Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Has anyone else tried 14mm with 14 to 18 adapter in the tubo ? I just did and after some preheat i find it perfect for 1-2 hit extractions.Reminds me very much of the logvape hits.
Has anyone else tried 14mm with 14 to 18 adapter in the tubo ? I just did and after some preheat i find it perfect for 1-2 hit extractions.Reminds me very much of the logvape hits.
Tubo can get hot while charging,like many other devices in usb charging mode. Better use wall charger for the batteries ,they are faster . Also when usb charging you can leave the battery door off/open so hot air can escapeI just had a weird issue with my tubo. I had used it earlier and I believe it was cruise control. I was done and I am not sure I turned it off or just put it down and left it charging. When I came back like 30 min to an hour later, i see that its on and very hot. The material seemed ok in the bowl, not burnt or charred but the wood was smelling alot more even kinda tasted in the bowl, it felt like it was on for a good time cause I never felt the tubo that hot before
At first I thought crap well I must have left cruise control on. However, I forgot that there was a timer, and I just checked my settings and its on 300 sec. So it should have turned off anyways. If it helps, I dont think I messed with any settings except the W2Cru value.
Anyone experience this?
Tubo can get hot while charging,like many other devices in usb charging mode. Better use wall charger for the batteries ,they are faster . Also when usb charging you can leave the battery door off/open so hot air can escape.
Did you attempt turned it off before put to charging ? Theoretically you could have triggered cruise mode by accident and left it charging,5 minutes of operation is enough to make things hot,especially when you have blocked one of the air intakes with the bowl. . Then the smell is explainable. 5 clicks is on/off.I really dont' think the heat is just from being charged, its the hottest ive ever felt it and the bowl smelled like it was being heated for a long time with alot of wood smell engrained into the bowl. Also, I think I left it charging around 50% and when I came back I remember it said 19%. I believe when I came back to it, it was actually still on some cruise heat setting and I stopped it
Until I figure out what actually happened I guess I'm gonna need to take the battery out every time Im not using it, and keep my eye on it while charging
Did you attempt turned it off before put to charging ? Theoretically you could have triggered cruise mode by accident and left it charging,5 minutes of operation is enough to make things hot,especially when you have blocked one of the air intakes with the bowl. . Then the smell is explainable. 5 clicks is on/off.
I've never experieced TUBO turning ON on its own.
Until I figure out what actually happened I guess I'm gonna need to take the battery out every time Im not using it, and keep my eye on it while charging
I use mine with a 14mm perk. Will clear a full joint in 2 or 3 hits at 200°c+ or a good few, very tasty hits at lower temps. I desperately need a new bong to use it with lol.Tubo can get hot while charging,like many other devices in usb charging mode. Better use wall charger for the batteries ,they are faster . Also when usb charging you can leave the battery door off/open so hot air can escape.
@Evilevile Well i must say it requires less heat that way ,because of the narrowed airstream. the b owl walls also get less hot ,due to the increased mass ,so initially they conduct less heat to the load compared to the standart concept.
It doesnt places the load further away. I am talking about his kind of adapter below.
I've been REALLY enjoying my Tubo for the last couple of months but today my Tubo stopped heating up. The temp control goes wildly up to 850c and the coil, set at the default .206 ohms, jumps up wildly too. The power level is ALWAYS below 1watt now. What's going on? Please help! Did I do something with the settings on my Tubo Evic? I don't think I did anything manually with the settings but that's the first thing I'm checking.
Any ideas? Please help!
I cant tell what temp im on because it keeps switching into power mode and will only tell me the watts being used but whenever i hold down the fire button for a few seconds the coils start getting red and i Have TCD set at 0.200 which is written on the back i have the battery that came with the tubo I emailed funky and he said to update the firmware again but it doesnt seem to be working i might be doing it wrong but idk
EDIT: I Emailed FunkyJunky and he helped me solve the problem but coils did run extremely hot at first and started glowing in seconds because i didnt immedialty set the TCR to 0.200 at first but after lowering it again it works
Solution: if anyone has this problem reinstall the original firmware for the evicmini and then reinstall the current tubo firmware thank you Funky for the help not i can enjoy my tubo once again
I would try to erase the flash memory with the installation of the firmware and then setting the resistance to that in your battery door.
This should reset the tubo to default.
If it doesn't help, I assume connection problems between coils and mod... :/
Anyone in Europe should buy the bent stems from @funkyjunky. As for those not in Europe, I have a possible solution that is not expensive. This was $7.95 now $9.95 but still works great. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M4FDUQU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
EDIT / ADDITION FOR @greenmachinexlt here is a picture of what I mentioned earlier:
Turn algo to PID.Do not set cold coil resistance while coils are hot.Dont flash it while coils are hot. Otherwise you risk to detune your TUBO which might result in poor vaping experience or glowing red hot coils.Here's what I've done:
1. Reset the battery many times to just see if that was the issue
2. Flashed the firmware to the factory default from Joyetech for the Vtwo mini
3. Then flashed on Lamart's firmware
4. Reset coils to .206 ohms, like my battery plate says
5. Turned Algo to Sweet with 50% boost, P:4000, I:650, D:10
6. BVO under Expert settings to: 3.92v from 4.2v
7. Modes under Vaping Menu read for me now:
Temp NI - Y,
Temp TI - Y
Temp SS - Y
Power - N
Bypass - Y
Smart - Y
Conclusion: My Tubo evic now seems to be working normally again. I can set Cruise Control without it freaking out and heating the filament coil to red-hot. I don't know what single step, or combination of steps, got my Tubo working again but I'd suggest to everyone who JUST got a Tubo Evic to write down exactly what settings they had out of the box so they can go back to the settings default should shit happen.
Hope this helps someone else. Thanks for existing, fellow humansHave happy moments in life! A lot!
Turn algo to PID.Do not set cold coil resistance while coils are hot.Dont flash it while coils are hot. Otherwise you risk to detune your TUBO which might result in poor vaping experience or glowing red hot coils.
Just a reminder of what brought us all together a while ago.
How long did it take you to find this stem? It seems perfect...can't believe Amazon is selling it, and a high-quality one to boot from a high-quality glass manufacturer! You rock! Thanks!