TinyMight / TM 2


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I've been busy the last few weeks so not been able to scroll through the 10+ pages since I was last on this thread but I noticed a few people mentioning issues with the button placement. Apologies if it's already been mentioned but does anyone else use the TM2 the other way round? I was trying out different ways to press the button, either the pinky or the 4th finger but ended up turning it round and now I squeeze the unit and the button is pressed by the palm of my hand, I find it a better way to press the button although I do swap back and forth for now and then.
I press the button with palm also. I find it comfortable and effective. My hands are a little smaller than average. Maybe the people complaining at this technique have bigger hands.
Hey folks, I've been busy the last few weeks so not been able to scroll through the 10+ pages since I was last on this thread but I noticed a few people mentioning issues with the button placement. Apologies if it's already been mentioned but does anyone else use the TM2 the other way round? I was trying out different ways to press the button, either the pinky or the 4th finger but ended up turning it round and now I squeeze the unit and the button is pressed by the palm of my hand, I find it a better way to press the button although I do swap back and forth for now and then.
Am I the only person that uses the middle finger to press the button? I have long slim hands and from the first time I held the TinyMight in my hands, using the the middle finger felt natural for me. I have yet to try the palm thou.


Well-Known Member
@RedZep Ive got fairly big hands, not shovels but they ain't dainty either, I find that some spots on my palm work better than others sometimes I need to play around to find what is most comfortable.

@Elfstone I actually use my middle finger sometimes as well as the pinky and 4th finger, I don't think I have a set way of using it yet but I do tend to go for the palm press more often.

I have found myself using the session mode more as well though, just need to remember and turn the fecker aff :lol:


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
I have large hands and found the palm method problematic. Although, since I got my OG back from some maintenance I’ve found the button is much easier to deal with and just use my thumb to turn it on.

I use it in on-demand mode almost exclusively and use my pinky to hold it down. Very comfortable for me.

I got two High Artisan stems and I’m blown away. I got some more balls and now have all my TM OG glass stems set up with balls and two basket screens. The ball TM stems and the HA stems have made a great vaporizing experience even better for me. Much better extraction, bigger, more flavorful hits, and much easier to clean and maintain.

I’ve been using the tubes the HA stems arrived in to clean my stems. Pour 99% ISO in, drop in the stems with balls and screens in place, and soak overnight. I shake it back and forth a few times when it’s first in the ISO, and if the stem is really dirty I’ll heat the ISO up in a microwave. The next morning I just rinse the stem in hot water and then let it dry. It’s a 12-18 hour process, but less than 5 minutes of hands on work.


Life goes on, man...
I press the button with palm also. I find it comfortable and effective. My hands are a little smaller than average. Maybe the people complaining at this technique have bigger hands.
I've got large hands (per glove size) but not massive. I also have severe arthritis in my fingers. That being said, I'm now completely fine with using my pinky, but I was not at first as I was tending to mash the button down hard and that hurt. Once I learned that a light triple-press was all I needed to fire up On Demand mode and a light press/hold to activate, I was completely fine.

For using with a water-piece, I use session mode holding the TM2 upside down and using a three-press hold with my index finger to activate session mode. Again, no problems as long as I remember to press and not mash.


Well-Known Member
With the OGB and Lotus Vaporscope j-hooks I hold the glass in my right hand and press the button with my left thumb. Feels pretty natural. I seldom use the TM without glass but when I do, holding it in my right and with the mouthpiece toward my body I use my middle finger without any problem.

4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
Just ordered another TM2 from Vapefiend. In Stock . Couldn’t wait for my original 2nd order from Finland !
I have 2 duplicates of great vaporizers(very small collection)just 2-duplicates,TM2,Mighty +.
imo - TM2 greatest On-demand and Session Vaporizer .
imo - M+ greatest Session Vaporizer . At this point those 2 are All I need to last a Lifetime ?. VAS must-Subside. lol
$284 GBP idk what the exchange ratio is/was .$35 shipping to US


Well-Known Member
Got my TM2 yesterday from Vgoodiez. Used it a few times with stock glass stem and cooling unit, and today with CU nuts/washers replaced with 4mm quartz balls. I'm micro dosing on 5.5 and enjoying it.
How do you like the quartz over the standard? Was going to round up some backup/accessories from vg and that was one upgrade I was considering...


Well-Known Member
Vapefiend was solid, I would not hesitate to buy from them again.

I’ve been using my tm2 for a day, without a doubt one of the best vaporizers I’ve ever owned. Ive owned quite a few vaporizers and I can say that with confidence. I am a portable kind of guy, I’m just used to the freedom. Even if I don’t leave home I’m always moving about so I need a portable. I’ve had a mighty for years, it was my workhorse. My mighty died a few months ago, and being intrigued by the tm for so long I decided to wait for the tm2 instead of getting a crafty or another mighty. The tm2 out classes the mighty imho, durability is my only concern atm.

Although my mighty was my workhorse I never really took it out with me because it’s rather bulky, and stands out. I only took it with me when I was going to a friends place or to a family members home I felt really comfortable with. When out and about I rather something that doesn’t stand out as much and I would often use the utillian 722. Its cheap and looks like a regular juice vape and that made it great for medicating in public with others. I honestly feel comfortable with the tm2 in public, looks like a more expensive mod. The short stem will take some time for me to get used to, I’m not used to it. I’ll figure out the stem for on the go, but for home I’ve been using my enano xl straight stem as my go to. I have a few stems that I’ll be ordering soon to test out. I might just grab a stem from ed for out and about.

As a southpaw with medium sized hands I use my pinky to hit the button, it just feels intuitive. The clouds on the tm2 at 5-6, and even lower are crazy. Rips are so tasty, and on demand is so efficient. I haven’t tried session mode, that’ll come in due time. I don’t find the need to stir either, I just step up and I’m a happy camper. That’s huge for me. Probably the happiest I’ve been with a vaporizer out of the box in a long time. Meets the majority of my needs, and it’s so damn tasty. I’m a sucker when it comes to taste and sheesh this lil thing is a beast in that regard. I think I’ve mentioned that, but it’s something I sincerely appreciate. I can’t recommend the tm2 enough, it checks so many of my boxes. Just an outstanding product overall.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I just ordered this one, thanks for the heads up! Been stalking that site…. They will probably be out of stock again soon eh… it looks like my one order put this one out of stock. I literally rolled out of bed and placed the order😂

FYI, each mouthpiece is unique, there is only one of each, if you place an order on any of them they would go out of stock like yours... Also if you want to know when there are fresh drops, instead of constantly refreshing the website, all you have to do is follow on Instagram as he posts there first... I know it can be a hurdle if you don't already have it, but I literally only got IG for vape stuff like this, and it has really been worth it for me!


Life goes on, man...
" I don’t find the need to stir either, I just step up and I’m a happy camper. That’s huge for me. Probably the happiest I’ve been with a vaporizer out of the box in a long time. Meets the majority of my needs, and it’s so damn tasty. I’m a sucker when it comes to taste and sheesh this lil thing is a beast in that regard. "
Great post overall and glad to see another satisfied TM2 owner! I've had my TM2 since launch.

I highlighted the bit about stirring as I only recently stopped doing that myself I was stirring mid-way through every bowl, sometimes even dumping it out and reloading, but once I started to step up from #1 and got in the habit of slowly rotating the stem while hitting, I get zero uneven spots and pretty complete extraction and found I have no need to stir anymore.

Additional benefit is that the flavors and terpenes from #1 through #5 are just out of this world. Oh, and I am primarily using the Ti stem with standard CU. What I do is hold the TM2 in my left with button held down in OD and use my right to slowly and continuously rotate. Getting fantastic results that way.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

As I received my TM2 days ago, I made some jackets for it. I have 2 models:

-the full protection with all metal covered, 2 tabs for a good hold and protection (the usb plug and battery wheel are also protected) and a bridge above the button for an easy access :
-the classic with all metal covered, 1 tab at the bottom and also a bridge above the button :

I also can make a simplest one, more for the leather sensation than the protection with no metal covered, no tab, just the leather sleeve and snaps :

Your opinions are welcome!
Thank you!
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Well-Known Member

As I received my TM2 days ago, I made some jackets for it. I have 2 models:

-the full protection with all metal covered, 2 tabs for a good hold and protection (the usb plug and battery wheel are also protected) and a bridge above the button for an easy access :
-the classic with all metal covered, 1 tab at the bottom and also a bridge above the button :

I also can make a simplest one, more for the leather sensation than the protection with no metal covered, no tab, just the leather sleeve ans snaps :

Your opinions are welcome!
Thank you!
I've always preferred bareback🤣
So excited! Just received my TM2 (<24 hours from when it shipped out of London, somehow...teleportation?)

So far have just been staring at it on the desk while I work. Haven't worked up the courage to turn it on yet. It's beautiful and aesthetically perfect. (Ok turned it on and let it run for 5 min or so on session mode on 10 to burn off - unit just got a little warm and the infrared thermometer read the surface of the heating element screen as about 225F, if anyone is curious.)

Question: My OCD makes me wonder if anyone uses a USB-C port cover for the charging port? To keep lint/debris out? Something like this? Amazon USB port covers


As I received my TM2 days ago, I made some jackets for it. I have 2 models:

-the full protection with all metal covered, 2 tabs for a good hold and protection (the usb plug and battery wheel are also protected) and a bridge above the button for an easy access :
-the classic with all metal covered, 1 tab at the bottom and also a bridge above the button :

I also can make a simplest one, more for the leather sensation than the protection with no metal covered, no tab, just the leather sleeve and snaps :

Your opinions are welcome!
Thank you!

Love the look of the second jacket version 2 personally - appeals to me because it has the aesthetic of a leather wrapped flask, and I also get really sweaty hands and am worried that will hurt the finish of the wood :-D


Well-Known Member

As I received my TM2 days ago, I made some jackets for it. I have 2 models:

-the full protection with all metal covered, 2 tabs for a good hold and protection (the usb plug and battery wheel are also protected) and a bridge above the button for an easy access :
-the classic with all metal covered, 1 tab at the bottom and also a bridge above the button :

I also can make a simplest one, more for the leather sensation than the protection with no metal covered, no tab, just the leather sleeve and snaps :

Your opinions are welcome!
Thank you!
Love the simplest one!


Well-Known Member
So excited! Just received my TM2 (<24 hours from when it shipped out of London, somehow...teleportation?)

So far have just been staring at it on the desk while I work. Haven't worked up the courage to turn it on yet. It's beautiful and aesthetically perfect. (Ok turned it on and let it run for 5 min or so on session mode on 10 to burn off - unit just got a little warm and the infrared thermometer read the surface of the heating element screen as about 225F, if anyone is curious.)

Question: My OCD makes me wonder if anyone uses a USB-C port cover for the charging port? To keep lint/debris out? Something like this? Amazon USB port covers

To be honest, I think most people ignore the onboard charging port entirely and charge their batteries with an external charger. I think spare batteries and an external charger are the best accessories to have other than spare o-rings. The device uses plenty of power and doesn't give a precise measure of battery life, making it pretty easy to have a battery die mid-session. Spare batteries and external charger solves that issue.

I now swap my battery after I get two buzzes when turning my TM on, and haven't had any issues running out of juice mid-session.


Well-Known Member

As I received my TM2 days ago, I made some jackets for it. I have 2 models:

-the full protection with all metal covered, 2 tabs for a good hold and protection (the usb plug and battery wheel are also protected) and a bridge above the button for an easy access :
-the classic with all metal covered, 1 tab at the bottom and also a bridge above the button :

I also can make a simplest one, more for the leather sensation than the protection with no metal covered, no tab, just the leather sleeve and snaps :

Your opinions are welcome!
Thank you!

The simple one is awesome! I’d definitely be interested in those.


Lesser-Known Lurker
How do you like the quartz over the standard? Was going to round up some backup/accessories from vg and that was one upgrade I was considering...
I don't think I've spent enough time with it to be certain, but it sort of feels like the vapor is cooler with the 4mm filling up the top half of the CU (slightly overfilled and collected between the two sections), but the glass stem seems to heat up faster.

Not 100% sure and would need to experiment more.
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