OhTheAgony said:Every time I've seen Dave post over the last 36 hours I franticly run to this thread to see if he posted the latest Doggies already, this one almost gave me a heart attach, lol
Just a few more questions: do the stems for the CRZ fit the UD without modifications? And if so, which ones would I need, the SS ones or the ones for the older Zap cores?
Also, if a Dog is preheated, do you have to wait awhile before hitting it or can you just insert a stem and have it produce clouds straight away?
Haha.. sorry OTA - sometimes I get so wrapped up in my work in the shop I forget how eagerly you guys are waiting for me to release more stuff.

Mabye an 'in progress' picture will tide you over for a day or two? I've got all these done and ready to finish and then a double-handful more in the shop in various states of roughness.
(from left to right, top row to front: Silver Maple, Bocote, Yew, Yew, Yew, Red Cedar, PH, PH, PH, Apricot, Koa Stray, Koa Stray)
@ tombs - a Purpleheart Twig is going to be a good daily driver and is an excellent compromise between the various factors. It will still run a bit hotter than a full size piece because of it's thin Twig nature but will be more durable than many other woods because it's Purpleheart and that stuff is like iron.