Happy New Year!! 2024 was a bit of a rough journey for us, but I think we may have finally reached the top of that mountain and can see the sun shining over the sprawling gorgeous view ahead of us.
I come bearing good news! We have a new litter of pups wrangled, wrapped, and ready for their new homes.

These guys will be posted live to the website this Sunday Jan 5 at 1pm pacific time to give everyone a head's up chance to grab one if they want.
There will be Minis, including a couple Alpha core minis, and lots of prototype vapes available in the VIP Lab, including a couple more ACXLs and older core versions, so if you have an Underdog vape, but not a VIP account on our website, and you want to check those out, DM me. We'll also have plenty of regular vapes with Alpha, Alpha+ and SC3+ cores.
I want one of those stainless steel stems but have an older unit from 2013; I see it only fits 2017 and newer models, any alternative SS stems out there?
@jefferson9 send me a DM. If you can get me a picture looking into the top of your vape, that would be extra helpful. I'm sure we can figure something out for you.