
Accessory Maker
@leveltree Guess I'll have to wax my painted tubo.:lol: I wasn't sure if the paint sealed the wood or not and I haven't had any cracking after over a year of near daily use.
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Accessory Maker
I gave it a wax last night. It definitely feels nicer but it didn't seem to absorb as much of the wax as my unpainted tubo or my other solid wood vapes. So my guess is the paint partially seals the tubo, from what I remember the paint @funkyjunky uses is watered down acrylic so it makes sense that is would seal the wood to some degree.
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Active Member
I’ve always drooled over the tubo, always been a goal to get one. But I’ve seen a few evic duals floating around, were they a limited run? I’d love to get my hands on one.


never wanted to beat that one ;)
I’ve always drooled over the tubo, always been a goal to get one. But I’ve seen a few evic duals floating around, were they a limited run? I’d love to get my hands on one.

As far as I know they haven't been made in a while. Funky might consider producing them again but I think there was a parts shortage and I GUESS there haven't been new ones since at least a year.

You might be able to get one in the classifieds maybe but they are quite limited in number.


Accessory Maker
I was lucky enough to buy a dual second hand but battery life did not double as you would expect, it lasts maybe 1.5 times longer, and that's after messing with the settings extensively. Its also much larger than the original, even in the single battery configuration, so it's definitely less portable than the original. Mine really only sees use when I want to lay back and hook up a whip to the tubo as the dual is less likely to tip over. For me the benefits of the extra battery don't quite out weigh the downsides of the added size. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though and someone who's had a dual for longer can chime in.

almost there

Well-Known Member
I was lucky enough to buy a dual second hand but battery life did not double as you would expect, it lasts maybe 1.5 times longer, and that's after messing with the settings extensively. Its also much larger than the original, even in the single battery configuration, so it's definitely less portable than the original. Mine really only sees use when I want to lay back and hook up a whip to the tubo as the dual is less likely to tip over. For me the benefits of the extra battery don't quite out weigh the downsides of the added size. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though and someone who's had a dual for longer can chime in.
don't know what is considered normal, I don't ever really keep count how many session's I get with the 2 batteries. If I had to guess I would say I can juice 5-6 cruises including a proper warmup before every cruise session but my cruises seldom exceed 3 minutes and I usually step from 360F to 400ish.
almost there,


never wanted to beat that one ;)
I always assumed that it would keep up with high demands better without device too hot or battery sags.


Accessory Maker
I run my regular tubo at 450°F without eco mode and never get the device too hot message. I used to get it a lot but I sent it back to Ralph and he found there was a hardware issue with my unit, sense then I haven't had the issue. Battery sag is definitely less on the dual but I usually wait for the battery to cool down between sessions so it's not that noticeable on my regular tubo either.


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd give the ol' thread to see what* falls out :D.

Has anyone who ordered their Custom Spiked Bent Stem had it arrive?

Not in a rush or anything but anytime something has been in bought and not in my possession over a month later I get a little worried cause in my Neighborhood stealing someones Swanson dinner package crates is a "Score". I swear to you it has happened lol. And figured if the mailman was feeling lazy and didn't leave it in the gated area it could easily be seen & taken by people driving/walking by.

Anyway hows everyone doing?

Got diagnosed with a abnormal form of C. Diff and went in yesterday for my 1 week check up to be told 1 month is the standard for this type of bacteria (bacterium?) To be acceptable to be around. So 20 days technically but who's coun...wait a

Just hope my stash lasts Long enough to find someone willing to take a credit card/PayPal/any non physical form of payment lol.

Hope everyones Valentine's Day was happy and fun.


Okay, just ran a sesh with the weird nectar collector thing that @2hrs recommended. Turned it onto cruise at 370 and hit it about five seconds later. Lots of vapor produced throughout a five minute cruise, temp stepped every 2 min @ 10 degree intervals.

Afterwards used on demand at a few higher temps, 390, 420 to get some decent clouds for a couple pulls. This piece does stay very cool, moreso than my spiky glass bent stem even. However, the first one I received fit a bit better than the new replacement which isn't quite as snug. I find holding the tubo "upside down" works best with this piece because the recommended rimmed basket screens sit loose inside of the chamber unfortunately. Each piece seems to be a bit different so maybe you can get a really good one with a bit of luck.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend everyone that owns a tubo buys a RBT xl8r right now! Best purchase ever. I tossed my bent stem. This thing hits so thick and smooth, also it has a smaller joint so its not as long and will not hit your screen where the coil sits. Works very well with a rimmed basket screen.
They are $25 at
You can add an eds tnt butter to your order and use code “VLF%10” and the total comes up to $27

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
So I still haven't done anything with my bent stems yet to help them fit, still not so into the idea of teflon tape or the rolling papers... Was looking into cloth tapes, and found some colored hockey tape reasonably priced on Amazon, but I have no idea exactly how thick it will be if it would work well around the top of the male joint. Any thoughts on this?

RBT drydrotube is amazing with Tubo too


Well-Known Member

This is about the best Care Package anyone on Quarantine could ask for (Excluded from pic is Mail & Toiletries.)

Day 10 with 18 more to go and this Strain is supposed to be good for Gastro Intestinal troubles.

Gotta love & treat the Women in life good. In times of need they are Man's only hope of survival. =)

Pie's from Ma, Stem is from Ralph who's Definitely NOT a woman but awwweeee thanks @funkyjunky for the unforseen timing :D, BUT, the stem wouldn't be able to reach me if it wasn't for my Best Friend bringing everything from My Pups to visit (she's taling care of him) to toiletries & mail from the community mailboxes and a drive to a dispensary for this strain.

She's the shit. And this cooling stem is amazing too and glad it came =)

Speaking of spiked stems I just placed an order for 2x Chain Link Cooling Stems from @Monkeyhouse "Cooling House Inc" and look extremely promising in function and wouldn't have ever thought about the unique concept/design.

His thread is in the "Glass" Section on here (FC.) =).

While typing this I decided to try Spiked Cooling Stem and it is just so smooth. Awesome work @davesmith =)


Hi all. I'm hoping to get some help with my Tubo Evic. I'm ready to throw the thing away I'm so frustrated with it. I bought it used from someone off reddit. I tried to use it and it did absolutely squat. I loaded the glass half way as I've seen done so you can stir between hits. It got hot but no vapor, the weed didn't turn brown *at all*. It stayed a lovely shade of unvaped green. I ended up using my CFX to finish the bowl. So I played around with it. I noticed there's no cruise control. I've re-flashed this several times (I'm on a Mac if it helps) with the latest build from the lamart website, but according to the manual there should be the following setting in the menu: menu>vaping>protec. It doesn't exist. I reset the resistance from wher eit was set .198 to the default in the door to .184. Is there a way to factory reset? Or is there a previous firmware version I can revert to and try to reinstall? I truly want to love this thing but right now even my XMAX Starry is kicking its ass for vapor and usability. I have tried resetting everything to default according to the manual. I've reset all the defaults but it still seems to not be doing much. I tried the on demand with a basket and I got a bit out of it, but I have a Ghost MV1 if I want to microdose like that. Can someone help me out? What is missing here? Is it a complete dud and only useful as a paperweight at this point?

ETA: tried again - even worse than before. Absolutely nothing and not a lot of heat at all. But more than that, NONE of the click features seem to be working. No cruise, no warmup, no TStep. I really think this thing is just not for me.
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FINALLY figured it out!!!! Mods - feel free to delete my previous post. It's now working much better. Somehow I managed to engage Stealth mode which seemed to "lock" it into the on-demand mode. I got it back out (thanks to this thread) and everything started functioning, all clicks working, etc. So now to see what it can do.


Accessory Maker
Just received this beaut today!

The color in the photo is a bit off and the yellow tint on the screen doesn't show up in the picture.

Just want to give a huge shout out to @funkyjunky, he saw my post on here and contacted me saying he had a purpleheart tubo all cut and engraved and offered it to me with the orange evic I ordered. Once again absolutely superb customer service and craftsmanship. Thank you so much Ralph!

Here's a tubo family photo, it's gonna be tough to decide which one to use. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any advice for the tubo dual I haven't used it much cause I've been thinking it'll combust for sure but I've had it for a while. The coils heat up but they start glowing after about a second which I never saw on my regular tubo or tubo x. The only tubo that seems to be working perfectly is the regular evic I have the x runs quite cool I've tried messing with resistances but I don't want the mods to blow up in my hand or anything like that.
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any advice for the tubo dual I haven't used it much cause I've been thinking it'll combust for sure but I've had it for a while. The coils heat up but they start glowing after about a second which I never saw on my regular tubo or tubo x. The only tubo that seems to be working perfectly is the regular evic I have the x runs quite cool I've tried messing with resistances but I don't want the mods to blow up in my hand or anything like that.

Make sure the "Tubo" (resistance) # that is on the inside of the battery door. Then adjust the resistance increase if Tubo too Cold decrease if Tubo too hot.

Within a short time, you should be able to dial in the settings you want.

For informational purposes, I have an OG Tubo and a Dual and they can both be dialed in the same way.


Well-Known Member
I ordered a tubo (didn’t realize I shipped with no tracking number) and it states it shipped on the 14th. I haven’t received it yet( Los Angeles ) but I see people receiving there’s.

Should I be worried? I contacted the manufacturer with no luck.

almost there

Well-Known Member
I ordered a tubo (didn’t realize I shipped with no tracking number) and it states it shipped on the 14th. I haven’t received it yet( Los Angeles ) but I see people receiving there’s.

Should I be worried? I contacted the manufacturer with no luck.
It took almost 3 weeks for me to get mine, I wouldn’t worry so soon
almost there,
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