Ultimate, all-glass, non-toxic, "healthy" vaporizer (2023?)


Well-Known Member
Once the Vapor path is coated with a very thin layer of resin, That is the contact surface of the Vapor path.

Your forgetting about the part of the vape before goes through the weed and gets vapour - ie the air intake when its cold - if drawing over hot electronics or other glue which has been heated by the heater?


New Member
Thanks to those that gave me a shoutout. I'm just going to shamelessly plug my Coil driven all glass/quartz ecosystem. The heaters are quartz and the bowls are high quality Borosilicate glass. They are all designed to work with or without a screen. The new heaters only need one clip on top now


I cant seem to find the flared caps on your website?


Cast iron, once seasoned, are very smooth and easy to clean. It also is very forgiving and the heat distribution is the best. 90% of our cooking is with cast iron pans and Dutch Ovens for years.
Not as easy as stainless steel though, I am lazy and taking care of cast iron is a pain.


Well-Known Member
Cast iron frying pans are as easy as most “non-stick” fad pans and no forever chemicals flaking off in your food. Most of our iron is over 20 years old and still the same as ever. Cannot wear the stuff out.

Turning to glass. In 5 years daily use I’ve broken 2 Arizer stems by sitting on one and stepping on another. And they are inexpensive to replace. Much tougher than I imagined. Loading the stem really keeps vaporizers clean. Don’t want one anymore that does not work like that. Too easy, too simple and super easy cleaning.
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Cast iron frying pans are as easy as most “non-stick” fad pans and no forever chemicals flaking off in your food. Most of our iron is over 20 years old and still the same as ever. Cannot wear the stuff out.
Well I'm not gonna talk about non-stick teflon crap as I won't use it. But cast iron is not as easy to maintain as SS, you try soaking a cast iron pan and forget about it for a couple of days 😂

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I really like the kitchenware digression.
Stainless steel and cast iron belongs to my kitchen but for searing, grilling and browning, nothing beats plain steel. Once seasoned it's plain black and nothing sticks to it if used properly. My cleaning routing is literally just brush lightly under hot water (no soap needed), dry with the gas cooker and a very light coat of olive oil for storage.


is this thing on?
The best cooking of "the soup" (in gold plated copper pot) is with halogen heating. Everyone knows. I prefer boro plates over ceramics, still trying to find the right spoon material though! Open for suggestions.


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
The best cooking of "the soup" (in gold plated copper pot) is with halogen heating. Everyone knows. I prefer boro plates over ceramics, still trying to find the right spoon material though! Open for suggestions.
In light of the recent decision by the US President to withdraw from the Paris agreement (again) surely the only reasonable answer is "the most carbon intensive fuel the better." America First etc.
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