Tornado by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
About heat lock. Happened to me twice, the last one really got stuck and I needed the wrench and a vice grip to get it loose. The bowl is very sensitive to being a tiny bit skewed when you screw it in and that locks it. So I'm extra careful
Between heating the Anvil and the Tornado, the Tornado seems faster to get to temp. And it has a lot of mass, so there's a lots of time to extract the entire bowl before the cool down click.
I've varied the flame length: hotter seems better


Well-Known Member
Be all that as it may, what is the Tornado like?

Granted that I don't have the Forge working yet, because it needs (in Europe) exotic Milwaukee batteries and those are on order.
I vape purely for effect and for THC, and I evolved from Dynavap and the first user edition Anvil to a thermocore and XL everything anvil. I use both a torch and an Ispire Wand (hence the Forge). My torch is a very precise and very powerful Dremel with high output.

I wanted to dial in my use a little bit and wait before posting anything about the experience. I do micro dose, also in the Anvil XL bowl, I don't grind but tear off tiny nugs, that I'll squish a little bit. I use the XL bowl for this. I don't use screens.

First of all: this thing gets ultra hot, so be careful handling it! And be extra careful about heat lock. It does that very easily. It fits a #13 ring wrench and that's not a luxury.

I weighed the nug that I put into the bowl: 0.11g


Make sure you don't screw in the bowl all the way and screw it in straight. I cannot stress this enough

I have become very careful about heating. I torch the Tornado at the foot of the oven. I don't know if I'm doing it right, because if I wait for the click I overshoot, and am on the verge of combustion. I think the Forge's precision will take the guesswork out of this.

Here's a picture of how I torch it


As soon as I start smelling vapor, I stop torching. When I place it in the bubbler and start hitting, that's when the bowl clicks. Two clicks, about a second apart.


I have a high tolerance, am in NL and the cannabis I vaporize has a THC percentage of around 25%. I don't look down on Super Silver Haze. The Tornado's vapor is exceedingly pleasing. I vape for effect and it hits almost instantly. In an interview, John explained the thinking behind the secondary gasifier: a smaller molecule size and greater bio-availability of cannabinoids. I was curious if I would notice the effect of this in real life.

Tornado's vapor does feel more "intense" than anything I get from my thermocore + xl bowl Anvil. That 0.11g nug is now inhaled and hitting hard. The near-instant hit reminds me of smoking joints, in the before times, but with very smooth vapor if you time it right and don't overshoot. The margins for error are small with the Tornado, but torching is totally possible.

Done in one is even more true for the Tornado than it is for the Anvil and I would advice to leave the bowl out and let the Tornado cool "between takes". Combustion is a risk if your Tornado is too hot at the start. I found that out twice already.

Nothing but praise for this exciting device. It is so incredibly efficient in getting the cannabinoids into my system. I love how it makes doing this even more accessible than before, because of the smooth quality of the vapor. And this seems to be the first iteration of a whole new direction the Anvil is going.

Lastly, this is the ABV I got from it:


Caramel color, because I stopped before the click, fully extracted. I crushed it: it's dust.

What can I say. It's already my daily driver and that's before I've got the forge up and running.
maybe it needs to be heated higher in the oven


Active Member
Be all that as it may, what is the Tornado like?

Granted that I don't have the Forge working yet, because it needs (in Europe) exotic Milwaukee batteries and those are on order.
I vape purely for effect and for THC, and I evolved from Dynavap and the first user edition Anvil to a thermocore and XL everything anvil. I use both a torch and an Ispire Wand (hence the Forge). My torch is a very precise and very powerful Dremel with high output.

I wanted to dial in my use a little bit and wait before posting anything about the experience. I do micro dose, also in the Anvil XL bowl, I don't grind but tear off tiny nugs, that I'll squish a little bit. I use the XL bowl for this. I don't use screens.

First of all: this thing gets ultra hot, so be careful handling it! And be extra careful about heat lock. It does that very easily. It fits a #13 ring wrench and that's not a luxury.

I weighed the nug that I put into the bowl: 0.11g


Make sure you don't screw in the bowl all the way and screw it in straight. I cannot stress this enough

I have become very careful about heating. I torch the Tornado at the foot of the oven. I don't know if I'm doing it right, because if I wait for the click I overshoot, and am on the verge of combustion. I think the Forge's precision will take the guesswork out of this.

Here's a picture of how I torch it


As soon as I start smelling vapor, I stop torching. When I place it in the bubbler and start hitting, that's when the bowl clicks. Two clicks, about a second apart.


I have a high tolerance, am in NL and the cannabis I vaporize has a THC percentage of around 25%. I don't look down on Super Silver Haze. The Tornado's vapor is exceedingly pleasing. I vape for effect and it hits almost instantly. In an interview, John explained the thinking behind the secondary gasifier: a smaller molecule size and greater bio-availability of cannabinoids. I was curious if I would notice the effect of this in real life.

Tornado's vapor does feel more "intense" than anything I get from my thermocore + xl bowl Anvil. That 0.11g nug is now inhaled and hitting hard. The near-instant hit reminds me of smoking joints, in the before times, but with very smooth vapor if you time it right and don't overshoot. The margins for error are small with the Tornado, but torching is totally possible.

Done in one is even more true for the Tornado than it is for the Anvil and I would advice to leave the bowl out and let the Tornado cool "between takes". Combustion is a risk if your Tornado is too hot at the start. I found that out twice already.

Nothing but praise for this exciting device. It is so incredibly efficient in getting the cannabinoids into my system. I love how it makes doing this even more accessible than before, because of the smooth quality of the vapor. And this seems to be the first iteration of a whole new direction the Anvil is going.

Lastly, this is the ABV I got from it:


Caramel color, because I stopped before the click, fully extracted. I crushed it: it's dust.

What can I say. It's already my daily driver and that's before I've got the forge up and running.
Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading it as someone looking to use it with a torch.

Seems like a better anvil which is all it needed to be really. I’m especially happy this can RTL on such a small flame, one thing I like about John’s designs is how little torch power they tend to require. Glad that’s been continued on this next gen oven


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading it as someone looking to use it with a torch.

Seems like a better anvil which is all it needed to be really. I’m especially happy this can RTL on such a small flame, one thing I like about John’s designs is how little torch power they tend to require. Glad that’s been continued on this next gen oven
I've started torching just above the holes and for now that's the sweet spot. There's a quality to the vapor I don't get with the Anvil. It's strong, but not harsh, even though there's a lot of output. A vague description, I know.
Definitely a step up from the Anvil. And a starting point for further refinement, just like how the Anvul ovens evolved. I need to save up for the batteries, can't wait to start using the forge tbh.

{If Verdampft Nochmal can keep a good stock of Vestratto items, I'll gladly shop there. I can easily travel to Berlin}


Well-Known Member
I do micro dose, also in the Anvil XL bowl, I don't grind but tear off tiny nugs, that I'll squish a little bit. I use the XL bowl for this. I don't use screens.

First of all: this thing gets ultra hot, so be careful handling it! And be extra careful about heat lock. It does that very easily. It fits a #13 ring wrench and that's not a luxury.

I weighed the nug that I put into the bowl: 0.11g


Make sure you don't screw in the bowl all the way and screw it in straight. I cannot
Fellow nug heater. I gave up on nugs when using the big oven. I scissor them now into fluffy bits. I’m using spring loaded trimming shears as they’re easier on my arthritic hands. It’s made a difference in the extraction.


Active Member
About heat lock. Happened to me twice, the last one really got stuck and I needed the wrench and a vice grip to get it loose. The bowl is very sensitive to being a tiny bit skewed when you screw it in and that locks it. So I'm extra careful
Interesting you're having issues! In the instructions you get with it it says back the cap off 1/16 turn before heating. So I've done that every time and had no issues in 70+ bowls.

Maybe you have a slightly off bowl or aren't backing it off a tad? I'm also using the Forge every time.

So I'm up to about ~60 hits with the Tornado (combined 75 with my wife) and I have some thoughts.

Firstly, I have not used anything else since because I don't want to - it's that good. Compared to the Anvil it blows the Anvil away imo. It's smoother, the flavour is better, and the effects are noticeably better - faster, more intense, and lasting longer. And the Anvil is already an incredible device!

I've only hit the Tornado using the Forge and through water. It 100% seems like it's best utilised through water as a 1 hitter. I haven't dabbled with any other set up because I'm currently so happy and impressed with each hit I'm getting.

I went all the way up to 3200j and 100% power and that was pretty much RTL. I usually get my Anvil and T360 to that, but have backed it off to a lighter roast and am using 2750j and 80% power. I inhale for a long time on each hit and the clouds are thick and the roast is medium. It's a perfect mix of effects, flavour, and smoothness. I have also rarely been coughing.

I'm using a TAG 12" Bent Neck double Honeycomb perc and a qaromashop passthrough/herb catcher and get 2 inhales off the 1 bowl/heat up and that clears it.

Also, putting the proper screen in has made the device even better since my initial thoughts (which were already ridiculously positive)!

My mind is genuinely blown with the Tornado 🤯

Another thing I've noticed though is I'm not going to the click too often. I'm back up at 3000j and 75% and it's THICK milky clouds with good flavour but a DARK roast - some of it borderline combusting near the top.

Sometimes it'll click sometimes it won't but I don't even notice anymore tbh as I'm trusting the Forge settings and it's same consistent every time. Mostly I'm not hearing it click.
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While also not inexpensive (and I don't know of any higher powered IH that is), if you are looking for a wall powered IH, the Camouflet Inductor works great with Vestratto products
Isn’t this kind of similar to a (scary powerful) torch in terms of one sided heating? Should be no problem due to Vestratto’s copper core, but I’m curious.

If I could only have one IH, it would be that.
I take strong statements like this serious. The Inductor is definitely on my mind.

Edit: Just did a little research. Man, this thing is crazy! Intimidating, but very promising. Love to see videos coming up with people using this thing on a tornado.
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Known to some and enigma to others
Isn’t this kind of similar to a (scary powerful) torch in terms of one sided heating? Should be no problem due to Vestratto’s copper core, but I’m curious.

I take strong statements like this serious. The Inductor is definitely on my mind.

Edit: Just did a little research. Man, this thing is crazy! Intimidating, but very promising. Love to see videos coming up with people using this thing on a tornado.
Once mine gets her I will oblige.


Active Member
Any experiences/videos from people filling the bowl with ground herb?
I'm filling the bowl with about 0.21g of ground herb (Amora-3) using the Old Head spoon and it pushes straight in with my thumb for a full but loose pack.

Here's images of me packing a bowl

If theres a better way to insert pictures please let me know. Embedding the imgur link didn't seem to work for me.
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Well-Known Member
Isn’t this kind of similar to a (scary powerful) torch in terms of one sided heating? Should be no problem due to Vestratto’s copper core, but I’m curious.

I take strong statements like this serious. The Inductor is definitely on my mind.

Edit: Just did a little research. Man, this thing is crazy! Intimidating, but very promising. Love to see videos coming up with people using this thing on a tornado.
Depends on the device if you need to rotate it with the Inductor. Bud as you've guessed, the conductivity of the Anvil copper means you're good just hitting one spot. Will update on Tornado experience once it arrives


Active Member
I'm filling the bowl with about 0.21g of ground herb (Amora-3) using the Old Head spoon and it pushes straight in with my thumb for a full but loose pack.

Here's images of me packing a bowl

If theres a better way to insert pictures please let me know. Embedding the imgur link didn't seem to work for me.
I’m quite surprised the anvil and tornado ovens are so similar in size. Only really the length where there’s a notable difference. I mean, it makes sense that there wouldn’t be a huge difference given the size of the hole in the forge. I guess I just imagined the tornado to be quite big relative to the anvil.

I feel like it’s not going to be too much design work to bring a stem and utility case solution to the tornado platform if John decides to. Given the fact it can also RTL with a small flame I think this will be my future pocket setup if it ends up going that way


Well-Known Member
Be all that as it may, what is the Tornado like?

Granted that I don't have the Forge working yet, because it needs (in Europe) exotic Milwaukee batteries and those are on order.
I vape purely for effect and for THC, and I evolved from Dynavap and the first user edition Anvil to a thermocore and XL everything anvil. I use both a torch and an Ispire Wand (hence the Forge). My torch is a very precise and very powerful Dremel with high output.

I wanted to dial in my use a little bit and wait before posting anything about the experience. I do micro dose, also in the Anvil XL bowl, I don't grind but tear off tiny nugs, that I'll squish a little bit. I use the XL bowl for this. I don't use screens.

First of all: this thing gets ultra hot, so be careful handling it! And be extra careful about heat lock. It does that very easily. It fits a #13 ring wrench and that's not a luxury.

I weighed the nug that I put into the bowl: 0.11g


Make sure you don't screw in the bowl all the way and screw it in straight. I cannot stress this enough

I have become very careful about heating. I torch the Tornado at the foot of the oven. I don't know if I'm doing it right, because if I wait for the click I overshoot, and am on the verge of combustion. I think the Forge's precision will take the guesswork out of this.

Here's a picture of how I torch it


As soon as I start smelling vapor, I stop torching. When I place it in the bubbler and start hitting, that's when the bowl clicks. Two clicks, about a second apart.


I have a high tolerance, am in NL and the cannabis I vaporize has a THC percentage of around 25%. I don't look down on Super Silver Haze. The Tornado's vapor is exceedingly pleasing. I vape for effect and it hits almost instantly. In an interview, John explained the thinking behind the secondary gasifier: a smaller molecule size and greater bio-availability of cannabinoids. I was curious if I would notice the effect of this in real life.

Tornado's vapor does feel more "intense" than anything I get from my thermocore + xl bowl Anvil. That 0.11g nug is now inhaled and hitting hard. The near-instant hit reminds me of smoking joints, in the before times, but with very smooth vapor if you time it right and don't overshoot. The margins for error are small with the Tornado, but torching is totally possible.

Done in one is even more true for the Tornado than it is for the Anvil and I would advice to leave the bowl out and let the Tornado cool "between takes". Combustion is a risk if your Tornado is too hot at the start. I found that out twice already.

Nothing but praise for this exciting device. It is so incredibly efficient in getting the cannabinoids into my system. I love how it makes doing this even more accessible than before, because of the smooth quality of the vapor. And this seems to be the first iteration of a whole new direction the Anvil is going.

Lastly, this is the ABV I got from it:


Caramel color, because I stopped before the click, fully extracted. I crushed it: it's dust.

What can I say. It's already my daily driver and that's before I've got the forge up and running.
Ok, it is a kind of portable sublimator ? How is the taste ? I asked that, because I have seen here that the sublimator is not the best for the taste.


Well-Known Member
How big is the supposed gasification chamber?

I’m sure its impact will be hard to objectively tell because the bowl size is larger, conduction/convection mix is different than anvil, etc.


Active Member
How big is the supposed gasification chamber?

I’m sure its impact will be hard to objectively tell because the bowl size is larger, conduction/convection mix is different than anvil, etc.
Isn’t it the bit branded Vestratto that is the gas chamber? So not that big relative to the main chamber. Although the coppercore runs all the way down past that too, so it seems the heat is being spread quite far into the vapour path - which gives a pretty decent surface area to heat the vapour.

I think a good way to examine what the tornado is doing will be the reclaim - it was said that the sublimator and the gasification thing it claims to do would produce a very thick, red reclaim compared to other vapes. If it’s really doing whatever the sublimator did, I’d imagine a similar reclaim to be produced.


Well-Known Member
Ok, it is a kind of portable sublimator ? How is the taste ? I asked that, because I have seen here that the sublimator is not the best for the taste.
Now that I know what I'm doing I'm very impressed by the powerful yet very terpy hits. I associate huge clouds with "popcorn taste", but the Tornado is smooth, flavourful yet very dense. Impressive


Well-Known Member
Now that I know what I'm doing I'm very impressed by the powerful yet very terpy hits. I associate huge clouds with "popcorn taste", but the Tornado is smooth, flavourful yet very dense. Impressive
Have you tried filling the bowl with ground herb yet? I expect the Tornado will still be conduction leaning, and that will be reflected in the taste surely.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried filling the bowl with ground herb yet? I expect the Tornado will still be conduction leaning, and that will be reflected in the taste surely.
I usually fill the oven with fluffy bits of scissored nugs.
I have ground herb from a government source labeled as “reefer ready.” It is a very fine grind. It performs very well.

It’s an XL style bowl so there is a level of conduction.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried filling the bowl with ground herb yet? I expect the Tornado will still be conduction leaning, and that will be reflected in the taste surely.
Not in a way that's noticeable to me. If I pry out a vaped nug, the conduction is easy to see: darker on the outside than on the inside. But I don't taste it in the vapor. N = 1 of course.
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I expect the Tornado will still be conduction leaning, and that will be reflected in the taste surely.
I very much hope so. Not for the taste in particular but for the conduction effects. That’s why I love my Anvil with the XL bowl. It just hits different than convection only. Flavor is still great though. 8/10
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Well-Known Member
I very much hope so. Not for the taste in particular but for the conduction effects. That’s why I love my Anvil with the XL bowl. It just hits different than convection only. Flavor is still great though. 8/10
I would agree. I prefer pure convection devices. But the conduction of the Anvil set it apart as a differentiator for me.

I don't need a convection device with a large bowl in my line up. But one with a good amount of conduction? Well that could be useful.

However let's not kid ourselves. Anvil does not deliver the best taste compared to it's competitors. That's not why people like Vestrato products.


However let's not kid ourselves. Anvil does not deliver the best taste compared to it's competitors. That's not why people like Vestrato products.
Probably I’m used to the flavor, it’s just a strong one. Also I’m running all my devices fairly hot, this makes differences in taste become smaller. And flavor is still pretty good, although there are better tasting devices out there. But do they hit as well? Cause yeah, it’s the punch I love Vestratto for.

Flavor 8/10 is exaggerated though, but I won’t go below 7.
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