Also the quality of material. The shit I have been getting lately is honestly making me want to quit all together. But the Evo does make the most out of what you have-every other vape I have gives me almost nothing with this stuff, the evo at least gives me a hit from it.Always good to see a fellow UK vaper... I'm the only one in my circle of friends, I haven't managed to convert them yet...
With regards to sleepiness, I think it's down to the efficiency of the Evo and it's ability to extract all of the goodness from the weed. With smoking, loads is lost as the spliff is burning away or burnt off by the heat...
I got the case recently, and while I do believe it's overpriced at its list price (I have a Pelican 1350?? It was $120 on Amazon and is roughly a third bigger overall) for the price it's at now and with the Stickstones code, I'm very happy. I wish it had a full set of pick and pluck, rather then it being precut, as my hydratube is not a sidecar so there is a lot of extra space not being used where I'm storing it. That said, it fits the Evo, my tube, a bunch of ElBS, the tube, the tubes base and the cord all with room to spare. And it's nice and sturdy and small enough to take with me places (my pelican is too big for that) happy with the purchase!
I can take a picture later, but I don't know if it would fit the Tube + could maybe. I think it would be easier to fit with my setup, as I don't have a sidecar so mine doesn't look exactly like this. Nor do I know dimensions of the dry piece.
It's literally cut out just like that. I have a few inches space to the right of my EVO just like they do. That top right compartment fits the base of the tube perfectly, can put w/e in there. I have my ELBS/nails in bottom right where they have cord. No extra padding or spacing is included.
In that slot where they have the Hydratube, I have my hydratube, and power cord. My hydratube is the Evolver tree and its not built like that, its a straight shot up with a bit of a curve on the mouthpiece at the end. It fits snugly actually maybe more snugly then that look above as my tube is basically wedged diagonally in that slot. And I have the cord in the extra space. Could maybe squeeze the dry mouthpiece in my setup in that other extra space, but then the glass would be hitting each other and actually I just probably wouldn't do that lol defeats the purpose of the case
Hope it helped! I'll try to snap a photo when I have some time.
This is the old case but it will give you some idea. I just lay my dry mouthpiece on the top and it works just fine.
I don't think the MV has better flavor. You got the Hydrabomb dude! That's a matrix It's like mass diffusion! You're robbing the FLAVOR! Empty your hydratube and hit it dry on 12 or one of your lower settings and come back and talk to me about flavor! Water is the culprit here along with all those slits in that perc! DON'T COME AFTER THE EVO BRO!!LOL
Do some more research!
EDIT: Please don't take this as me being a Dick I'm just teasing around. But seriously do the research. I have the Hydrabomb and many others so I'm just speaking from experience . YMMV!
Did you look in your hydratube box? They pack misc. stuff in there.UGH i waited what felt like forever for my evo
all my other vapes are broken
i got a give thanks bundle open it
I cant find any ELB can anyone tell me where they usually are hiding
it seems inconceivable for there to be zero in my package
Get a five gallon bucket from the store and some of thisYep you are quite right. I hadn't tried the MV for a while, I did a session today with the Evo and the MV back to back and.... Evo had the better flavour! Much sweeter even through the Hydrabomb with water. The first couple of days owning it the taste and smell were overpowered somewhat by the strong odour from the sleeve. Now that's gone I'm getting the real flavour.
I've had it a week now, I've used nothing else since getting it. Only downside I have is cleaning the Hydrabomb, it was filthy in under a week! I've cleaned it but I can see that being a weekly thing. But other than maintenance it's simply marvellous, a real smooth face-smasher.
Thanks for the link! I've been meaning to pick some of that stuff up as I've heard it works wonders, I have some difficult crud to remove on one of my pieces and this always slips my mind, gonna order some now !![]()
I've always found salt & iso does the trick on any piece.
It works wonders but ISO is more expensiveI've always found salt & iso does the trick on any piece.
It works wonders but ISO is more expensive
Did you look in your hydratube box? They pack misc. stuff in there.
WTG the EVO kicks ass I'm sure you'll be pleased with it.Could not ignore the Give Thanks sale and got one with a side circ. I think I am going to like this a lot, it seems to be a wonderful desktop. Thanks for the further discount @stickstones