Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
SirElton said:
I'm here to sadly report the death of my Underdog. I've had it (birthday vape, old-core) plugged in 24/7 for the last few weeks and last night was the first time it hasn't performed. Initially, I thought it was another faulty power supply, and upon switching it to the PS I use with my RZ, it seemed that was the case as I was able to get a GREAT draw. However, that was a lone draw because I was unable to get anymore vapor from it. I let it stay plugged in for another hour before trying it again and the results didn't change. In fact, the steel wasn't even warm to the skin. I unplugged it last night and plugged it in this morning using the UD PS and it got warm, but not hot enough for me to feel pain when putting skin to the steel. I then switched to the PS from the RZ again and its not warming up at all. Cold steel to the touch.

Its odd and I'm not sure what happened, but my Dog is not performing.

Oh no SirElton.. this is a sad day.

If it's any consolation I will of course replace it under warranty but this means it'll most likely be a new body and a new 24/7 3/8" core. If you're really attached to that one I'd be happy to try and retrofit that body, all up to you.

When you get a sec if you shoot me an email we'll make arrangement to get it taken care of..


Well-Known Member
Email sent.

OhTheAgony, I'm not sure about the "newer" supplies and whatnot. Its just the one that came with the RZ I ordered a few months back so I doubt its anything "new". I have used it with my Dog before to great results. I think its just Dave's concerns with leaving the old-core-Dogs on 24/7 coming to fruition.


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ OTA and SirElton - there shouldn't be any problems using another power supply with the UD as long as it's 12v and can provide enough power (maybe 10w+ to be safe) so any RZ or PD or similar supply should be fine.

All you waiting for a PH Twig will be happy to know that FedEx just showed up and delivered it for me/you. I get so much wood so often that I forgot I had ordered more than just Purpleheart and knew I was in trouble when he came up to the shop and goes "he dude I've got a package for you.. but it's pretty heavy so I might need your help getting it out of the truck".. haha uh oh!

Opening this box up is like xmas morning: tons of Silver Maple, more Bocote, Purpleheart, Padauk, Goncalo Alves, a big chunk of Cocobolo.. and some exotic Walnut they threw in as a bonus. :D All this is Twig sized by the way so I guess we'll be seeing lots of those over the next few months lol.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Padauk is awesome just googled it and i love the color of the red variety ,it is so alive and intense that i can compare it to such seen in dmt explosions.
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
underdog said:
Opening this box up is like xmas morning: tons of Silver Maple, more Bocote, Purpleheart, Padauk, Goncalo Alves, a big chunk of Cocobolo.. and some exotic Walnut they threw in as a bonus. :D All this is Twig sized by the way so I guess we'll be seeing lots of those over the next few months lol.

Looking forwards to pictures! (not raw wood especially, but finished pieces)


shade-tree vapor engineer
Abysmal Vapor said:
Padauk is awesome just googled it and i love the color of the red variety ,it is so alive and intense that i can compare it to such seen in dmt explosions.

Totally! I can't wait to see what the stuff I got looks like finished.. hopefully it's good example of the species but you never know until it's done.

Just brought a couple pieces in from the shop and figure I'll share with you guys like always. A lot of you probably know me enough by now to know I'm a sucker for beautiful wood and even more so for salvaging something otherwise meant for the 'burn pile' and transforming it into something special. I think these two pieces fall into that later category.

Nut and fruit trees are all over the NorCal central valley, one of my favorite is Claro Walnut and I try to buy as much as I can find, especially when it's burl wood. Well a while back I bought some nice CW burl and cut it into UD size pieces and almost threw the scap away but changed my mind and stuck it on the shelf.. well I decided to make some Twigs out of it today and they came out beautiful. Full of character, defects, inclusions, scars and voids.. if this stuff could talk I'm sure it'd have a story to tell!

Anyways, like all the recent pieces these ones are just oiled and waiting for UPS before I can put a finish topcoat on.


(Claro Walnut Burl Twigs - local to northern California)


Slightly Stoopid
Truly beautiful pieces Dave. I love all the scarring on the first one. Reminds me of Tiny.


errl enthusiast
wowza, that claro walnut burl is stunning, such a distinct grain pattern, the ubertwig line is coming along veeery nicely!


shade-tree vapor engineer
Ok dudes it's been a long day and I'm about to crawl off to bed but one last shop update and a few more emails to go first.. :ko:

Last batch out of the shop today, oiled and awaiting finishing.


(left to right: Black & White Ebony, Purpleheart (before purple'ing), Purpleheart, Purpleheart, Goncalo, Tulipwood salvage)

More tomorrow, but now I sleep.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
underdog said:
Ok dudes it's been a long day and I'm about to crawl off to bed but one last shop update and a few more emails to go first.. :ko:

Last batch out of the shop today, oiled and awaiting finishing.

(left to right: Black & White Ebony, Purpleheart (before purple'ing), Purpleheart, Purpleheart, Goncalo, Tulipwood salvage)

More tomorrow, but now I sleep.
Wow Dave ! Every day better things comming out... Tulipwoodsalvage rocks :). Is it a lost dog too ? Someone will be very very happy :).
Abysmal Vapor,


Vapor Viking
That purpleheart seems really appealing to me but the grain on some those twigs is so beautiful
Pardon my french, but holy fucking shit :o

I thought the purpleheart units were cool and exotic looking, but then the B&W ebony, tulipwood and goncalo come in and blow them away. Any chance of some close-up pics of those three, and their costs? The walnut burl units look incredible too.

I love my PD, but I'm not sure how long it can possibly stick around with stuff like this coming out of the UD pipe line. Too bad I haven't met the minimum posts requirement to use the classifieds section....


here for the chicks
I like the shape and detail of the middle purple heart one. The Goncola wood is very pretty as well. Are those darker colors in that one caused by some of sort bug infestation too, like with ambrosia maple?


shade-tree vapor engineer
Thanks guys, glad you like the pieces coming out.. I'm finally getting a bit of time to dive into some of the prettier corners of my wood collection and it likes all of you approve.

@ OKcomputer - I can get a super closeup later if you want but for right now you can right-click on the image and then click 'view image' (or equivalent) to see a slightly larger version of the pic. I'm not done with them yet and don't know the exact prices they'll be yet but the Twigs will probably be in the same ballpark as the other Twigs and the full size pieces probably more along the regular prices on the UD website.

@ OTA - The darker colors in the Goncola is just the variation between heartwood and sapwood so there isn't any weakening of the wood like in Ambrosia Maple. The down side is Goncola is hard to work, tough as nails and also hard to finish without it checking on you.. but it sure is purdy. :)

Headed back to the shop to finish up a handful of simpler pieces as requested by some of you then taking a break for a few hours so I can have some 'me time'..

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Rest well deserved Dave :) !
There is one of the PH twigs that seems to be off two parts (like purple pint ) How would that influence overall durability and could it be made some how with the option of being easy removable so we can clean/maintain/fix the core easily if it is needed ?
Abysmal Vapor,


here for the chicks
Thanks, I enjoy learning a little more about wood this way.

& just take the whole day man, no one should work more then 5 days a week imo.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Ok one last group of pieces in from the shop and now I'm taking a break!

I'll be back this evening and talk to you guys then.

Here are some classic style UD pieces...


(left to right: Ash, Ash/Walnut, Tineo, Ash, Ash, Ash/Walnut)

If you want to see them up close then do the right-click 'view image' thing.. :cool:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
underdog said:
Ok one last group of pieces in from the shop and now I'm taking a break!

I'll be back this evening and talk to you guys then.

Here are some classic style UD pieces...

(left to right: Ash, Ash/Walnut, Tineo, Ash, Ash, Ash/Walnut)

If you want to see them up close then do the right-click 'view image' thing.. :cool:
Yeah Classic indeed.. IMO The Queen Of England should get one too :).
Abysmal Vapor,


here for the chicks
It looks just like you've painted a little bow on that Tineo one, that's pretty awesome.

Were those two Ash/Walnut pieces one at one point, not to long ago?


Vapeosaurus Rex
So after a mini 4 day T-rest..just hit my end grain goblet 3/8'' for the first time and am BLOWN away. I packed a tiny bowl, and enjoyed a massive cloud, which I have never seen with my aromazap. I can't even get up from this chair to take another hit :o lol...

Two Thumbs up Dave :D :ninja:


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ OTA - Thanks, and yes I think both the Ash/Walnut pieces were cut from a single blank.. good eyes!

@ Elluzion - Happy the Dog treating you right!

Ok, my last shop update for the day.. looks like I'm going to have a lot of pieces to finish when UPS finally shows up lol.


(Bamboo Twig, Claro Walnut Burl)


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
That Claro piece is awesome Dave!

Thanks dude! It looks better in person and I think will look really nice once I get some finish on it.. I love Claro Walnut burl!
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