11.1v, coarse grind through the Alpha Log Vaporiseur
Dayum............how's the abv at that setting?11.1v, coarse grind through the Alpha Log Vaporiseur
Dayum............how's the abv at that setting?
Which NonG has the larger bore hole?The Nong that fits inside the core and has the larger bore through the nylon is Mrs.arbs favorite adapter.
Allows for some smaller loads while jacking up performance a bit.......worth exploring further @underdog
I get 2 good pulls and then a cleanup 3rd normally.... depending on quality of inputs of course. That’s a 0.1g load.Im getting some hot spotting on top but it wasn’t charred; definitely still dialing this one in! I was steaming on it pretty hard trying to see how it responds to deep bong rip style pulls
A lot to explore with this vape, at first I was loading a good amount of grind, but I seem to get pretty similar performance just covering the screen.
Even though I’m cutting the video clips after the first draw I haven’t really mastered one hitters with this one yet, I usually get a few pretty fat pulls off whatever I load.
I’ve only tried it directly through the stem once, definitely more testing required there; I’ve been stuck on big steamers through various sized water dispensers![]()
Sorry let me get some pics up in a hour or so.Which NonG has the larger bore hole?
I ordered the one that fits both the SC3 and Alpha.... is that the one? There was also an alpha only one.
I had a feeling the inside bowl would be the best.... the larger bore would even the airflow around the sides of the bowl too.... I’m eager to get mine an test now!
I get 2 good pulls and then a cleanup 3rd normally.... depending on quality of inputs of course. That’s a 0.1g load.
I can also get some spotting which I attribute to the nylon bore being smaller. I stir and it’s no problem.
Edit: mods please merge my posts. I tried to multi reply and it didn’t work from my phone.
Which NonG has the larger bore hole?
I ordered the one that fits both the SC3 and Alpha.... is that the one? There was also an alpha only one.
I had a feeling the inside bowl would be the best.... the larger bore would even the airflow around the sides of the bowl too.... I’m eager to get mine an test now!
I get 2 good pulls and then a cleanup 3rd normally.... depending on quality of inputs of course. That’s a 0.1g load.
I can also get some spotting which I attribute to the nylon bore being smaller. I stir and it’s no problem.
Edit: mods please merge my posts. I tried to multi reply and it didn’t work from my phone.
So the larger bore hole belongs to the hybrid stem on the left yes?View attachment 6210View attachment 6211View attachment 6212
Here's some core size pics and adapters I guess there is a size limit on pics?
Thanks for the info! I like that they can share screens. I’m eager to get the new stems that fit inside the heater!The Alpha DD/NonG and the Alpha Hybrid DD/NonG have the same effective bore diameter.. the difference is the the hybrid uses a thicker wall tube that's been been turned down at the tip to allow it to fit both the SC series vapes and the Alpha.
Fun fact: the bore of these is nominally the same as the SC series glass stems and GonGs which is why they use those screens.
yesSo the larger bore hole belongs to the hybrid stem on the left yes?
That’s exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Arb!
Thanks for the info! I like that they can share screens. I’m eager to get the new stems that fit inside the heater!
Are you putting out any sc3 or sc3+ twig style for the refresh?
That new hybrid NonG is the nads!Grapefruit Alpha Twig has landed and yet again.........awesome sauce.
Very nice adapters and this one wants to run at 10.5 so far.
A new gong adapter that goes inside the core.......nice.
The usual assortment of cords,vvps,screens,stickers and pokers.
Total class act!
@underdog hey you may wanna check that recent batch of Vvps units.
This most recent will not stay at setting.
The voltages slowly drops about a half volt a hour.
Not a problem as we have a bunch but it could be a issue for others.
They would probably keep you, force you to make best VVPS for company, become new best manager. Then, in future, you send the best units..... to yourself! Whoa!If I fly to China and slap the shit out of as many factory managers as I can find I wonder if I'll just get deported or would I end up in a reeducation camp?![]()
Covid anal swabs homie.........lolz.If I fly to China and slap the shit out of as many factory managers as I can find I wonder if I'll just get deported or would I end up in a reeducation camp?![]()
They would probably keep you, force you to make best VVPS for company, become new best manager. Then, in future, you send the best units..... to yourself! Whoa!
What causes the units to do this?
I can report back on mine once I get it, though it could be weeks to Canada still.
Maybe I’ll get a Tuesday morning model.... instead of the Friday afternoon special lol.
Covid anal swabs homie.........lolz.
So subject to an argument with a "nurse" at the hospital this week (where I was in the ER for having lost 10% of my body weight in 10 days, 7 of that 10% over the weekend) I came home and actually measured (by volume) the amount of weed I use in a typical load.
I was surprised to find that it amounted to about 1/16 of a tsp. So really. You're going to make a big deal about my use of weed to help me sleep and minimize my pain and discomfort over that.
I informed her I do not smoke, I vape DRY HERB only, and she immediately launched into a totally bizarrely wrong description of vaping OILS and whatever else they vape that isn't dry herb. She clearly had no idea that the bad cartridges were all illegal. Or she was lying. Tried to insist to me that vaping is extremely dangerous, even more dangerous than chain-smoking tobacco.
Medical folks - I am not going to call them "professionals" because as this story will shortly show, this woman was NOT a professional - need to get over the idea that marijuana is the Ebil Ebil Ebilest of Ebil Street Drugs ever. And I don't care how you word it, "any street drugs, including Marijuana" DOES NOT include marijuana in any legal state.
Now normally I don't ever disclose my MMJ use, but (a) I was REALLY sick and (b) fuck it, MMJ is legal in 36 states by now, get over it. Bite me.
I explained about how we vape DRY HERB using log vapes such as the UD, that if there is combustion you're doin' it wrong, and reiterated that I DO NOT SMOKE. Then I turned back to my book.
This resulted in her telling the doctor THREE TIMES in about as many minutes that I was here with "multiple non-specific generalized complaints" - tell me, how is weight loss of 10% of your body weight in as many days either non-specific OR generalized. This might make a BIT more sense when you realize that "multiple non-specific generalized complaints" is code for "head case who is an attention-seeking, medication seeking hypochondriac". Yeah. I take meds for diabetes and thyroid and NOTHING ELSE, and I never have (well ignoring short-term meds that are mostly antibiotics, and I've not had any of those in years either). As for attention seeking - if I could write my own prescriptions for metformin and thyroid meds I'd never see another doctor. As it is I only see them when I absolutely have to get a scrip - and still don't even get in the once a year for the scrips all the time. I have had pneumonia at least a dozen times and never once went to the hospital with it, against every doctors advice every time I went in for another scrip for Super Erithromycin. Yeah. Real attention seeking here.
Then I asked for a covid test AND a flu test (the virus I contracted from an unmasked covid denier being most likely ONE of those). She told me I couldn't have one because I had had covid already over a year ago and would already BE immune. I pointed out that research has shown that immunity from "natural" covid infection starts to abate by 6 months. "They don't KNOW how long immunity lasts yet" she sez on her way out the door. "NO, they DON'T, which is why I want a covid test"
"Well you're NOT GETTING ONE because you don't have any symptoms (in addition to the weight loss - significant enough by itself - I had congestion, headache, chills, fever, shortness of breath, dizziness, diarrhea, sore throat, fatigue, not sure how that translates to "no symptoms of covid") - you can still smell"
Oh. THAT'S how it translates to "no symptoms of covid" - I could STILL SMELL!
So hours later the ER doc shows up and I tell him my doc wants me tested for both covid and flu (she didn't really say that directly to me, but her appalled assistant informed my son after I texted him about this that I most certainly DID have covid symptoms) and why can't I get the tests while I'm there cuz little old crippled lady doesn't drive and can't get it later - he wonders aloud why the nurse didn't let him know that and runs out to order said tests.
So I don't know if any of you out there have had the nasal swab for regular flu OR covid (or both) - but those swabs in her hands were excruciating, LOL!
(There are a lot of really caring people in hospitals but there's always at least one asshole and she was the asshole of the day. There was also a nice guy who did an ultrasound of every single organ in my body for no good reason except the doc felt he had an opportunity to soak Medicare, I got a laugh out of him when I asked if he found anything interesting in there, like a partially absorbed twin; a nurse who looked and sounded like Sarah Silverman; and quite a handsome young man setting up an ECG who should, perhaps, count his lucky stars that I am not 40 years younger)
At any rate, I got curious about the ratio of backlash to actual weed usage. Turns out it is even more disproportionate than I thought, LOL!
THANK YOU UNDERDOG!!!! UD rulz, pissy nurse droolz.
I don't vape when ill.@sunyata - PREACH IT, brother! I worked my way through college in the 70s by working at the School of Medicine at my university. I used to TUTOR medical students and I was in high demand amongst medical and biological researchers to do literature searches (PRE-INTERNET, remember) and other small tasks to assist them in their research (I had to draw the line at chopping of rat heads and then poking their eyes out). As a PART TIME STUDENT (uni limited us to 20 hours max per week while school is in session, full time for me during breaks) I made simple STERILE non-druggy type solutions such as normal saline, Ringers solution, and lactated Ringer's solution, stuff like that.
I laid out the surgical instruments at each station. After I caught a medical student who shall remain nameless trying to move a pin during an anatomy test, I was also tasked with monitoring testing stations. I prepared slides. I helped to set up and break down teaching demonstrations.
I TUTORED MEDICAL STUDENTS in genetics, anatomy, and microbiology.
I'm no dummy. And I know how to read the literature. And I've had over 30 years of experiencing dealing with doctors who are by and large either not helpful, not interested in anything but their next 7.5 minute appointment, actually STUPID, or actively obstructionist. I have met a handful of docs who weren't asswipes, and only 3 who actually saw their patients as Real People, not just shadowy vaguely people shaped objects or out-and-out cash cows. All you have to do is LOOK at my medical record and see how little I deal with doctors and how little medication I take. And because I have something that they don't understand, they slap a pejorative label on me that means that no doctor will ever again take me seriously. (fibromyalgia)
So "excessive" weight loss is considered 5% of your body weight in 6 to 12 months.
I come in with twice that in ten days, but they send me home with an admonition to drink plenty of fluids.
Yeah the medical profession in the US just shines, doesn't it? Weight loss continues, as does my inability to eat. Since last Friday I've been forcing down one protein shake a day (100 calories, 5 carbs, diabetic friendly) - well on 4 of 5 days anyway. And yesterday I managed about 1/4c of diced peaches. They didn't even make sure I was keeping down clear liquids before they turfed me. THEY DIDN'T EVEN WEIGH ME.
Yet, even after 30 years, I am shocked every time something bullshitty comes out of the mouth of a "medical professional". Such as:
After yet another episode of doctor/medical abuse, and being sent home every bit as sick as when they came to get me and STILL LOSING AN INORDINATE AMOUNT OF WEIGHT (I don't think the doctor believed me about the weight loss AT ALL, he all but came out and plainly said that a fat pig like me has it to lose so where's the worry), I had a meltdown and called my son in tears. I asked him if HE believed me about the way doctors have treated me over the years. He said, "Come on, mom. I've been in the same room with doctors. Most of them are egomaniacal control freaks with an over-inflated sense of their own intelligence. I've met TWO doctors that I thought were actually smarter than me. They treat ME this way and I don't have something hard to diagnose going on."
- (regarding my 89 yo dad and a spot they had discovered on his lung, trying to talk me OUT of a biopsy) - "It's like an old car with 100,000 (!!!!) miles on it. Suuuure, you can keep dumping money into it. But its a lost cause. It isn't worth the risk of COLLAPSING A LUNG." Right. In the absence of some unknown medical condition that my dad didn't have anyway, collapsing a lung during a needle aspiration biopsy is highly unlikely, unless you are drunk or a complete moron. I made them do the biopsy and it was a simple infection. He would have died for want of a handful of antibiotics. And do I need to go into the whole my-dad-is-not-a-car thing, which makes the whole throw-your-car-away-at-100k thing almost invisible in comparison to that bit of showing compassion for our humanity.
- I was admonished to stop drinking milk, because it "acidifies" the blood. Your liver maintains blood pH within a very very narrow range of acceptability. You cannot affect the acidity of your blood by eating ANY normal food in any amount that doesn't actually burst your stomach. If the pH level of your blood is out of whack, better look to the liver first. If you sat down to a mountain of bicarbonate of soda and started digging right in, you would die of a bowel obstruction before you nudged your pH off center. Besides which - when I asked - the doctor had no idea what the actual pH level of my blood even was, nor even whether or not it had actually been tested. And if you actually read the literature, which I DID, that idea has been debunked over and over and over again. She read a newspaper article somewhere to come up with this idea.
- Do I need to even MENTION the multiple criminally ignorant morons with medical degrees who have contributed to throwing this country so badly off-kilter and allowing over half a million of us to die by being covid deniers spreading medical misinformation? Every one of those people should permanently lose their medical licenses. They jerk medical licenses for this kind of willful malpractice all the time - well actually not ALL the time, actually nowhere near often enough, but the mechanism is in place. USE IT
I could go on and on and on and have probably gone on for too long.
The thing is, since this started, I have not felt like vaping AT ALL. I have to force myself to vape like I have to force myself to eat. I did manage it once, with the idea it would help with the nausea and improve my appetite and it did help the nausea but not the appetite, but it was ... somehow unpleasant in a way I can't even describe. So on top of everything else I haven't been able to sleep properly this whole time because vaping is what "fixed" my extremely disturbed sleep pattern that was decades in the making.
I don't get why I can't bring myself to vape, especially at a time when even being able to get to sleep properly would be an absolute BOON.
Has anyone else ever found themselves turned off vaping while being ill?
Since I am ill 24/7 (i'm just more iller now) I ONLY vape when I'm ill, LOL!I don't vape when ill.
I should have said sick with a cold,flu or virus........lolz.Since I am ill 24/7 (i'm just more iller now) I ONLY vape when I'm ill, LOL!
I should have said sick with a cold,flu or virus........lolz.
Less illin more chillin homies!
I only want to feel not ill then......vaping makes me seem worse especially if it is a respiratory issue.Fair enough. Do you do that (or rather NOT do that) because you just don't feel like it, or for some other reason?
And while we're here - BRING ON THE NEW ALPHAS! I still manage to check the website one in awhile if not every day atm.