Hello to you all. I rarely ask for advice here, but I would really like some help from you please.
I have very drawn to the Tubo since the start. Except it was a little confusing and intimidating to me at first.
My plan is to get a decent battery powered portable as soon as I can decide on a model, for this summer I hope.
My only portable now is the Omnivap. But I have totally given up using the vapcap dry. It is always too harsh and irritating to me, especially in my throat. I only use it at home now with bubblers.
I also don't like trying to torch in wind. So I need a good portable. I REALLY REALLY like the look of the Tubo. Vapor quality and potency are always the most important to me.
Smoothness as well though. From my (studies

) it seems that the Tubo offers better quality vapor and potency than a lot of other current popular and emerging portables (Haze Square included(?)).
I simply have no wish to purchase another model which may be more suitable/practical/convenient on numerous grounds (portability amongst others), at the expense of a drop in vapor quality and potency.
For example- the Fury 2 looks perfect for on the go, discreet public use (on way to shops etc).
But I don't believe it offers the same quality and potent vapor. Also I dont want a session vape. I need on demand. I get that the Tubo can do both, and in between that too.
If the Fury 2 or Fierce was on demand, I may be swayed towards them a little more.
I like the look of the Haze Square, but I have a known severe allergy to the aluminium heating block of the Supreme 3. The Square may be okay. Im stil a bit fuzzy on exactly where all the aluminium is, I dont think it is heated except the herb pods which are also available in SS.
So it may be fine. But Im also not keen on the black anodized coating on the pods. Just an unknown to me and being so hyper-reactive I have to be mindful of this.
But I actually just prefer the look of the Tubo all round anyway.
Im still looking at the other options. I'm not keen on the Milaana. I need regulated. Poor brain function makes me prone to combustion with torch/unregulated vapes. I can never get consistent results for long due to variatons on my condition.
The Splinter looks like the closest rival. More portable, discreet. Maybe less powerful though?
I also would use the Tubo at home a lot, with and without water. I love the fact that it can rival desktops with power and extraction/hit size.
I also love the open airflow. A big thing for me. Can't stand the vapcap draw restriction personally.
So I don't want a vape that is more portable but not as great as a free flowing, hard hitting desktop capable of milking big hits with powerful and fast extraction. Like the Splinter for example- may be harder work to get the same home experience through a bubbler, taking longer sessions, more suction power etc (the Splinter looks more restricted than the Tubo)....
...for the sake of a more convenient road vape. But I may make this trade off if I feel it is best overall.
Now, only 2 things really hold me back. I do really want the Tubo:
Portablity for away from home use- I would like to be able to hit the Tubo while taking leisurely walks out and about. We dont see many police here. They are undernumbered and Im not too worried about them seeing me slying a vape and actually going out of their way, unless it is right in their faces of course.
I do feel that I could get away with discreetly hitting the Tubo when out walking, just not in town centre etc. Size wise, form factor it looks okay to me. I usually always have a bag out, or big coat pockets. And the fact that it IS effectively like an ecig device is a big plus for public use.
Open to any thoughts on this.
Now, the bottom line. Vapor smoothness/harshness. I have seen some conflictinf reports here on the Tubo. Most agree that the Tubo vapor is slightly harsher than the Milaana, but be due to the hit/denseness or just the steady constant set temp, vs a temp rise (Milaana).
@little maggie hiya girl, I saw you say how you can't really use the vapcaps now due to their harshness, and you speak highly of the Tubo. So if I can't be comfortable with the vapcap dry, how do you think I would fare with the Tubo?
A big part of the vapcap is the randomness of the temps, hit to hit. Also the same hit- always high heat at start. This is an issue for me.
I could always use a lower temp with Tubo when hitting dry? I also would only use the long bent stem, wpa, and whip.
So I am most drawn to this vape than the others. I really want to actually USE the Tubo, purely for the vapor quality, effects and overall experience. I dont feel like that about the others.
It could be more portable/discreet but not a deal breaker IF... I can feel confident that I would be comfortable enough with the smoothness etc to use regularly as a portable without suffering the throat and respiratory aggravation of the dry vapcap (vapcap is also quite irrtitating to me even through water- I use it every day but it certainly is not the cleanest/gentlest vapor to me at all and causes a particular type of irritation).
Any thoughts much appreciated folks. Sorry to go on. I wish I had a bit more time until 4/20. I am exploring the idea of getting involved while the sale is on possibly.
One other thing- the manufacturer! I think
@funkyjunky seems like a really great guy, very friendly, helpful, obiliging, mature, respectful and still totally professional.
I have lots of love for so many vape manufacturers who are commonly truly great people.
Not always the case. One of the other portables I have looked at-I just feel that the manufacturer can get a little impatient and patronizing at times, and it can be tricky to get the info you need on the vape. I feel like I better not ask again on what, IMO they didn't explain clearly enough for me to understand. And I feel like t would annoy or offend them if I asked again, especially if it is about materials where they can misread an innocent non trouble stirring inquiry as an attack or fearmongering.
I dont get this feeling at all with
@funkyjunky who seems very approacable and understanding. I also dont see any concern for my own extreme sensitivitues with the Tubo, so no inquires from me on that one!
Okay nuff said. Thanks everyone take care now.