich) next to it in terms of flavour. One tastes like licking a tree, the other an orange laced with weed
Could it be the material you are using? Or maybe the temperature you are vaping at?
Try turning your EVO down to maybe 10ish if you haven't already, might make it even more tolerable for you in terms of flavour
Sorry if any of that sounds negative, just trying to eliminate user error as I too hated the taste of smoke. Vapour is a different beast though, and I feel once you tame it can get what you are looking for...which seems to be flavour in your case. And trust me, cannabis has a plethora of different terpene profiles just waiting to be sampled