tom battleboar
Well-Known Member
Yo son GSC SC3 420 GIVEAWAY details inbound.
I have a feeling you won't have any issues finding enough people. Cool of you to give one away!Oops fell over..
Hi I am going to try to giveaway Aroma Dog Gum Streak for 420 month. Random giveaway will try to get enough ppl for this.
Hi I am going to try to giveaway Aroma Dog Gum Streak for 420 month. Random giveaway will try to get enough ppl for this.
Just to be frank, Arb, the Madrone unit didn’t fit with me because it was advertised by many people (you included) to be comparable to a Flowerpot. I couldn’t get extraction equivalent to any of the other artisan companies I consider high tier in this industry (Lamart, Ed’s TnT for example). I’ve since replaced it with an actual Flowerpot. Glad it found a home, I know it has 30 other pack mates to play with!Chaos as the mail lady delivers to the wrong box and I had to chase her down in town and coerce her back to put it in the correct box.........nice.
First off Mrs.arb ganked that Bloodwood unit so no go there @invertedisdead.......working flawlessly at 10.7 for her.
The Madrone is running perfect for me at 10.5.
Both units are stunning to look at with Daves usual level of fit and finish.
Thanks again for these two @underdog and @underdogette not sure why they didn't fit with the first owners but damn sure home now.
Glad you did not like it and my weedeater sits unused on the shelf so.......apples and oranges I suppose.Just to be frank, Arb, the Madrone unit didn’t fit with me because it was advertised by many people (you included) to be comparable to a Flowerpot. I couldn’t get extraction equivalent to any of the other artisan companies I consider high tier in this industry (Lamart, Ed’s TnT for example). I’ve since replaced it with an actual Flowerpot. Glad it found a home, I know it has 30 other pack mates to play with!
I don't own a Flowerpot (yet?) but I can say with utmost certainty after owning my Alpha for a little bit that if someone is looking for a "heavy hitter" and chooses an Alpha over a Flowerpot with the expectations that the Alpha can keep up to a Flowerpot with HEAVY use and/or multiple users there's a good chance they will be disappointed. I love my Alpha, it's a great vape, but I pulled out my PID contolled Elev8r on the weekend and there's no way it can keep up. For the majority of pot heads the Alpha will be more then they ever need as it is very efficient but I would never use it in a group session unless the hits were really spaced out, say leaving it on with some stems and a pile to load from and casually going back to it. It would be perfect in that scenario. But a sit down, get really stoned, really fast session would be much better on a device with a larger stored energy capacity and/or a shorter recovery time. My Alpha starts at 11.6V+ and then settles at 11V~ after a couple hours and when I've tried dropping the voltage I burn through the stored heat energy too quickly. The outside top of my dog will reach 50°/122° in the hottest spots (above core) when she's really heat soaked but then cools a fair bit after a session. I can't go any cooler or I won't be able to medicate adequately at least not in the time frame I need to. My tolerance at the moment is probably higher than most.Just to be frank, Arb, the Madrone unit didn’t fit with me because it was advertised by many people (you included) to be comparable to a Flowerpot. I couldn’t get extraction equivalent to any of the other artisan companies I consider high tier in this industry (Lamart, Ed’s TnT for example). I’ve since replaced it with an actual Flowerpot. Glad it found a home, I know it has 30 other pack mates to play with!
So your saying you can overwhelm the neater on the Alpha but not a e43?I don't own a Flowerpot (yet?) but I can say with utmost certainty after owning my Alpha for a little bit that if someone is looking for a "heavy hitter" and chooses an Alpha over a Flowerpot with the expectations that the Alpha can keep up to a Flowerpot with HEAVY use and/or multiple users there's a good chance they will be disappointed. I love my Alpha, it's a great vape, but I pulled out my PID contolled Elev8r on the weekend and there's no way it can keep up. For the majority of pot heads the Alpha will be more then they ever need as it is very efficient but I would never use it in a group session unless the hits were really spaced out, say leaving it on with some stems and a pile to load from and casually going back to it. It would be perfect in that scenario. But a sit down, get really stoned, really fast session would be much better on a device with a larger stored energy capacity and/or a shorter recovery time. My Alpha starts at 11.6V+ and then settles at 11V~ after a couple hours and when I've tried dropping the voltage I burn through the stored heat energy too quickly. The outside top of my dog will
I'm surprised you would consider a Woodscents to be superior for extraction and I only say that because the bowl size is so small. Even the P80 (my favorite session portable) I would not consider a heavy hitter. In my collection the desktop hard hitters are the VapBong, electric ball filled Elev8r, SSV43 (needs balls to take it to the next level ) and Volcano Hybrid (bags take a bit to pump, only drawback). Yeah my other devices can get me really stoned but the quickest and easiest extraction go
Yo just found the flower tube pot thingy in a box.
Lol wtf is this.
Man this is so trippy looks like a ghetto bubbler. Man hope this is the attachment for excessive Aroma Dog Log that ppl talking about.
Now that does not sound right. Everything I've heard about the Flowerpot is that it hits hard. I wish I could help but my E43 is a different beast I think. Maybe a brother from another mother. I can overwhelm the heater if I try but once it's heated soaked it hits me so hard I forget what I'm doing before that happens.So your saying you can overwhelm the neater on the Alpha but not a e43?
I can barely get enough heat calories out of mine for one full hit at 600 and scorch at 625.
About the same with a weedeater........ I wonder what I am getting wrong here?
I am gonna try at mine some more,thanks for the heads up.Now that does not sound right. Everything I've heard about the Flowerpot is that it hits hard. I wish I could help but my E43 is a different beast I think. Maybe a brother from another mother. I can overwhelm the heater if I try but once it's heated soaked it hits me so hard I forget what I'm doing before that happens.
I have my Auber 300B set at 335°/635°F which takes about 5 minutes to warm up. The longer it preheats the more of a power house it becomes (to a point obviously) as the boro beads heat soak. I've been packing about a 0.3g and I'm able to extract at a much faster rate then the Alpha because with the Alpha when I really pack the glass stem/wpa it has more of a tendency to hotspot so more stirring, plus I need to take slower draws with more downtime between hits. I like to pack about a 0.15g bowl max with Alpha, the whole less is more definitively applies to a point but faster extraction like on the SSV43 and VapBong absolutely wreck me (which I need sometimes) as evidenced by my rambling.
You can send one to me as a zero-experience alpha user and see if I can't get it to run right
I usually charge for my 3rd party review services but I would be willing to do this pro-bono
Hmmm... you have an SC3 that's working well for you though right so that's a good point of comparison at least.
I'll meet you in the middle and pay outgoing shipping if you pay the return but you'll have to work for free like all the suckers on Team Underdog. lol
It rips beyond all, full extraction, amazing taste, duration, extended sessions.
Small bowl, load, extreme flavorful, bamboo on 12.1 double screen, less than 1.0 g units of awesomeness. Hi I really think the sc3+ is good for work breaks & such. Quick temperature ramp up, extreme quick Aromatherapy. Good for vaping lavender tea's n such. Or hemps. Ty again @underdog & @underdogette. Lol I use high voltage because my wall outlet is overloaded to the max. I can put my finger on 10.8 to 11.5 volts on the alpha. I can just squeeze it until it gets hot. I am an nurse of 11 year's I was covid-19 positive twice and second time signs and symptoms. I used to work 120 to 163 hours covid-19 unit. The angels from Paradise California told me it's okay to enjoy life. I used to be married as well to an abusive toxic alcoholic family. As well I have ptsd n other junk just cold turkey e cigarettes and anti nicotine patches. I am doing well just not now been very ill with cervical radiculopathy headaches and major radiation of pain from behind my head dow my right shoulders n right arm. It took me 3 hours total to cook dinner and wash everything. I am doing my best, and I am not addicted to cannabis because I just got some hemp cbd flowers or whatever grass stuff to help my life out. Oh yeas i just cold turkey off nerve pain medications stupid nausea and headaches dry mouth. No relief from big phrama or even doctors. They all suck compared too Underdog Aromatherapy Logs. He has helped quickly efficiently and effectively with pain management medication dosage extraction. He has helped my third 👁 he is going to help me forever as the angels will help whoever is in need of helping. I am not tripping about anything they purchased 18 I think or 17. I see angels daily and talk to them and I saw 10 ppl risse above from covid-19 in 2 weeks time b4. We all need to help each other if not we will not survive as humans together in unison. Free yourself. We saw them work on these logs we saw them go and harvest wood we was there watching when the fire was ablaze we was watching closely daily. The angels did this
My personal fave is your a addict if you use cannabis.......remember those people work for you.I'm with you on the health front. I can't take any pain meds or anything like valium etc, they all make me sick as a dog. Basically pain meds, if I can take anything even approaching an effective dosage, knock me totally out, and when I finally DO wake up, I have headaches, nausea, I'm groggy the rest of the day and just feel awful. At least I'm not at risk for addiction, LOL!
Please don't be offended by this suggestion, but are you seeking counseling for the PTSD? I've suffered from PTSD for most of my life. I'm also a trained clinician. I can testify to the benefits of finding someone to help you past the PTSD.
I was doing pretty well, all things considered, until I came down with Covid last year. I've been dealing with long-haul covid ever since, which is basically the same stuff as before on steroids. EG brain fog, severe fatigue, hair falling out in clumps. I was hoping with reports of long-haul covid among so many medical professionals, maybe folks like me (who have suffered the same symptoms without relief for decades as is described in long-haul covid) would finally get a little consideration from medical personnel who typically tell me my diagnosis is one of "exclusion" (code for you are making it all up). EG, fibromyalgia, basically a catch-all for there-is-something-wrong-with-you-but-we-cant-find-out-what-it-is-so-we-slap-this-label-on-you-as-shorthand-for-you're-a-headcase.
But no. Their pain is real. The rest of us? Still headcases. *sigh*
When I say the Alphadog does not compete in terms of extraction with the artisan companies I frequent, I am speaking more about the unit’s capability to vaporize herb and not how much material is packed at once. I could pack more into my Alpha than my Woodscents of course, but the Woodscents would fully and equally darken my herb where as on the Alpha half the load was always bright green after the load stopped producing vapor. Also, have you used any other near $400 devices that you can pull all the heat out of in just a few rips? I personally have not, and was sad to learn what I had just bought had that limitation. I let my unit heat soak all night and could still suck it back to cold a bowl into my morning session.I don't own a Flowerpot (yet?) but I can say with utmost certainty after owning my Alpha for a little bit that if someone is looking for a "heavy hitter" and chooses an Alpha over a Flowerpot with the expectations that the Alpha can keep up to a Flowerpot with HEAVY use and/or multiple users there's a good chance they will be disappointed. I love my Alpha, it's a great vape, but I pulled out my PID contolled Elev8r on the weekend and there's no way it can keep up. For the majority of pot heads the Alpha will be more then they ever need as it is very efficient but I would never use it in a group session unless the hits were really spaced out, say leaving it on with some stems and a pile to load from and casually going back to it. It would be perfect in that scenario. But a sit down, get really stoned, really fast session would be much better on a device with a larger stored energy capacity and/or a shorter recovery time. My Alpha starts at 11.6V+ and then settles at 11V~ after a couple hours and when I've tried dropping the voltage I burn through the stored heat energy too quickly. The outside top of my dog will reach 50°/122° in the hottest spots (above core) when she's really heat soaked but then cools a fair bit after a session. I can't go any cooler or I won't be able to medicate adequately at least not in the time frame I need to. My tolerance at the moment is probably higher than most.
I'm surprised you would consider a Woodscents to be superior for extraction and I only say that because the bowl size is so small. Even the P80 (my favorite session portable) I would not consider a heavy hitter. In my collection the desktop hard hitters are the VapBong, electric ball filled Elev8r, SSV43 (needs balls to take it to the next level ) and Volcano Hybrid (bags take a bit to pump, only drawback). Yeah my other devices can get me really stoned but the quickest and easiest extraction goes to these.
Yeah, I rarely disclose that. Until a recent trip to the ER, I could have said NEVER but I let it slip while in distress, what can I say.My personal fave is your a addict if you use cannabis.......remember those people work for you.
I don't hesitate to bark if I get any of that shit,I refuse to be labeled a addict over cannabises.
Sorry about your gramps but glad it sounds like your feeling better overall.Hi I am doing much better than before. I was in group therapy for past 2 weeks or so. And Monday my gramps passed away but ppl get oldI remember taking care of ppl from 100 to 118 years old. You know that I went cold turkey nicotine because of the stupid commercials about toxic metals and how doctors said I was a addicted to cannabis and nicotine but when I said your using simulates caffeine or sugar or even junk foods. They thought that I am mental enough to go to cbt for a year. But it's like I got both associates degrees nursing degree nurse of 11 years 35k in stock options loving life to the fullest better than b4 with help of angels doesn't matter what works for me is way better than big phrama or being a patient for life, profit over patient. I suffered enough with Keiser, since I been using the Underdog Aroma logs or the ghetto pax 3. Vaping is a clear high safe too.
@underdog @underdogette