Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


Well-Known Member
whats up with the red water in your glass? how did you do this and why on earth would you ever put anything but pure water?


Out to lunch
whats up with the red water in your glass? how did you do this and why on earth would you ever put anything but pure water?
You've been a member for almost 8 months and haven't yet browsed the Glass thread? You'll find that giving your water a pinkish tint is much better than just using plain water unless you clean your glass after every use. ;)


I just checked the support queue and every ticket has a response. Please open another ticket as the system shows no one is waiting for an answer right now.
I've been lurking this tread and waited until I heard the comments about the EVO?

Very good job!
I'm impressed with the success of your launch.
I have plenty of devices however by Feb 2014 I hope to have a EVO in my quiver.

I like power and I love flavor.

From what I understand is this device provides both POWER & FLAVOR!


Well-Known Member
Oh maaaan, just loaded up an ELB for my first rip of the day, pinch of ground up Sweet Tooth and a scoop of kief out of my grinder. I got distracted for a while so it was warming up on max for a while, didn't notice until i was grabbing it for a hit, turned it to noon and ripped it before it went back down to green. I don't think I've seen this tube a more solid white. It felt like the devil was in me! Was still pure vapor just SO MUCH! Gave me what I call the "Dab Sweats" and I haven't even gotten that off a dab recently... :smug:


Well-Known Member
I received my EVO earlier this week and have been using it since it arrived. I initially tried using it at the "10:30" position and found the amount of vapor too wispy. I did not manage to get a good amount of vapor until around the "1:00" position. Because of this I am concerned that "turbo mode" might not work properly should I want to vape something other than flowers. I did let the EVO heat up at least as long as my old ticker. I am wondering if I should put in a support ticket?

I have been going back and forth about posting this here, but I came to the conclusion that other people might run into this issue and be concerned as I am. VXL crew what do you think?

BTW - I think I believe I discovered a characteristic of the EVO that no one else has mentioned here. I do not have any evidence of this but to my taste it seems the last hits, at the end of a session, taste better than they did compared to my ticker.
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Oil Painter
We got a Gong adaptor so now I can invert my EVO onto my little bubbler... it is so lightweight, it makes this very easy.

Let's see... yes, I have hit my EVO once without the ELB (using the HT -- huge, huge hit of air...). I have had the joint "stick" a little - we picked up some "toobloob", and I put a little on the outside of the bamboo... whoa, it made the bamboo VANISH - no colored light from the side! weird. Didn't seem to help much, so I won't renew that.
I get a bit of whistle with the bubbler. It is my theory that the whistle is a not-perfect Gong seal, allowing air to be pulled in between the glass layers.

Flavor is excellent, and I'm getting well medicated without feeling so much head-high. About four good hits off an ELB (I weighed one, and I'm using just about 0.1 in each, which is about a third loosely loaded), with gorgeous golden brown ABV, at the Noon setting. Great flavor at 11, and some at 10, but really not much noticeable at 9. On the other side of the dial, I tried a bit of hash at 3, and that was pretty dense. I tried a dab of honey oil (on the vid) at about 4 (not quite maxed), and that vaporized without a trace in one good hit.


Vapor Sloth
Wish i had a collection like that. You should try to use that monster hydratube with the devastator. Quadruple filtration lol
ok . . . if you insist :) It actually works really well but I had to stand on tippie-toes . . . :ko:


I'm betting that he already has. :rockon: He's just too devastated to tell us about it. :ko:
True . . . :ko:
Where's the milk shot @t-dub!:D
Patience grasshopper . . . :cool:
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Apprentice Daydreamer
I was thinking that the fanatic tube could be too wide for this, but... ...is that stopper stays there just because of joint lock? There is not even a keck clip there.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
When looking for a cleaning brush I'd recommend a 1/2" diameter. It fits the elb (although stiff bristles in that size could be a problem), and I've found this size is also great for log vape stems and tubing. https://www.google.com/search?q=cleaning brush with 1/2" diameter&oq=cleaning brush with 1/2" diameter&aqs=chrome..69i57.16701j0j7&bmbp=1&sourceid=chrome&espvd=215&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8

Four posts were just moved to the EVO anticipation thread - http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/the-cloud-evo-anticipation-thread.10875/page-29#post-501330.

If your post is about getting the vape, please post there. It won't be long before people are unwilling to read through this one, even if the posts are on topic.
I use the Vapir NO2 ones (can order extras from vaporizers.ca ... last time I ordered 20 of them to stock up--$4 per 2-pack ... http://vaporizers.ca/products/cleaning-brush-2-pack)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
So it's been over 24 hours hours with my new friend EVO. After the wait and all that each and every one of has gone through is it worth it? Well, I can answer that in two senses.

1. If you have had or used an original cloud than yes.

2. If you had a broken unit or have never had the opportunity to try the original. than the answer is FUCK yes!

To be quite candid had I been completely blindfolded with someone else doing the work I don't think I could tell the difference between the original and the EVO. Had mine not been broken for so long I may have noticed the slight increase in draw but at this point none.

Now with that being said, I could only imagine that when Seibo came up with the idea this is what he thought of. It's almost as if all previous cloud owners were in all actuality beta testers and this was the love child of all the gripe.

From the removable power cord, to the rubber bumper at the base of the gong it is like night and day from the previous model. Even the packaging, very classy. When I first held it I couldn't believe how light it was. the first one was like holding a fucking first grader over glass piece.

I was concerned when I heard about the EVO. In mu heart I hoped it was a revamping. There was no way they or any one else for that matter could improve upon what the original had done. The performance, the flavor, the density of it vapor. it was unparalleled in every aspect.

In my honest opinion, from what i've seen at this point is they just took their derby racer and turned it into a performance race car.

Personally, I don't see how anyone has shit on the EVO. I can't wait till all my friends have theirs so we could chat about it.

@stonemonkey55 - thank you sir. The device is an absolute delight.


Well-Known Member
Hi SM,
Any chance of an update on production/shipping ... Any news on when international customers can expect units to start shipping?

Will Santa be able to deliver?
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Dr. Plutonious

Well-Known Member
There really doesn't seems to be a "minimum" amount needed in the elbs...

I put scraps in and I can still manage to get milk.

I'm gonna go ahead and make one suggestion though. Perhaps in the future, the temperature knob could be locked and unlocked in place? It's easy to bump it when you pick up the vape.
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Well-Known Member
I received my EVO earlier this week and have been using it since it arrived. I initially tried using it at the "10:30" position and found the amount of vapor too wispy. I did not manage to get a good amount of vapor until around the "1:00" position. Because of this I am concerned that "turbo mode" might not work properly should I want to vape something other than flowers. I did let the EVO heat up at least as long as my old ticker. I am wondering if I should put in a support ticket?

I have been going back and forth about posting this here, but I came to the conclusion that other people might run into this issue and be concerned as I am. VXL crew what do you think?

Mine is a lot like this. I think we got some of the cooler ones. I personally (hopefully, presently) do not have access to concentrates, so I have no issue with it, but I have to admit I would prefer to be enjoying 11:00 vs 1:00 for the norm on flowers to have the option. I have to wonder if it is worth even looking at as an issue vs seeing it as a personality characteristic of our individual units...

There really doesn't seems to be a "minimum" amount needed in the elbs...

I put scraps in and I can still manage to get milk.

I'm gonna go ahead and make one suggestion though. Perhaps in the future, the temperature knob could be locked and unlocked in place? It's easy to bump it when you pick up the vape.

I agree with this, but I have to admit that accidental bumps to the temp knob have reduced with every session. I actually made a suggestion to VXL that a selector ring would be the tits. A smooth scrolling, flush ring to select temp by rotating around the circumference of the outside of the heater.
Something along these lines:

In my mind, it looks a lot like the bands we all have around the heater, but integrated, maybe brushed steel, numbered all the way around... Far away and far fetched, but to my mind, it would prefect a near perfect piece of equipment. Even if it were to get a digital display, I think that that type of dial would suit the form factor and the method of use beautifully... But I am but one man.
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