Tornado by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I medicate to keep my eye pressure in check (glaucoma) and I was really looking forward to the greater efficiency. So to me, it's not an unimportant bit of kit
I just read your update above. It doesn't matter if John considers it delivered. His contract with you is to provide you with the product. John breached his contract with you, DHL breached their contract with John. It's up to him to seek resolution or compensation with DHL. In the meantime he needs to fulfill his contract with you. If he can't provide the product he needs to give you a refund. Just because he is running a small business, does not mean he can operate outside of the law.

Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I medicate to keep my eye pressure in check (glaucoma) and I was really looking forward to the greater efficiency. So to me, it's not an unimportant bit of kit
I have it coming soon. I took the forge ahead of time. If it shows, I just want to use it once or twice tops and I will forward mine to you friend.:nod: Your story here touched me, I have a few anvils so I'll be good. I'll PM you when I get it:tup:


Well-Known Member
No, the locker was empty. Apparently there are two shipments one is #4318, that one is still on its way and is a screen for free and it will arrive september 18?
the other was my original order #4073 and apparently that was delivered, only it wasn't. Took a picture of the empty locker and now have DHL hell to look forward to.

Update: John considers it delivered, because I opened the DHL locker, which was empty. I've been a Vestratto customer from the user edition, and grew with the new stem and the thermocore. I'm disabled and $500 is a lot of money for me, so I'm contesting the CC charge and I'll see what comes of it. Very happy with the Anvil, but this is a bitter experience.
Very sorry to hear about your DHL problem. A few years ago I sold a Wadia CDP and it was shipped via DHL. I almost got into an altercation with the driver who almost backed over our heatpump trying to turn around when there was not room. Several days later my buyer contacts me and said he just saw the DHL driver throw the box off the back of the truck onto concrete.

I filed a claim with DHL and got the full amount to have the CDP repaired. Just tell this story to let you know it is possible to get reimbursed if they lost your shipment. It takes time and is inconvenient. It should have been insured by John. I never used them again after that experience.
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What has DHL had to say about this?

To my mimd that is much more on them than John. ( @Vestratto ) But yes, not encouraging how it seems Vestratto is handling this.


Active Member
I've put 2 vids up on discord. It's incredible lol. Still dialing it in trying to get a darker roast. This vape and the Forge is blowing my mind in a way not even ball vapes did. John has truly created something special here.

Edit: I'll put the links here too:

I've just tried 3000j and 100% and it's a bit darker. Massive clouds! I'm still steadily increasing the settings.
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How crazy fast is that Forge? 😳 Very impressive. Vapor production is as quick as the Anvil I’d say, but just more. What is it that’s more mind blowing about it over ball vapes @Sidoney? Can you feel the smaller droplets hitting you harder?


Active Member
From the official website: "For Forge Users, the Tornado has 20% more thermal mass than an Anvil and requires 3250 Joules to achieve a double click and full soak."
3200j 100% was too much. Was right on the line but killed my lungs.

At 3000 it clicks while you start to hit and it's way more flavourful. Might try less power?

I'm the highest I've been in years though and have had no oils only some tornado hits hahahaha


I've put 2 vids up on discord. It's incredible lol. Still dialing it in trying to get a darker roast. This vape and the Forge is blowing my mind in a way not even ball vapes did. John has truly created something special here.

Edit: I'll put the links here too:


Have you tried it with a torch as well? I'd like to hear how it performs with torch vs. forge as I'm not sure I'm up for buying a forge as well 😬 but I am interested in this vape.

One question about the video, why do you lift the tornado when you have a separate airflow thing on your glass?
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It's not. It's John's responsibility and fault, in the eyes of consumer rights. All on John.

It might be different in different companies, but if I had an email from a company with my receipt on the email chain that said "bad luck, it's lost, I'm not going to do anything" I wouldn't even need to wait for my bank to investigate it, they'd reverse the charge as soon as I provided the email.


Active Member
This last page is such an accurate distillation of the Vestratto experience

Comments about the product being absolutely top notch and then one about John/Vestratto being an arse and/or leaving a customer in a bad spot.

Definitely do a chargeback if you’re going to be left with both empty hands and wallet, that really isn’t on. I remember when some users would share their bad experience in the anvil thread and get piled on by users that can’t separate product from person.

I’ll still be buying a tornado once things have settled down, looks incredible on those videos and it’s not even being maxed out. Urgh. This company is like being in an abusive relationship sometimes :rofl:


Active Member
As far as the Forge goes... it's actually so special being able to just put the Tornado/Anvil in and then pick it out 10 seconds later and get the exact same experience dialed in to a tee each time.

It's mind blowing actually how good it is. But yeah it's also expensive af. I feel so grateful I got it in the Tornado bundle


Well-Known Member
No worries, hopefully someone else will try with a torch too. I know people rate the forge but it's a big investment and also a big heavy looking unit 😂

I'll be 100% torch when it arrives, at least in the short term. As someone who never really "took" to my Yll2.0 with my Dynavaps, and who has never felt a need for an IH with my Anvil, DF2.0 or Stunner, I'm hoping this will also be the case with the Tornado (which I only ordered last week when they had a few in addition to the 4/20 presale.)

I don't imagine a scenario where I'd be dropping that much money on a Forge, cos the device would have to be in that tiny grey area where I feel it's not performing optimally, but I like it enough/am getting good enough results to keep throwing money at it.


Active Member
Another torch only user checking in.

The forge is very impressive but I have the solo 3 for when I want a laid back, no effort experience that still knocks me out.

For me, I find these sort of vapes very ritual based and as a result I always reach for the torch. I like to take my time, make it a sort of meditative experience.

I just hope it runs well with a triple/quad. I’m not about that big blazer life!


Well-Known Member
I'll be 100% torch when it arrives, at least in the short term. As someone who never really "took" to my Yll2.0 with my Dynavaps, and who has never felt a need for an IH with my Anvil, DF2.0 or Stunner, I'm hoping this will also be the case with the Tornado (which I only ordered last week when they had a few in addition to the 4/20 presale.)

I don't imagine a scenario where I'd be dropping that much money on a Forge, cos the device would have to be in that tiny grey area where I feel it's not performing optimally, but I like it enough/am getting good enough results to keep throwing money at it.
Because the bowl is so big with the Tornado, it sort of lessons the need for an IH imo. If one bowl is going to do me in, then I'm not going to feel much annoyance using a torch for a single heat cycle. It's when you are clicking the torch on constantly like a DV where it starts getting really annoying.


I’d much rather consider the Forge, if it wouldn’t be battery powered. I’d use it solely with the Tornado and I don’t use to go out with my bong. So a wall powered version would be much more convenient for me.

For my Anvil I don’t need a Forge, as I learned to torch it perfectly every single time. It also turned to a beloved ritual.


Company Rep
I’d much rather consider the Forge, if it wouldn’t be battery powered. I’d use it solely with the Tornado and I don’t use to go out with my bong. So a wall powered version would be much more convenient for me.

For my Anvil I don’t need a Forge, as I learned to torch it perfectly every single time. It also turned to a beloved ritual.
I forget my forge runs on batteries till it dries up lol, usually go 4 or 5 days of full use before it needs to be charged (6ah battery, approx 65 bowls)

Personally, I use cannabis to get medicated and if I can shave 40 seconds off each session I sure will, being able to heat the anvil in 10 sec has been a game changer for me. To me, time is the most valuable asset we don't have enough of, this thing has already paid for itself in saved time during sessions, which is what I felt after moving to the 1HE of the anvil from other dry herb vapes that took ages to fully extract.

Also I think some of the magic with the Tornado will be with the even heating that the forge provides across the oven and atomizer, I am looking forward to see if someone can replicate the forge hit with a torch, but something tells me it won't be the same.


being able to heat the anvil in 10 sec has been a game changer for me
Nice. But no reason for me to invest. I don’t mind the torching time as long as I get perfect repeatable results, which is the case.

Also I think some of the magic with the Tornado will be with the even heating that the forge provides across the oven and atomizer, I am looking forward to see if someone can replicate the forge hit with a torch, but something tells me it won't be the same.
Same. If the Forge hit can’t be replicated by torch, I’m in. Still don’t mind heat up time, but I want the full Tornado functionality for sure.

I just recently received a Wand, which for me instantly changed the game with the Tempest. It’s mostly the even all around heating, I suppose. The Wand makes it hit harder due to more stored heat than I can achieve torching. No way back.
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