Heya everyone, I've been so busy in the shop I haven't been on the forum much.. looks like you've all got it well in hand though.
The Aquavape looks awesome, I'll ask our glass-dog about them but I think it'd be too tough to make in house but who knows. I'll also try and get in touch with the company that makes them and see if they want to wholesale to us so we can get a price break. Otherwise I guess anyone who wants one (including me!) will just have to buy one directly from them.
In shop news today:
The b-day vapes are continuing testing and all is going well. It's taking longer than I'd hoped to 'season' them all but it is quite a large group of them so that makes sense I suppose. I'm still hoping they will go out in the last mail today or at least tomorrow but only time will tell. I won't ship them out in less than ideal shape so if it takess an extra day or two then it takes an extra day or two.
Abysmal's custom piece is now done and is also in the 'seasoning' stage. I hope to be able to ship it in the next couple days too though he won't have it as soon as most of you since it has to travel all the way across the world to Bulgaria! For those of you who've followed the design and build here are the final pictures.
Finished: side view
Finished: diagonal view
Finished: bottom view
Finished: top view
Finished: size comparison
This piece of his has been a fun and challenging project and I was even able to fit a full 3/8" 5w core in the little beast so it should be quite the monster too.