Vapeur Rogue

Est. 2013- Never Lookin' Back
@Padriano Both Lookin' good- better then "good"! Nice to see the Lamart1 on other woods- I don't for a second regret getting it on mine- and with the gold box too- really pops! And Bog Oak!? Glass lined... I would love to see both, but especially that stem in my future!

@little maggie
There are often wood capsule stems- (multiple lengths) available on the website, especially around drops- but there are a few up at the moment. Most commonly beech wood historically, but various exotics are starting to surface recently too.

I'll let @Padriano and @funkyjunky among others chime in too.

little maggie

Well-Known Member
@Padriano Both Lookin' good- better then "good"! Nice to see the Lamart1 on other woods- I don't for a second regret getting it on mine- and with the gold box too- really pops! And Bog Oak!? Glass lined... I would love to see both, but especially that stem in my future!

@little maggie
There are often wood capsule stems- (multiple lengths) available on the website, especially around drops- but there are a few up at the moment. Most commonly beech wood historically, but various exotics are starting to surface recently too.

I'll let @Padriano and @funkyjunky among others chime in too.
I don't know how I missed these. The long blue one is not on the site but there are 2 mediums. Hard to decide which wood while I wait for a long. Neither really goes with the original tubo wood but they are most beautiful.
Decision made. I'm going on a budget next year so glad it's still December.
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Well-Known Member
I broke mine before I could even use it, dropped it on a friend's kitchen counter and it shattered. I saved the screen, hopefully you did also. I found the exact same piece on, searched under "quartz nectar collector tip 18mm". I found a seller with many transactions who had them at two for less than $8. Not sure what the policy is here, so I won't link the listing.

Found the one you were talking about, thanks for the tip.
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Well-Known Member
I'm puzzled about the battery reading / setting. I bought some 18650s from Amazon (Brand: Imren, Capacity: 3000MAH, Amperage: 20/40A, Voltage: 3.7V). I also have an external plug-in charger.

The battery reading on the wall charger never matches the charge reading on the TUBO. I feel like I've tried all the possibilities under expert/battery.

I don't know if the wall charger is accurately reporting the battery's charge either...

Any suggestions for the best setting? An explanation of what the settings mean? Your favorite 18650 make/configuration?



Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of a way to vape wax with the Tubo? I don't have the funds to purchase a wax exclusive vape and want to get the most out of what I have. Thanks!

Using the WPA, I've put a little dab of wax on top of a bed of ground flower, at 440 F it seems to be fully vaporized (no sticky residue on the screen). For a dry mouthpiece you make a sandwich of flower, wax, flower. The flower acts like a blotter or wick for the wax. I think a mesh pad would work instead of ground flower, or perhaps unbleached cotton wadding like the Dynavap folks employ.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of a way to vape wax with the Tubo? I don't have the funds to purchase a wax exclusive vape and want to get the most out of what I have. Thanks!

I've tried a lot of different types of concentrates from FECO's, Rosin, BHO Shatter, Live Resin and even a semi viscous Sauce.

I've tried two methods that work for me at least: Taking a pinch of Hemp Fiber and sandwiching it inbetween 2 basket screens and usually only do this when the concentrate isn't very Viscous like Live Resin. The second is just leaving a cashed Basket screen full of ABV and apply to the back side of the Basket Screen so that when heat starts hitting the concentrate it soaks into it. But have been told that this method actually leaves more THC in the ABV than before. I could be completely wrong o this but I still do it anyway cause it works when I dont have any Hemp Fiber or Cotton.


Well-Known Member
I'm puzzled about the battery reading / setting. I bought some 18650s from Amazon (Brand: Imren, Capacity: 3000MAH, Amperage: 20/40A, Voltage: 3.7V). I also have an external plug-in charger.

The battery reading on the wall charger never matches the charge reading on the TUBO. I feel like I've tried all the possibilities under expert/battery.

I don't know if the wall charger is accurately reporting the battery's charge either...

Any suggestions for the best setting? An explanation of what the settings mean? Your favorite 18650 make/configuration?


I only have 30Q and vtc5a, I have seen people say the vtc5d(?) are better. I dont notice a difference with either one, brand new tubo with the newest firmware as of now. My nitecore charger doesnt give me exact battery percentage, except full. When i put in a full 30Q or vtc5a per my wall charger my tubo shows anywhere from 98-100%. One cruise/bowl seems to knock off 25-30%, but the battery display doesnt update itself until the cruise ends.The rest of the battery stuff @Abysmal Vapor can answer. Seriously, I read the rest of this thread.

I received the stempod mouthpieces and they are a match. Which is nice cuz that is my only way to use the whip. Used it just now and freaking yeah. It really is super smooth and cool on the throat.

Ok, lets talk macrodosing.

I lowered the watts to 50 and we ran through 4 sessions in about 25 minutes give or take a few, I did change the battery after the first 2 sessions, and no issues with overheating at all. Still pumps out smooth heavy clouds. I run it up to 220c to finish a bowl sometimes and still no issues. I removed the original screens, mostly by accident picking at gunk, and inserted some rimless @DDave basket screens inside the bowl just to act as a catcher and that allows for a large bowl but keeps it from being massive. I just need to figure out how to keep them from sliding down the bowl, I would prefer they stay roughly middle of the bowl itself. And I need to find a battery that lasts roughly 5 times longer so I hope the science nerds are listening.


Well-Known Member
There's a VTC5D review from Mooch on Ecig Forum comparing it to a VTC5A and a VTC6A, and from his testing it has a slightly higher mAh than the "A" and have better preformance at lower battery life.

The VTC5A'S are a great battery for the TUBO from my experience but after using VTC5D'S I felt like i'd wasted money on the 3x VTC5A'S even though the differences are very subtle.

But isn't there a saying about the grass always being greener on the other side lol?

I had really hoped the VTC6A's were available to us commoners by now but oh well. ='(

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Azn2101 What do you mean by that ?
I had really hoped the VTC6A's were available to us commoners by now but oh well. ='(
They are available in my country there is even a red version. It seems that Sony is now MURATA,they must have sold their business or something like that.
I went with 5A because they were 3 euro cheaper per piece at the ttime and they are still working very good and thats why i havent had thoughts about getting new ones.


Well-Known Member
@Abysmal Vapor in a video Mooch described how most batteries that IMR or LIION sell are "Second Gen" batteries and thats because whoever designed them or commisioned them for or by a company/companies get first dibs on the batteries fresh out of the factories. He also said that because those companies sometimes use the batteries as main selling points like "This model have 20% more battery life" for certain devices or purposes and until they feel like the competition has caught up by either making similar strides in the battery or the system that the battery powers and until then may choose not to release the models to the general public. For example it's thought that the "D" in the VTC5D is for Dyson because they were the ones who were the ones to originally ask for a battery with those specs.

So I guess for us in the US they aren't ready to release them.

A few batches were sold and a pic on E-cig forum showed someone reselling them for 19.99/ea. Cause they're so wanted

Edit: I did see that photo quite some time ago though.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Azn2101 Sry i thought you are saying that the VTC6A arent available. They are here in the EU at least. is the local retailer ,they buy factory direct and are the official local rep for the MURATA(ex-Sony) They are like 8 euro a piece,but you gotta buy 2.
The VTC5D arent avaiable on their site ,so i guess that matches with your info on this particular series to be company specific.


Well-Known Member
@Azn2101 Sry i thought you are saying that the VTC6A arent available. They are here in the EU at least. is the local retailer ,they buy factory direct and are the official local rep for the MURATA(ex-Sony) They are like 8 euro a piece,but you gotta buy 2.
The VTC5D arent avaiable on their site ,so i guess that matches with your info on this particular series to be company specific.

It's cool dude =) just a discussion.

Yeah they have the Murata VTV5D's but no options for the 6a in 18650 format.

They do have the 6a's in 21700 format though.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Azn2101 :)) I am no battery expert but to me the stats of the 5A seem superior to those of the 5D.
5A are 35A/2600 vs 5d which are 25a/2600 (6a are 30a/3000). I thought that the batteries with highest continuos discharge are best ,but i might be wrong.Also things are not always as advertised,i gotta check the latest of mooch reviews,havent looked them up in a while..


Well-Known Member
Crap man neither am I =D this is the base knoledge that @KeroZen gave me in a crash course =D

Heres the page for the 5D and a chart at the bottom with the VTC5A Blue line/VTC5D Red Line/VTC6A Green Line.

They are very similar at 10a CDR but at 25a the difference is bigger.

Edit: @Abysmal Vapor at the moment im not sure theres a battery that has a 3000mAh cell with over ~25a CDR, (Continous Discharge Rate) that being the VTC6a.

Pulse ratings on batteries do read out to higher Amperage numbers but those statistics don't mean anything that im aware of for the purposes we use the 18650's for.
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