@gangababa, you also take out the screens of the CU halves, make both hollow parts face each other and thus use that empty space to fill a bit more balls.
If not for more balls, it will allow you to shorten the distance between those 2 halves so the whole CU can be a bit further away from your lips (keeping the same bowl size en cooling you have now).
The only "downside" is that you'll need a mesh screen just before the CU (otherwise herbs can go throu the holes of the metal cylinder of the CU )
I don't think so. You may be able to use the deeper Arizer ones if you file/sand the rim though. But if your bowl is deeper than it's wide you'll probably get uneven extraction and will need to stir.
Here are the cooling stems i "created". The shortened Grav Upline Taster with half a CU filled with 4mm SS balls is probably the best short cooling stem on the market

So confortable and it cools the vapor so well.
I broke a short stem but it lasted enough length to cut it cleanly and use it with the Ditanium mouthpiece and thus have one of the shortest 14mm WPA.