I'm not really in the mountains.... just some rolling hills a few miles outside of Los Angeles. It
is peaceful here, and plenty of nature (critters of all sorts, rabbits, coyotes, squirrels etc...) and lots of space between neighbors.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough how much I love the wooden stem Dave made and how it improves my "UD" experience. I have never been a fan of the simple silicone stem; it seems like a cake with no icing. The wooden stem changes everything for me. Not only is it esthetically much more pleasing, but the way the screen/glass/silicone all comes together to really complete the unit. No more messing around with bending screens and trying to shove them into the silicone just right.... IMO these stems should be a mandatory part of any UD purchase.
Oh, and the removable glass lining makes for easy cleaning and reclaim.
Thanks Dave for making my pup complete!