Underdog Log Vapes


Well-Known Member
It does seem to have a smaller window of heat level, I used to use it at a 10 on the power adapter.
Now anything past a 9 burns it.

Is there a recommendation for this, (I did move apartments and noticed this since then, could be power differences )

Also I just tried the metal stem why does this taste so nice, I've only ever used nylon
If you think the metal stem tastes nice, try glass. Night and day in taste, nylon is the worst for flavor imo


one in a billion
Company Rep
It does seem to have a smaller window of heat level, I used to use it at a 10 on the power adapter.
Now anything past a 9 burns it.

Is there a recommendation for this, (I did move apartments and noticed this since then, could be power differences )

Also I just tried the metal stem why does this taste so nice, I've only ever used nylon
So glad to hear you've been loving your UD!

It could totally be the difference in wall power coming in, especially since that's when you noticed it. It could also be that your vape has gotten enough of a layer of char built up on the inside of the wood from the radiant heat exposure, that it starts to act like an insulator, trapping more of the radiant heat inside, rather than letting it through the wood.


Well-Known Member
Hey fam,

So I still love my curupau alpha+, and I really want to get it back into daily driver rotation, but I need an alpha gong to enjoy it. All of my gongs broke and they are out of stock.

I am a little bit of a salty dog about how pricy gongs are just to have them break fairly easily. I was a also tiny bit salty about how much cheaper the alpha+ has gotten compared to what I paid, but eh, being an early adopter is a thankless job these days.

I'm not here to poo poo, I seriously love the underdog vapes and community. I just desperately want to use the log I spent nearly $600 on that has been sitting on a shelf for over a year, and I understand it may sound picky, but I need a gong to enjoy it.

Please help guys.
Did you get your WPA gong? I know I've been lurking on UD like right now when they have gongs in, but I've also purchased a Lotus for it's WPA--I wanted one anyway because, wood, but anyway. Glass artists or even science glass blowers can make anything, but they have to have the product in hand or at least exact measurements. Good Vibes Boro and others on ENT Ex. may be willing to try. Leaving room for a silicon o-ring in case it's needed isn't a bad idea. A silicon sleeve from a whip can also help you attach ill-fitting gongs or even straight glass stems. Some of the log makers also make their own WPAs in wood (like Ed), or cork/paper (like the Toasty Top guy...Alan?). It took me a while to find one before I understood glass making and the importance of measurements and backups. They do break, so I always have an extra, and a few Nongs or TT paper just in case.

@underdog @underdogette I hope you all are getting some good love and care.


Well-Known Member

I've been enjoying this zebrawood SC1 (I think) since 2017, it's still going strong but it doesn't retain heat quite like it used to and the laminated part has started to separate a tiny bit on the top. The core is also getting a little wobbly. Do you guys offer any sort of refurbishing/upgrade service? I'd love to keep the same body if possible instead of just replacing it.


one in a billion
Company Rep

I've been enjoying this zebrawood SC1 (I think) since 2017, it's still going strong but it doesn't retain heat quite like it used to and the laminated part has started to separate a tiny bit on the top. The core is also getting a little wobbly. Do you guys offer any sort of refurbishing/upgrade service? I'd love to keep the same body if possible instead of just replacing it.
Hey hza88 - yes, definitely. Send me an email or a message, either through here or the website, and we can go over options. We're working on the details of our repair/upgrade/trade-in program, but haven't gotten the info and pricing up on the website yet. :)

Happy Fish

New Member
Can someone who has owned the alpha and the alpha+ speak to the differences? I'm not sure if they're still making the alpha+ because they don't list any on the site but if they do I'm curious to know if it's worth it. From what I understand, the amount of energy being pumped into all the vapes is the same, ~12 watts. Increasing the core size and the vapor path just means you have a larger thermal battery, so a larger battery will get drawn down slower but also heat up slower. I am a very heavy user. In my sc2 underdog I load a bunch of bowls and have to wait in between hits to let it heat back up. I'm wondering if I'm going to run into issues of the vape cooling off even with the alpha+. Is the alpha+ a good substitute for a ball vape in your opinion?
Happy Fish,


Well-Known Member
Well I'm back. Finally completed our move to NYS - all my Dogs are still packed somewhere, except my alpha, and she's missing all the plug-in doodads.

No telling when I finally make my way through all of these boxes. Soooo many boxes ...

So I ordered a dynavap (like the one I bought for my brother last year) and ... I'm here to beg for a return of the ACXL.

I have been struggling with the torch and lighter aspect of Dynavap use. My hands aren't very strong - seems odd for a potter but there you go. I guess pottering around only strengthens particular hand muscles and those aren't the ones involved in lighting lighters I guess. Every lighter or torch I've used so far takes 2 hands to start and 2 hands are better to keep the switch depressed and the lighter on, which leaves no hands for the vape, or I have to shakily try to keep the flame on one handed. In fact the torch they sent with the vape doesn't work so I've been reduced to standing over the sink with lit kitchen matches trying to heat the thing up. Takes 4 to 5 matches one after the other. Its a bit of juggling. Also my armored cap is now totally black with soot.

Sure there are induction heaters for the Dynavap but ... they got no SOUL! The wand's got the science, but no soul, and I don't want battery things. I want to plug into a wall and not have to fiddle with batteries at all. After so many failures of battery operated vapes, that's what brought me to the Dogs.

So please please please ... make some more ACXLs? I'll buy 2 for sure - one for me and one for my brother. (I tried the Alpha for size - too small.)

I am using the armored cap. Only way to go with a dynavap IMO.

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member
Yes, inquiring minds want to know if the website will be updated with any more UDs made any time soon (of any/all core types)? Been talking up log vapes in other online forums, and often wonder what to tell folks about where to go to find a log vape these days if they are looking...
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Trenchtown Rock
Well I'm back. Finally completed our move to NYS - all my Dogs are still packed somewhere, except my alpha, and she's missing all the plug-in doodads.

No telling when I finally make my way through all of these boxes. Soooo many boxes ...

So I ordered a dynavap (like the one I bought for my brother last year) and ... I'm here to beg for a return of the ACXL.

I have been struggling with the torch and lighter aspect of Dynavap use. My hands aren't very strong - seems odd for a potter but there you go. I guess pottering around only strengthens particular hand muscles and those aren't the ones involved in lighting lighters I guess. Every lighter or torch I've used so far takes 2 hands to start and 2 hands are better to keep the switch depressed and the lighter on, which leaves no hands for the vape, or I have to shakily try to keep the flame on one handed. In fact the torch they sent with the vape doesn't work so I've been reduced to standing over the sink with lit kitchen matches trying to heat the thing up. Takes 4 to 5 matches one after the other. Its a bit of juggling. Also my armored cap is now totally black with soot.

Sure there are induction heaters for the Dynavap but ... they got no SOUL! The wand's got the science, but no soul, and I don't want battery things. I want to plug into a wall and not have to fiddle with batteries at all. After so many failures of battery operated vapes, that's what brought me to the Dogs.

So please please please ... make some more ACXLs? I'll buy 2 for sure - one for me and one for my brother. (I tried the Alpha for size - too small.)

I am using the armored cap. Only way to go with a dynavap IMO.
I have an ACXL, was intrigued by the possibility of being able to use my custom wood dyna stems on a regular basis. It’s not meant to be a dyna heater though, so dynas don’t fit with a cap on. You pack a dyna and hit it directly, or upside down on a j-hook, water piece, etc., but sans cap. Apologies if you already know this, but it sounds like you intend to use it as a heater and insert dyna with cap, no?


Well-Known Member
I have an ACXL, was intrigued by the possibility of being able to use my custom wood dyna stems on a regular basis. It’s not meant to be a dyna heater though, so dynas don’t fit with a cap on. You pack a dyna and hit it directly, or upside down on a j-hook, water piece, etc., but sans cap. Apologies if you already know this, but it sounds like you intend to use it as a heater and insert dyna with cap, no?

Yup. That was my intent. And the fact that they have a relatively long recovery rate, I figured I'd need several to keep things going. I mean seriously. An actual EXCUSE for buying more Underdogs.

Dratnabme. I thought that was what was special about the ACXL, that the heater tube was big enough to handle the Dynacaps.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have found enough of my pups and accessories (packed for a recent move) that I was actually able to fire up one of my doggies for the first time in almost 3 and a half years.

Aaaaaand goggie luv is still there!

I've been using a Dynavap until my UD stuff surfaced and I like it, but UDs are still first in my lineup. Well now that I have a heater for it, trying to torch the thing was a major pain. None of the little refillable butane lighters worked long enough for even one complete session. I ended up either standing over the kitchen sink lighting kitchen matches one after another (takes 4 to the double click) or burning through bic lighters like there's no tomorrow. So I plumped for the wand.

Still hoping for an Underdog that can heat up the dynavap. The wand works, but its got no soul.
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Well-Known Member
I have an ACXL, was intrigued by the possibility of being able to use my custom wood dyna stems on a regular basis. It’s not meant to be a dyna heater though, so dynas don’t fit with a cap on. You pack a dyna and hit it directly, or upside down on a j-hook, water piece, etc., but sans cap. Apologies if you already know this, but it sounds like you intend to use it as a heater and insert dyna with cap, no?

You know with the Underdog I don't really need the click - but if I could use the glass Dynavap stems with my Underdog, that's good enough. But I don't think he wants to make any more of the ACXLs, not sure why. Thing is I've gone through such conniptions trying to find a way to not have to make baskets for my UD stems, and if I could use my DV glass stems that problem would be solved. I can just drop a regular screen in there flat (the DV screens suck rox, I wasted about $20 buying spares I'll never use, they let so much ABV through its ridiculous).

If I could use my DV stems with the UD, I'd be one happy camper.


You know with the Underdog I don't really need the click - but if I could use the glass Dynavap stems with my Underdog, that's good enough. But I don't think he wants to make any more of the ACXLs, not sure why. Thing is I've gone through such conniptions trying to find a way to not have to make baskets for my UD stems, and if I could use my DV glass stems that problem would be solved. I can just drop a regular screen in there flat (the DV screens suck rox, I wasted about $20 buying spares I'll never use, they let so much ABV through its ridiculous).

If I could use my DV stems with the UD, I'd be one happy camper.
@RogueGuy may have a solution? Pretty awesome product s


Trenchtown Rock
You know with the Underdog I don't really need the click - but if I could use the glass Dynavap stems with my Underdog, that's good enough. But I don't think he wants to make any more of the ACXLs, not sure why. Thing is I've gone through such conniptions trying to find a way to not have to make baskets for my UD stems, and if I could use my DV glass stems that problem would be solved. I can just drop a regular screen in there flat (the DV screens suck rox, I wasted about $20 buying spares I'll never use, they let so much ABV through its ridiculous).

If I could use my DV stems with the UD, I'd be one happy camper.
Sent you a DM


Well-Known Member
So it turns out that the Dynavap tips fit inside the Alpha heater JUST FINE.

So now I'm REALLY confused. What was different about the ACXL if you can already use the Alpha's with your dynavap stems and tips (but not caps)?


one in a billion
Company Rep
Happy New Year!! 2024 was a bit of a rough journey for us, but I think we may have finally reached the top of that mountain and can see the sun shining over the sprawling gorgeous view ahead of us.

I come bearing good news! We have a new litter of pups wrangled, wrapped, and ready for their new homes. 🥰 These guys will be posted live to the website this Sunday Jan 5 at 1pm pacific time to give everyone a head's up chance to grab one if they want.

There will be Minis, including a couple Alpha core minis, and lots of prototype vapes available in the VIP Lab, including a couple more ACXLs and older core versions, so if you have an Underdog vape, but not a VIP account on our website, and you want to check those out, DM me. We'll also have plenty of regular vapes with Alpha, Alpha+ and SC3+ cores.



I want one of those stainless steel stems but have an older unit from 2013; I see it only fits 2017 and newer models, any alternative SS stems out there?
Hey @jefferson9 send me a DM. If you can get me a picture looking into the top of your vape, that would be extra helpful. I'm sure we can figure something out for you. ☺️
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