Please give us a trip report after trying out to Evo + Turbine, that's the exact combo I want to purchase when I order the Evo and I can't wait!
Also, are there heady glass/heavy Hydratubes made specifically for the Evo? Where at?
The EVO works great! Slept the best I have in almost two months the last two nights. A good, solid 6 hours. Thats huge from 3-4 a night. It sure sneaks up on ya. And it wipes my friends out.
IMHO, the turbine has one flaw, it induces drool, even in veterans. Really thinking about a sidecirc style for my next glass due to the drool factor and compactness. If the turbine had a much more pronounced bend on it's neck, say 45* or more, it would help a lot to alleviate the drool factor.
And it seems no matter whatcha do it collects water in the lower chamber. I think it's coming from using the hydrafoot with no where for the air to go when you put it on and off for storage/usage. If there was a tiny hole in the bottom of the 18mm male fitting on the hydrafoot to allow it to breathe if needed it might not do it. I also find the hydrafoot stays tight to the foot once installed, almost like a light suction is on it. Going to try to drill a small hole in the hydrafoot and see if it remedy's the situation. Half the time in the state of mind we're all in here, I grab it and forget the foots on it until I it dawns on me or I try to install it on the evo.
Sniggly little stuff, I know.
If I had it to do again, I would not hesitate to purchase it!

But I would change the glass to one of the SideCircs or the Recycler.