this is basically the service i provide with my (electronic) products.
i calibrate them using an external thermo couple. this way the calibrated resistance is found that matches the real world temperatures more or less accurately. i give this number as recommended coil resistance out with tubo heaters.
no, for tubo heaters (and imo other dry herb attachments as well) the automatically measured resistance by the mod is not correct in the above sense. the calibrated resistance lies lower in my experience than what the mods read initially.
the recommended resistance can be entered in the menu>coils>manage at line TUBO (TCR in earlier versions) and should be locked. also check menu>coils>TUBO set that M1 is at 185.
in contrast to what was often recommended in this thread, it is not necessary to enter this number in a cold state of the attachment, it does not matter.
the only moment this matters is when trying to find the "recommended" coil resistance for another attachment. as said it is likely lower than what the mod reads the cold device at. maybe freezing the attachment beforehand would work

also while we are at it: changing TCR numbers in menu>coils>TUBO(TCR) to correct the performance does not make sense at all. as this corresponds to if 1 degree on the mod display is also equal to 1 degree in reality and not 1.5 degrees or 0.8 degrees for example.
the number to be tweaked is the coil resistance, up for hotter, down for colder.
that said, for other heaters the tcr number truly might be different but is the same for all units with the same coil/heater metal.
the tubo software will not recognize a tubox attachment. if swapping devices the coil resistance has to be adjusted everytime.
OR use the profile function of the firmware by holding down 'fire' & '+' for 3 seconds or so.
you can have different profiles for different attachments, select them when the attachment is unscrewed.
hope this helps with tubo and non tubo heaters

ill accept donations any time, lol