Im looking for a versatile vape, from soft to hard. Im using right now a dynavap, and it is great to be super high, and i like it a lot, but it is not discreet for some situations, and i dont think it is the best option on a social enviroment (but it is great to play games, drawing or watch movies...with a ih of course

I didnt try it since i dont have a TM xddd it is my main objetive for the next price reduction (black friday maybe...or before..i wish xddd), but i need to be sure it can be good for me (for what i have read there is no perfect vape, just something semi perfect for you).
But that sentence helps me a lot! Thanks! I love to chill drinking a coffee, but it is hard with the dyna to expand the session without getting super high (+ the heat on here you can sleep all afternoon till night xddd).
I just was curious about the session mode, but You are talking about my style of smoking joints (i dont smoke now, but i get the style with the dyna), what i really like (take a hit when i want, controlling the high and the Lengh of the "session" without waste a lot of herb. It is great to read this from you guys
I read a lot of people complaining about the cooling unit. It is bad or something? Some people told me it is an pain to clean xd
And yess i did read all the greats things about the huge tasty cloud when you want to rip the bowl on a few hits, and i like it too!
Thank you! I have read good reviews on the upline taster

it seems nice (and doesnt have the cooling unit) and i found it on amazon

(it is great since the new politics on international commerce on eu).
Is it that good? Did you try to use caps with it?
(I would love the tm have a argolike sysyem with the would be awsome)