Underdog Log Vapes


Staff member
Here's mine with my PD for size reference.



I like the size and the workmanship is immediately noticable. Very nicely done. The wood grain is marvelous and due to the convex (or is it concave? I always forget) design the grain seems kinda "sexy" in that it curves very nicely.

I am not a big fan of using silicone as a stem. Maybe I'm just used to my PD stems, but using a few inches of cut silicone seems less than optimal to me.... almost like an afterthought.

My unit took longer to heat up than I expected. I tried it after an hour and it wasn't hot enough too provide any vapor at all. So I let her warm up for another hour and gave her a go. It still wasn't very hot to the touch which suprised me a little. Being smaller than my PD, I assumed it would have been hotter, not cooler to the touch.

After a full 2-hour warmup, I loaded a medium-sized amount (maybe .02, I didn't weigh it). I was disappointed to find that my unit failed to provide any vapor at all. :( I lowered the screen to move the herb closer to the heat source as CDS suggested, but this failed to provide any vapor as well. I even dumped the load and loaded it into a PD stem and tried that in the UD (the walls of the PD stem actually fit outside the heater exchange of the UD) and tried to take some pulls. This proved fruitless as well. I took this PD stem to my PD and tried it there and it worked fine. I got several clouds from the PD, but nothing at all from the UD.

I am a little disappointed to say the least. Dave seems like a cool, legit guy and he makes a quality-looking product. I love the creativity and thought that goes into his custom pieces. Unfortunately the one I got just doesn't get hot enough. It's been almost 3 hours now and after checking connections nonstop in an OCD-like fashion, it still is only luke warm to the touch and will not produce vapor.

I'm glad that some of you guys got some hot enough units, and I hope that mine is the exception. I was looking forward to adding the UD to my rotation, but unfortunately that will not be happening.



shade-tree vapor engineer
@ gvape - Hey gvape I saw your post that you were having some problems with your b-day vape and wanted to see if things started working right for you? Did you get it vaping? How long did it have to warm up? Do you have a different 12v power supply you can use to test your UD?

@ Stu - I don't know what the problem is but something is definitely wrong! Can you try an experiment for me and plug your PD power supply into your b-day vape and see if that gets it up to temp? I just want to rule out the power supply as a problem before going on. I'll get you all taken care of and up and running no worries.

Hey everyone, it looks like most of you have received your b-day vapes and that most are working well.

A couple of you are having problems getting up to temp and I'm working on figuring out why. It's possible the problem is with the power supplies, with the symptoms described it definitely seems like that is a possibility. Regardless of what the problem turns out to be I will make sure each and every one of you are taken care of and are happy and satisfied.


Staff member
Dave, I just plugged it into the PD power supply. I'll report back in a while to see if it's heating up. I can say that to update my previous post, my unit has gotten much, much cooler over the last hour or so. I don't think it was heating at all before I unplugged it.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Stu said:
Dave, I just plugged it into the PD power supply. I'll report back in a while to see if it's heating up. I can say that to update my previous post, my unit has gotten much, much cooler over the last hour or so. I don't think it was heating at all before I unplugged it.

Ok Stu, thanks and let me know how it goes. It looks like we definitely got a few questionable power supplies in the last batch and I think you got one of them.. sigh. :mad: Let me know though how the PD power supply works just to confirm my suspicion that it work well and gets the UD up to temp..


shade-tree vapor engineer
Ok everyone, more glass is here and will soon be added to the website. Just wanted to give you guys a quick sneak-peak, finally we've got glass stems for both the 1/4" and the 3/8" cores! As with our vapes all our glass stems are completely hand made, unique, original pieces made right here! All our stems work with short silicone slip-on bowls as previously stated.

Stems for the 1/4" cores ($25 on the website)

Stems for the 3/8" cores ($25 on the website)

and now some bare-bones stems for both size cores ($15 on the website)

If anyone has questions shoot me an email or just ask here. If anyone wants to get 'dibs' on a glass piece before they go up on the site let me know.


Staff member
Progress report

Dave, you're hunch was right. After an hour plugged in to the PD power supply, she was very warm. I loaded some silicone up and she hit like a champ. I pulled a couple of nice clouds and then stuck the silicone into my bubbler and got a couple more. The silicone actually mates really well with glass, but I don't really like the idea of using it as a stem for some reason. I do like the look of those stems in the post above, though. That could be a winning combo.

I need to have my PD on 24/7 as I sometimes can't really afford to wait to medicate. Is there any chance you could send me another power supply? If you can I'd like the smaller fragrance cup as well.

This underdog may well find it's way into my rotation afterall.

That's awesome, Stu.

Try using an Extreme Q mouthpiece in the meantime, one works really well for me.

I'm really enjoying my Underdog, it's all I've used today and it continues to impress. It's well able to provide big clouds and make you cough, and I mean that in a good way.

As my first log vape, I like others experiencing the curse of the set temp vaporizer, where you're incapable of juicing that last 15% out of a bowl. What's a good source for the 13.2 volt power adapters?


Well-Known Member
Alright... had a nice talk with Dave. Getting things sorted out. In the mean time, I got things working for myself. Took a bunch of pictures of the unit to show all the angles and compare it a little to the TT and PD.

One thing I must note is that the screens need to be moved A LOT closer to get any type of milky hit. It was a lot of work moving it down too and I messed up the screen pretty bad. Its just smashed closer now, nowhere near a dome like it was. Not a fan of the silicone tubing either, just feels like Im hitting a whip vape now and not a normal log vape. I imagine a short silicone bowl with the new glass mouth pieces will be more ideal. Im really digging the clear ones. I think I may have to order one :)

Anyways, the DOG did its job, just isnt getting the ABV to where I would like it to be. The toasty top gets a bit more out of it. Then again, I believe this has a smaller core than the Toasty, so it may not be the right comparison.

Dont let what Im saying think I dont like this vape. I am still playing around with it and just wanted to let my initial thoughts out. I do not doubt that there is more power to be unleashed in this vape.



Ok, got a pic of my travel pack, this bag has carried my Sunday Bong, Vapor Tamer, and tonight it carried the Underdog.

And a quick vid with the Vapor Tamer. Didn't get much cloudage because it took a couple takes...

tamed dog


Great Scott!
STU glad it was just the power supply. I'm sure one will be on its way to you ASAP.

I hope you guys have been enjoying your underdogs. I can't imagine it's not hot enough, but the variable PSU sounds like the perfect solution for you guys.


errl enthusiast
biojuggernaut said:
How do you guys reclaim?

well actually haven't done it yet, but i planned on soaking my stems in an ISO bath to reclaim. they're gettin there though ;)
Is it alright to ISO wash silicone? I would always throw away my whips for that reason.

What should I buy the the 30 dollar vapor tamer or the 50 dollar aqua cooler?


shade-tree vapor engineer
Stu said:
Progress report

Dave, you're hunch was right. After an hour plugged in to the PD power supply, she was very warm. I loaded some silicone up and she hit like a champ. I pulled a couple of nice clouds and then stuck the silicone into my bubbler and got a couple more. The silicone actually mates really well with glass, but I don't really like the idea of using it as a stem for some reason. I do like the look of those stems in the post above, though. That could be a winning combo.

I need to have my PD on 24/7 as I sometimes can't really afford to wait to medicate. Is there any chance you could send me another power supply? If you can I'd like the smaller fragrance cup as well.

This underdog may well find it's way into my rotation afterall.


Hey Stu - glad to hear you narrowed the problem down to the power supply! I will get out another and find you a small aroma cup too and get them out to you as soon as possible. I have a couple other questions so can you shoot me a quick email when you've got a sec?


@ gvape - can you send me an email so I can make sure we get your issues cleared up too. I'll also get you some more screens.

@ bio - ISO is safe on the silicone stems and is what I use to do a quick wash of mine. I also throw mine into the dishwasher on occasion when I'm feeling lazy.

On a general screen related note to everyone playing with their stems out there: when you want to adjust the screen find something long and blunt and use it to push the screen all the way through the top and then re-insert from the bottom and push to where you want it. Doing it this way will keep it 'cupped' in the right way and is a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
how do you move the screen? i been trying to figure that one out....im really digging my DOG overall! as far as my abv, the best i can do is get it golden color with hints of green. the more time i spend with my DOG the more i enjoy her, her shape is just right for me....shes a lil wide but my hand fits damn near perfect from the power supply up :brow:.

i wouldve opted for the 3/8 core as well, i mean im not disappointed at all in what i got but there is that part of me that now says...hey you couldve gotten a 3/8 core you schmuck lol.

the silicone is definitely growing on me, i can detect a difference in flavor every once and a while and its the silicone. it doesnt taste bad its just different and it doesnt happen all the time but it does happen. i must add that i love the flavor i get out of my DOG......and ive switched back to the 4" stems, the heat from the 3" stems were irritating my throat.

im also digging those clear glass stems, might place an order for one or 2 :D but i want to experiment with the silicone and my DOG a lil more.
Its only like buying an audi and then pulling up along side a porsche. But don't worry I don't think you'll be seeing a "porsche" underdog (someone else who owns a 3/8) anytime soon. :tup:

Don't forget the PD and the old zap were both 1/4 and had renowned restrictive hits that still provided killer hits; but just now you have a dog!


@ biojuggernaut: If you want REALLY cool hits but no filtration go for the Vapor Tamer. The original should be fine for the 1/4" stem, the problem with it was the restrictive airflow.

I haven't tried an aqua vape, it looks great and I'm sure it filters well but IMO there's no way to get a hit as cool as a Vapor Tamer hit.

Unless maybe these guys go back into business: Vapor-icer :lol:

Oh yeah, @ SirElton: Yeah that's a pack of smokes, someone has to support the American tobacco farmer!


Well-Known Member
just lost my first screen lol dave for future orders i think adding a couple of extra screens is a good idea. i broke a couple of things trying to figure this out, ultimately a long star tipped screw driver worked like a charm but my screen just flew out and its gone lol.....

update: moving the screen closer to the core gives me bigger hits, the first hit i took was huge :ko:


Great Scott!
I gotta get a fancy 3/8 stem I just don't know which one to get. After bugging you Dave I really should get around to ordering. Any suggestions you or FC members have for one that will go well with the Jester?

I am still looking into cooling options. I really REALLY like the AquaVape and am curious if there is a good way to use it with the underdog. I've always wanted water filtration, but now that I have the dream vape I should really get a water cooling/filtration setup. I can leave the dry hits for on the go.


Great Scott!
WTF is the vaporicer lol. How would that water not spill back into the vape lol.


Revolting Peasant
lol it's not water- it's freezer ice packs inside 2 standard, everyday household funnels.


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
I gotta get a fancy 3/8 stem I just don't know which one to get. After bugging you Dave I really should get around to ordering. Any suggestions you or FC members have for one that will go well with the Jester?

I am still looking into cooling options. I really REALLY like the AquaVape and am curious if there is a good way to use it with the underdog. I've always wanted water filtration, but now that I have the dream vape I should really get a water cooling/filtration setup. I can leave the dry hits for on the go.

I don't have an recommendation for which piece you might like there darkrom but I can tell you they are all nice, heavy, custom made for us pieces. Our new glass guy is a really great guy and we're happy we're able to give him work and help him support his family in these tight times. He's done a lot of work to get this much done for us in such a short time!

On the subject of water filtration, I've got an Aqua Vape on order (the standard size: 5") and have been talking to them about the possibility of a wholesale deal for Underdog. Not sure if that will pan out or if it does how long it might take so don't plan on anything soon. They've told me the Aqua Vape, both the standard 5" and the large 8" fit snugly into a 3/8" tube so they should be 'plug and play' with Underdog stems.

For people who need more tubing to either make their own stems or for longer lengths for filtration, water pieces, etc I will be adding bulk tubing to the website shortly. We will sell it by the foot in both 1/4" and 3/8" and in several different thicknesses/flexibilities. Anyone not sure what to buy just send us an email and we'll help you out.

One nice thing I've already noticed about the glass stem/silicone bowl combo is that you can easily make multiple silicone 'bowls', pre-fill them with herb and plug the open end with something, then use them as a kind of 'speed loader' by slipping a used one off the glass and a new one on. Pretty cool!


shade-tree vapor engineer
los said:
just lost my first screen lol dave for future orders i think adding a couple of extra screens is a good idea. i broke a couple of things trying to figure this out, ultimately a long star tipped screw driver worked like a charm but my screen just flew out and its gone lol.....

update: moving the screen closer to the core gives me bigger hits, the first hit i took was huge :ko:

Thanks for the suggestion los.. I think I will start adding a few screens and a 'poking' tool to each order from now on. I've been meaning to make a quick tutorial on how to make your own silicone stems but it's been buried in my 'to do' list.. I've got so much to do I think I need to clone myself haha.
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