Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
Dave is there any reason to feel "suction" from the King's Jester? I may be losing my mind here, but if I put my hand flat across the top and cover it tightly I almost feel some light suction? Could very well be in my head though.

Not unless your core has opened an inter-dimensional portal but I'm pretty sure we engineered that bug out in beta testing. :brow: Seriously though, no there's no reason the vape itself would cause suction. My guess would be that when you put your hand across the top and make a tight seal the tiny movements of your hand against the closed air-space of the vape are causing a vacuum/suction effect.. kinda like your hand is acting as a suction cup. Either that or you're crazy. ;)
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Well-Known Member
initial impressions: the taste is great on my UD! i love that first clean, tasty hit with the 3" stem though(i just prefer that one). i havent been able to get huge dense clouds but im pretty baked off of what i would say is comparable to an LB trench.

the one thing i dont like is that my unit took about 40 mins to heat up, i mean it was no biggie at this moment but im sure its gonna bite me in the ass at some point in the future lol.


Staff member
I just got my B-day vape and I actually got the one I put dibs on!!! (2nd row, 2nd from the left) :brow:

I'll plug her in when I get home and report back.



OK! Tried to catch mail lady at the PO but just missed her, had to wait another 4 hours...
I got the 2nd from the right, center row. Very happy with the looks. I left her plugged in for an hour while I installed my new toilet. First time with a log so I'm not sure how much to load so I went with 1/2.

DAYUM! I thought I would have to go slow so she wouldn't cool down, but I gave her all I had and she stayed hot to the end! Cloudage. I think I'm in love. I only took 2 hits from the first stem but got almost 4 from the second. Still gotta work on technique, I stirred with my pick (blowgun dart) between hits and it worked well. Next stem I'll use the Vapor Tamer (stem fit perfectly into male GonG end), but I need a break after that session...

I see what you guys mean, Darkrom, I'm gonna loan Da Buddha to my buddy for a while, I can't leave her in the closet. Psyched to get to know this dog better!

I'm another happy Underdog customer. Dave, I take it the aroma cup is supposed to fit down into the hole, this one kinda rests on top so I'm guessing it's the bigger one. If you're sending replacements I'd like one please, I can use something to make it smell better in here...

Thanks again!!!


Well-Known Member
my technique is improving and im get some nice clouds :D. i cant believe how efficient this thing is, im really impressed so far.


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
it is very hard to get the stems to fit on my 3/8 bell. Is this normally how it is?

Hey Bio - it should be a snug fit but not hard to to fit by any means. Do you have a ruler or some way of measuring the stems to make sure you didn't get 1/4" stems instead of 3/8" ones?

I usually pack all the orders myself but the wife helped with this batch and we've had a few mix-ups like with the aroma cups.. sigh.


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
haha don't sweat it. But yeah I received 1/4 stems.

Daaaaaaaaaamn it hahahha... :rolleyes:

I'll put the correct ones in the mail today, Express Mail.. really sorry about that!


Great Scott!
Guys we need pics here...

Exciting day. Cluffy I'm glad you love it as much as me. I'm working on saving up for a 1/4 core but I'm still pretty far away. I want to be able to try both and compare and contrast. I love my 3/8 to death though. Using it now.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Crazy busy right now, will review in more detail later, but wanted to mention I received mine yesterday, thank you!, back row, second from the left.
My first log vape, I confess I didn't know how to load or use (OK, if you're all done laughing) but I looked on line and figured out to "put the stem in the meds, suck up a bit, bring the log up to the straw and draw."

Wanted to reiterate, this puppy produces sizable clouds, and check this, more so when you use less.
Weird I know, but more only blocks the pathway. This causes you to get the most out of each morsel.

And if you're budget conscious and looking to stretch your meds, this beats my beloved Iolite, my super stealthy, economic MFLB, and my favorite but most indulgent Extreme Q.

If you're on the fence, don't hesitate. The amount of craft and consideration Dave puts into the beauty of these is evident in their design and use as well.

Simple, beautiful and rockin'!
This will be used daily.
hahaha, its all good. I'll just be here using the RZ at 13v. Once again THANK YOU ud for the hook up. The one hit I did take from from the UD was very nice indeed. How the stems go over the top is very smart indeed.

-However with you Dave I feel as if you based your vape around those silicon stems and I can see why. Like i said I had my doubts but its really smart how you set it up. It will be cool to see how all "you guys" change the log vape's future. Lets face it, it isn't going away any time soon. The love child will more then likely use a stem that surrounds the heat sink now :tup:

It will be a great evening vape for me. One day I might get around to showing pictures; its really sooo beautiful. Are all your catalog vapes as small as the bell?


errl enthusiast
awesome to hear most everyone has been impressed with their birthday vapes!

for those who haven't been able to achieve large clouds yet, don't be discouraged, it took me a couple days to get my tech down for the 1/4" core, but once you get it you'll be one happy vaporist ;)

@adobewan, i too found that loading a stem with less herb, results in hotter hits and darker ABV. when i pack the stem full in my twig, the ABV comes out golden, but if i do half-packs i get denser hits and a milk chocolate/golden ABV.

i've actually been using the twig a lot lately, its great for conservation and runs just a little bit hotter than the tortuga, not to mention its ready in just under 20 minutes. i think i am going to pick up a variable power supply sometime in the near future to heat that guy up a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Let me add, having not used a log vape before, and having to look online for a demo, I was still using this successfully within minutes. I didn't realize I had to heat it up, it was just plugged in a little while before I got to it. I also wasn't trying to fill the stem lightly, I just had difficulty getting a larger amount to stay.

Dave, I would be happy to style a simple instruction/demo sheet to include in each kit or post on your site, to clearly state the obvious for the uninitiated like myself.
Just email me.


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
It will be a great evening vape for me. One day I might get around to showing pictures; its really sooo beautiful. Are all your catalog vapes as small as the bell?

Your stems are on their way Bio.. I'll email you the tracking number here shortly.

The B&W Bell is smaller than almost all our vapes.. one of the smallest I've ever made. I would say most of our catalog vapes are 2-3 times the size. If you look at the pictures in the catalog each one is compared to a large'ish coffee mug.. you could compare the Bell and others to get an idea in size difference vs the cup.

Adobewan said:
Let me add, having not used a log vape before, and having to look online for a demo, I was still using this successfully within minutes. I didn't realize I had to heat it up, it was just plugged in a little while before I got to it. I also wasn't trying to fill the stem lightly, I just had difficulty getting a larger amount to stay.

Dave, I would be happy to style a simple instruction/demo sheet to include in each kit or post on your site, to clearly state the obvious for the uninitiated like myself.
Just email me.

Glad you were able to get up and running quickly Adobewan. I have a simple 'getting started' sheet that I include with the vapes, did you not get one or was it just not enough info? Next time I need some design work you're on my short-list of people to go to... thanks! :)
This calls for me to remember my photobucket account PW. hahahaha. Honestly, It is the nicest vape I have right now. People might really like this size. Should I leave the voltage adjuster on?


So one of the side effects of the silicone stems is that the screen can be entered into it at any point along its length, resulting in the bowl being closer or farther from the heating element. So I pulled a stem, cleaned it, and then inserted it about 3/4 inches closer to the heating element side. This resulted in bigger hits and satisfyingly dark ABV. Perhaps I don't need a variable power supply afterall.

Due to the "sticky" nature of the silicone, material tends to stay up where it is in the tube even when turned upside down, so the screen position is quite meaningful in how my unit is vaping.

I actually paid Dave a little extra and got a 3/4 inch core, because I'm a high tolerance user and didn't want to have to upgrade in the future.

The UD is turning out to be a great vape. It was my nighty-night vape yesterday, and with the screen moved up it worked magnificently.


Well-Known Member
charliedontsurf said:
So one of the side effects of the silicone stems is that the screen can be entered into it at any point along its length, resulting in the bowl being closer or farther from the heating element. So I pulled a stem, cleaned it, and then inserted it about 3/4 inches closer to the heating element side. This resulted in bigger hits and satisfyingly dark ABV. Perhaps I don't need a variable power supply afterall.

Due to the "sticky" nature of the silicone, material tends to stay up where it is in the tube even when turned upside down, so the screen position is quite meaningful in how my unit is vaping.

I actually paid Dave a little extra and got a 3/4 inch core, because I'm a high tolerance user and didn't want to have to upgrade in the future.

The UD is turning out to be a great vape. It was my nighty-night vape yesterday, and with the screen moved up it worked magnificently.

So jealous you got to upgrade to the larger core... If I knew this was an option I would have done that too!


Well-Known Member
Bio you make me one jealous sob. Beautiful collection and a hansom UD aswell


here for the chicks
Nice collection there Bio!

How do both Dogs compare to the RZ and TT heat wise? Which one gives the darkest and which the lightest AVB?
I will post a review then guys. RZ is my daily driver but does not like the voltage adapter. TT is like UD in that stems are killed very fast. RZ & TT are easier to reload since it stems are not silicone. All water bong well especially if the top is at 12.5-13V.

Pretty much my rough 2 :2c:

Also Gvape just keep posting in the forums your 3/8 will come to you when its "time". Dave might have another sale or whatnot.


So the silicon stem bothers me in that everything sticks to it, I don't like the feel much. So I took a virgin DBV wand (new style, wide opening) and cut a stem to fit. Works nicely, here's a pic of the pair, different angle than in the family pic.
The silicone is weird in that stuff loves to stick to it, but it also easily comes right off of it, unlike say the yellowish medical hosing used in many glass hookahs, where it gets on and wants to stay there. It's growing on me.


errl enthusiast
i store all my stems in my magicflight launchbox tin when not in use to keep them dust/lint free. i too have grown fond of the silicone stems.
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