Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
charliedontsurf said:
What sort of leather is it on the bottom of the Tortuga? Looks almost reptilian.

It's cow leather embossed to look that way, I think the pattern is supposed to be 'gator. I thought it fitting for the Tortuga to have a reptilian looking bottom.


Well-Known Member
stroh said:

I think I just got a little hard....

You are quite lucky. Looks awesome! I am not quite sure how I would like picking it up, but I could definitely see it being awesome with the whip. Either way cant wait to see a video!


Great Scott!
Dave that AquaVape is basically what I was trying to "invent" while suggesting a water cooled stem.

I wonder if it would be easy to add one of those easily using the silicone? I want water filtration, but I'm not crazy about buying a bong or bubbler. An aquavape looks perfect.


Well-Known Member
I was also thinking that an Aquavape (or something similar...) would work perfectly with the UD silicon stems. Looking forward to seeing what new things will appear in Underdog-land. :cool:
wow that would be super baller. I think I might pull the trigger on this. The tortuga would really shine with the vapor tamer since it lays side ways.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Heya everyone, I've been so busy in the shop I haven't been on the forum much.. looks like you've all got it well in hand though. :p

The Aquavape looks awesome, I'll ask our glass-dog about them but I think it'd be too tough to make in house but who knows. I'll also try and get in touch with the company that makes them and see if they want to wholesale to us so we can get a price break. Otherwise I guess anyone who wants one (including me!) will just have to buy one directly from them.

In shop news today:

The b-day vapes are continuing testing and all is going well. It's taking longer than I'd hoped to 'season' them all but it is quite a large group of them so that makes sense I suppose. I'm still hoping they will go out in the last mail today or at least tomorrow but only time will tell. I won't ship them out in less than ideal shape so if it takess an extra day or two then it takes an extra day or two.

Abysmal's custom piece is now done and is also in the 'seasoning' stage. I hope to be able to ship it in the next couple days too though he won't have it as soon as most of you since it has to travel all the way across the world to Bulgaria! For those of you who've followed the design and build here are the final pictures.

Finished: side view

Finished: diagonal view

Finished: bottom view

Finished: top view

Finished: size comparison

This piece of his has been a fun and challenging project and I was even able to fit a full 3/8" 5w core in the little beast so it should be quite the monster too. :o


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
So appropriate that AV won. That turned out killer.

Thanks bio! I'm happy with the way it turned out and think it's a nice little piece. Hope Abysmal likes it.. :)


Well-Known Member
Woah... I thought that thing was going to be HUGE! Its way smaller then I thought it would be... its badass! Congrats on making another awesome dog. I had no idea that this is what it was going to look like in the end.


errl enthusiast
wow, just wow. can't wait to see how the ladybug and my future piece turns out :brow:


shade-tree vapor engineer
stroh said:
wow, just wow. can't wait to see how the ladybug and my future piece turns out :brow:

Hey stroh, did you have a chance to try the Tortuga with the long 'whip' and see if the combo worked with your glass? I'm kind of curious as to whether it'll work or not.. :)


errl enthusiast
i did attempt to use the whip, but i think the tortuga runs just a little too cool to milk my sherlock, even the 3 inch stem didn't really work. i still exhaled vapor, but not a very large hit, and the glass didnt appear to milk at all. also i am out of herb until later tonight, so further testing shall have to wait till then

also i will getting the goblet to the post office sometime today!


Well-Known Member
If you ever want to part with the goblet after it's fixed let me know. Boy that thing is sexy


shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
what was wrong with the goblet?

Stroh broke it, it's all his fault! :brow: (kidding, kidding!)

The Tupelo wood is too soft and we're having trouble keeping the core mounted in place so he's swapped it out for the Tortuga and sending the Goblet back in for a rebuild. I've got some ideas in mind for a fix and would expect it to be back out in action soon.

Working feverishly on packing up the b-day vapes today but having doubts we will make the post office in time so if that's the case they will go out Monday. That might be for the best though as I'm waiting for a shipment of goodies today that I could include with these... so maybe a blessing in disguise. :D


shade-tree vapor engineer
placetime said:
Wow Dave! Abysmal's vape looks great! Have y'all given that style a name yet?

Nope haven't named that style yet.. maybe we'll rebel against the norm and never name it haha.

Wood density is a more involved subject than many people realize.. that being said our approach to it here is half science half magic. :p

With my love of trying new things and inability to resist Frankenstein like experiments we're bound to have some spectacularly awesome failures.. also probably the occasional home run. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I got no problem waiting a few days longer to get some extra presents :)


errl enthusiast
so finally got some quality medicine(some nice looking chemdawg, how fitting!) and am retesting the tortuga and man darkrom you were right, the herb quality made a mountain of difference. the tortuga still runs cooler than the goblet for sure, but it now delivers much thicker hits and boy am i feeling good :brow: the abv comes out a golden color, and overall it is incredibly efficient! this guy really surprised me, i expected him to be a powerhouse hitter, but instead he is a super efficient vape that will really get you lifted! i still cant believe the color of the abv i get considering the size, number, and potency of the hits it delivers.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Got all my helpers together and we boxed up all the b-day vapes for shipping.. all are now ready to go and will head out in tomorrow's (Monday) mail. Here is an obligatory picture of the stack of boxes ready-to-go.


All of you who ordered b-day vapes should be receiving them by Wednesday if you're on the East Coast (barring the post office messing things up), sooner if you're on the West Coast or mid-west and should receive email confirmation of the shipment. Thanks again and hope you enjoy your vapes as much as we enjoyed making them!


Great Scott!
That dog looks like he is all about business right there :lol:

I can't wait to see the raving reviews pour in.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! Too bad I wont be around to enjoy it for a week... What bad timing. I hope I get one of the small ones, haha.
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