Got my UD in the mail this week! Super fast delivery, very pleased with the quick work the Underdog team put into getting this out for me. I haven't had a ton of time to use it as I've been working out and about but I'm very pleased with how my Chinese Pistache Lost Dog looks, love the tones in the wood. I really enjoy how stable the heat is from my Dog; a lot of other vapes you need to put the heat up as your draw will cause it to cool, my UD seems to be very good at retaining its heat which allows me to cook bowls evenly on a constant temp.
I'll be sure to contribute more thorough feedback once I have a chance to put it through it's paces but for now here's some Pics!
I love how the tone of the wood changes all the way around, the shape and overall finish is excellent. It's sanded perfectly as well which is always important with wooden devices.
Here's a pic of the crack which made it a damaged Lost Dog. I feel it's more a battle scar; adding to the dignity of this beautiful and unique piece of art/medication rather than marring it's natural regalty.
From a distance you can't even see the crack is there; couldn't be happier with how my Dog looks! Thanks again
@underdog! I look forward to better getting to know my Dog's vaping signature in the weeks to come.
Thanks man, so glad to hear you're enjoying it and that you were able and willing to give that Lost Dog a good home!
Hey everyone I have a question. Is it ok to dim a dimmer? Like can i use a dimmer to limit the volts of the dimmer next in line? See i run a 15v wort and figured id just set my LCD dimmer to 13.5v max by dimming it hehe. Then maybe tape the knob on the reg dimmer so it cant turn.
15v wort----> dimmer----> LCD dimmer----> 5ft ext cord----> DOG---->
I usually never go over 12.5.
Yeah as indicated by
@formicae you might get away with it but generally speaking it's not a good idea and I suspect you'd run into problems.
I broke my Trond desk lamp.

But remembered that the power supply resembled my EQ with the green indicator light.

Might be a decent transformer in there that stores power in some manner. Well it seemed to heat up quicker.
Got my Tattoo power supply. Will get around to getting /modding a wire. There is a 6ft cord that Underdog sells. (as well as the scientific version.

I do have a mono plug RCA female that fits. And saw a pic of someone opening a plug like mine and attaching 2 wires to a cord with a 2.1mm connector. Just cant get it apart. Will an RCA cord carry the juice to say an 2.1m connector?
There should be a label (or stamped data) with the electrical specs somewhere on the lamp power supply that will tell you it's output, etc. If you're noticing a difference the it's probably putting out a bit more than the stock wall-warts 12.2v
Most/many RCA cables are more than capable of handling the <10 watts needed for the Dog so I don't anticipate you having problems there.
The results are going to be unreliable since they're pulse-width modulation dimmers. They're not actually controlling voltage, they're pulsing on-off cycles. So your first dimmer will be at a given on-off rhythm to put out '13.5v,' but at any given setting, your dimmer further down the line will be pulsing off beat. Output will be a crazy mix of on-on, on-off, off-on, and off-off. You might manage to find settings that produce a decent vape, but you'd be feeding your dog the electrical equivalent of radio noise.
Exactly, well put dude.
What kinds of woods were/are used for traditional pipes that might be the equivalent in the UD woods that are used? Yes, I'm thinking about taste here.

I do think drawing cold air across any wood would not be any sort of worry and part of the flavor profile and fun of using a Log vape. If you liked making designing wooden pipes when you combusted. Well that might be a plus with owning a log vape. Did I say wood would? 'Wood would', Sorry poor grammar.
Cool, my mind was on bases too.
Found a base for my EVO. It's a base to a portable Coleman stove. Heavy duty and the right size and angle to have good safe space around it and keep it from tipping if I did bump into it like a clod. Might make a good template for someones's project?
With Log Vapes there are so many shapes and sizes to find a dimension for. I lucked out as far as size dimension and shape and I.D. for my UD, so no stand needed. And a color shape patina that suit's me.

Just get a little more 12.3v when I'm taking a draw then back to 12v. is what I'm thinking might be a sort of compromise between power and being gentle with the UD. Or is there something flawed with that power management plan?
Briar is the most common quality wood used in pipes and also makes a nice vape if you can find pieces big enough. I've made a handful of briar Dogs over the years including one of my original prototypes.
Most hard/dense woods will work as alternatives but fruit woods are commonly used, as well as olive, cherry and myrtle.
Hey everyone,
I bought my UD in October. I meant to write an update, but I got so busy using the new dog I fogot!
I got a red cedar UD, a dimmer, two nylon stems, a OS glass stem, OS steel stem, and a NonG. I love all of the various stems! Each has its own advantage. I also like that when I have friends over, we can each have a stem. The NonG fits perfectly into the little glass piece I have. It's great!
The dimmer was recommended to me because the pup runs hot. I am very, very glad I have the dimmer! Without it, the dog is so hot that it will combust a dryer product. I like that my dog runs hot, but I can use the dimmer to get it to my liking for direct draw use, NonG use, and aromatherapy use.
The aromatherapy cup is a nice update compared to the tiny copper cup with the little handle of old. I used to always burn my hand on it.
I have not needed to change the screens. I just put my stems in a bag of sea salt and alcohol. They are ready to use in minutes.
So yeah, the new UD (as compared to the old models) is amazing. The updates are the bomb. This is still my favorite vape of all time. It is so effifient; I can use a tiny flake or pinch, and the vape works like a charm. It saves so much and therefore easily pays for itself. The craftsmanship is perfect and each UD is unique. All my friends love it and want their own
Thanks for the post
@Hitomi happy to hear you're enjoying the newer model! The salt/iso cleaning method is my favorite too.. cleans almost any amount of 'gunk' off in seconds.
What changes are in store for the standard core???
Underdog evolution is kind of an ongoing, continual process and we frequently make changes/adjustments but don't inundate you all with updates. I guess we should though since lots of you seem to like the more technical conversations?
Recent changes we've made in the past year or two:
- started laser cutting/drilling core components on the lathe as compared to the mechanical cutting/drilling we'd been doing for years. The resulting parts are 'nicer' and the much more precisely sized/shaped airflow ports deliver better, more consistent convection to the heater and then the material.
- changed the design for our custom made stainless heating elements with a different heating pattern (to take advantage of the laser parts mentioned above) and lighter mass mounting technique.
- shaved off some mass from the Standard and Air Cores to take advantage of heating element changes.
- optimized design to reduce the amount of heat radiated and conducted to the wooden body by a significant amount.
- finalized the move to an inert, durable and safe all stainless steel air path. The core components, heating element and screens are all stainless, no mismatched materials.
Coming changes to the Standard Core:
- slight tweaks to the laser cut parts to squeeze a little more performance out of the airflow.
- further reductions in mass, combined with newly optimized heating elements for more agile temperature response to changing power levels.
- optimize design further to double the reduction of radiated/conducted heat to the wooden body and trap that heat in the core where it's needed.
- even faster heat up time and recovery between hard hits.
- air inlets modified to better direct airflow where it's needed and to better isolate the material in a loaded stem from unintentional heating.
My wishlist:
- laser vision
- scuba kit
- when shaken, plays Cher's Believe
- responds to voice commands (well, just one: 'tea, Earl Grey, hot')
- when at rest on a level surface, plays Cher's Believe
- rotisserie
I'll see what we can do.