Underdog Log Vapes


Darkrom, the stem for the 1/4" Underdog fit's perfectly into a 14mm female GonG fitting. I just used my little perc bong for a nice hit. So you might want to think about just a nice glass bong with a 14mm GonG stem. But you need something for the 3/8" stem.

Well it looks like stroh just slipped his 3/8" stem over a 14mm male end, so a nice bong is an option for you. Something you could slip an ice-cube or two into would be ideal.

Dave, how's your glass guy with GonG? Some 14mm adapters for both size stems would be wonderful to see. And if glass guy is reading, I direct the question to you instead. :)


shade-tree vapor engineer
cluffy said:
Darkrom, the stem for the 1/4" Underdog fit's perfectly into a 14mm female GonG fitting. I just used my little perc bong for a nice hit. So you might want to think about just a nice glass bong with a 14mm GonG stem. But you need something for the 3/8" stem.

Well it looks like stroh just slipped his 3/8" stem over a 14mm male end, so a nice bong is an option for you. Something you could slip an ice-cube or two into would be ideal.

Dave, how's your glass guy with GonG? Some 14mm adapters for both size stems would be wonderful to see. And if glass guy is reading, I direct the question to you instead. :)

I don't know, I'll ask him though. Am I missing something though cause it seems like what you're saying above is that the silicone itself fits nicely into the GonG fitting without an adapter? If so why need for the adapter? You guys will have to work with me here as I'm totally in the dark when it comes to glass.. :cool:


Great Scott!
Dave I'm waiting to see how it pans out with the aqua vape. I'm VERY interested in adding water cooling to this thing, but I don't really want to buy or use a bong. I'd like something that could be put into my pocket if need be. The small aqua vape looks perfect so basically I'm just waiting for someone with more money to order one and make sure it works with the 3/8 core.

I love this damn vape!


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
Dave I'm waiting to see how it pans out with the aqua vape. I'm VERY interested in adding water cooling to this thing, but I don't really want to buy or use a bong. I'd like something that could be put into my pocket if need be. The small aqua vape looks perfect so basically I'm just waiting for someone with more money to order one and make sure it works with the 3/8 core.

I love this damn vape!

Well I guess I'll be the test-monkey for this one then.. I'll let you guys know when it gets here.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
darkrom said:
I gotta get a fancy 3/8 stem I just don't know which one to get. After bugging you Dave I really should get around to ordering. Any suggestions you or FC members have for one that will go well with the Jester?
If i were you i would buy bottom row the one in the right end..
Abysmal Vapor,


All Vapor Tamers have 19mm gong connectors. Female for the optional mouthpiece and male that accepts 1/2" OD tubing. So the UD 1/4" stem will fit beautifully as you can see in my video.

I just ordered a couple of GonG fittings from this place: MGA , I can't believe they don't have a minimum order!
I'll let you know how they work out.

Dave, the 1/4" stems do fit nicely into a regular 14mm female (pretty much the standard in bongs I believe, I'm sure there are 19mm ones!), but I don't know about the 3/8" stems. What's their OD? The top of a 19mm female GonG fitting is .575".

On another note, I plugged my UD power adapter into a kill a watt and it says it draws 8 watts. But it had me in a panic when I tried to vape because it didn't get to temp through the kill a watt! Kill a watt removed, problem solved. :)


Well-Known Member
My Underdog came yesterday but I wasn't home until today. As soon as I got home I opened the box and plugged her in. After an hour, I decided to be brave and place my finger directly on the heatport... cold steel. It looks like I got a bum power supply as well :( Luckily, I have a spare 12v and have the Dog warming up on that right now. I'll be back later with a report. My camera is in Denmark right now so pics will have to wait until next weekend most likely. I will say she looks beautiful! :cool:

Mine is the one in the 2nd row on the far right of the group pic if yall were wondering. :)


shade-tree vapor engineer
SirElton said:
My Underdog came yesterday but I wasn't home until today. As soon as I got home I opened the box and plugged her in. After an hour, I decided to be brave and place my finger directly on the heatport... cold steel. It looks like I got a bum power supply as well :( Luckily, I have a spare 12v and have the Dog warming up on that right now. I'll be back later with a report. My camera is in Denmark right now so pics will have to wait until next weekend most likely. I will say she looks beautiful! :cool:

Mine is the one in the 2nd row on the far right of the group pic if yall were wondering. :)

Thanks for the heads up SirElton, it looks like a significant portion of this batch of power supplies are problematic.

We'll get you straightened up ASAP.

Can you please look on the the power supply, find the small print that say's what Make/Model it is and email it to me? Trying to establish a pattern here before I slip my leash and start biting vendors... :mad:


Well-Known Member
underdog said:
los said:
just lost my first screen lol dave for future orders i think adding a couple of extra screens is a good idea. i broke a couple of things trying to figure this out, ultimately a long star tipped screw driver worked like a charm but my screen just flew out and its gone lol.....

update: moving the screen closer to the core gives me bigger hits, the first hit i took was huge :ko:

Thanks for the suggestion los.. I think I will start adding a few screens and a 'poking' tool to each order from now on. I've been meaning to make a quick tutorial on how to make your own silicone stems but it's been buried in my 'to do' list.. I've got so much to do I think I need to clone myself haha.

i am sure that tutorial and others would be welcomed!


errl enthusiast
bamboo skewers are excellent tools for stirring and replacing screens, i use the blunt side to poke my screens all the way through when i want to adjust them, and use the pointy tipped side to stir my stems (the 3/8th core seems to vape stems more evenly, i only usually stir for the 1/4" stems.)


OK, I'm a noob at this log vape thing, but I think I've had a epiphany! I got a much better hit (higher temp) when I pressed the stem into the UD a little, I wasn't putting any pressure on at all before. Is this how it works?


Well-Known Member
Just had my first stem with my new Underdog. All I can say is WOW. The performance, look, and feel of this guy is top notch. I've a MyrtleZap and RockZap as well so I'll compare them with the Underdog.

Performance: Easily got 5+ hits on my first go and the clouds were always top notch. I got two wispy hits at the end and then sensed "the taste". I blew out the ABV and it was a dark brown, just how I like it. ;) I must say the airflow is unbelievable. One of my biggest complaints of the MZ is it feels too much like a thick milkshake when drawing. The RZ has a much better flow than the MZ, and the Underdog is superior to both. Easily my favorite aspect of this vape. As for efficiency, its in the running for best at that too. I need to do proper analysis to determine which is better at conservation, but I doubt the results would matter very much. Log vapes are awesomely efficient and the Underdog is no different. I just filled the stem a quarter of the way and produced 7 visible hits. The silicone is certainly different than the nylon and wood stems of the Zaps, and I think its great as well. The mouthpiece will forever be a subjective category as everyone has different tastes, and I enjoy the silicone. I'd love to give a glass mouthpiece a try as well. The silicone fitting around the heatport is a great idea and everyone likes glass. The combination of the two seems like a perfect combo. But I digress.

Look: This is a Birthday Dog so its made of simple ash (if I'm not mistaken). It looks like its composed of 3 different pieces. That with the scooped bowl thing its got going on at the heatport, makes for a good look. The grains show up well and the light color of the wood is pleasing to the eye. The finish makes her shine :cool: I would say my RZ looks better (finger grooves, dyed blue and green, you understand), but that's not to say Dave doesn't make some gorgeous vapes (Absymal's for example). This is a birthday vape so it was understood they'd be simple. Simple and elegant. :) I will say the Underdog is better looking than my MZ though. The grains don't please me, but it does have an LED, something I'd love to see in an Underdog.

Feel: Big and round. Perfect fit for my hands. I've got some good hands and like to get a good grip on things. I was worried I was going to get that teeny one in the front row of the pic. I like to have a big hunk of wood to hold on to. The Underdog has a greater diameter than either Zap, but it is shorter by an inch and a half (MZ) / half inch (RZ). The height is fine though and fits my hand well. The RZ's finger grooves makes it the best to hold, and the Underdog is 2nd. MZ 3rd.

Overall, extremely pleased. I'm afraid my beloved MyrtleZap shall forever be an aromatherapy diffuser only now. The Underdog and RockZap are just too good. I'm not going to place one above the other because I don't want to do a disservice to either. Both are excellent vapes and I recommend them to everybody. I'm very happy with the Underdog and I hope to get a 3/8 core in the future.


Active Member
Sir Elton, great review. I love my UD as well as my RZ.
Can't wait to get some glass.
Dave, you make a great product.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say after my positive report, I think my power supply may have failed. All was working earlier, but now it's cold after 30 minutes. Could just need more time, didn''t last few times. Wil lreport back after more heating time.
My PS Model # is Emerson DA12-120US-M Dave.
THanks and sorry you'll have to deal with this, hope you're vendor makes it good for you.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Adobewan said:
Sorry to say after my positive report, I think my power supply may have failed. All was working earlier, but now it's cold after 30 minutes. Could just need more time, didn''t last few times. Wil lreport back after more heating time.
My PS Model # is Emerson DA12-120US-M Dave.
THanks and sorry you'll have to deal with this, hope you're vendor makes it good for you.

Sorry about the trouble Adobewan.. do you have a backup 12v power supply that you can use while I'm getting you a replacement?

I've narrowed the problem down and my suspicions were right, all the problems are coming from a particular batch of power supplies we received right before the b-day vapes shipped out so some of you will have those and some will have other power supplies. Not all the ones from this batch are bad but with the way they all tested ok and work for a while before failing made/make it really hard to predict.

Like I've told the others having problems with the power supplies I will get you replacements as soon as possible but it looks like I'm going to have to order new supplies and of a different make/model to be safe. I still have quite a few remaining of this batch but it would be pretty silly to send out potentially defective replacements... sigh. :rolleyes:

Anyways thanks for bearing with me while I sort these things out everyone I really do appreciate it!


Great Scott!
Dave sorry to hear about the power supplies. I know you'll make it right for everyone, but I hope it doesn't create huge problems for you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Dave, I may have spoken too soon. I'm already getting heat since my post 20 mins ago. I may have not been plugged in completely. It may still be going strong. I'll let you know, but...
I'm grateful for your customer service and if I had a problem, I'd be fine waiting, knowing you're working hard to help. I know some of us are feeling for you having to deal with a vendor that messed up. That's never pleasant.

I'll post in a bit regarding my pup's health. I admit, I felt a pit in my gut when I thought I'd lost her, I'm already attached.

Thanks for the quick reply Dave, your legion of loyal customers know you're lookin' out for us!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, she's back.
Sorry and thanks again!
Note, cold @ 5:20 to cranking @ 5:48.
Is that uncommon?


Staff member
hereatlast said:
Sounds like the power supply could be supplying intermittent power?

That's my initial reaction, too HAL. Mine was definately getting intermittent power last night until it finally died.

I do want to thank Dave for quicklly stepping in to resolve my power supply issue. I look forward to giving my UD a proper cristening very soon.


Well-Known Member
In my case it was probably intermittent stupidity.
I'll keep you guys posted.
Dave my voltage adjuster just stopped working, only displaying zeros. It was a wise idea to discontinue them.


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
Dave my voltage adjuster just stopped working, only displaying zeros. It was a wise idea to discontinue them.

What the heck?? I think I'm going to have a power supply related nervous breakdown. :o

Can you give me some info on what you were using it with? What voltage? For how long? Have you tried turning it off and on? Can you hook it up to something and see if it is actually still working but the display is stuck at zero?

Totally baffled and frustrated here with all these power related failures.. I've never in my life had as many power issues as have come up in the last 48 hours! Even more weird is this is all the higher-end stuff crapping out... kind of defeats the purpose of buying the better stuff. :mad:
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