TinyMight / TM 2

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Really depends on how many draws, how quick, how much herb, what setting, etc.

My usage I can get 10 bowls pretty easy. But I dont dilly dally and dont attempt suck on weed that lost its flavor.

Yeah I'm sure I could eke out 10 too, and I shall try at some point soon, if I can maintain the battery efficiency mindset! Less temp step


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm sure I could eke out 10 too, and I shall try at some point soon, if I can maintain the battery efficiency mindset! Less temp step

It's funny I bought all these extra batteries. I dont really need them though. The unit works fine at lower battery levels and it takes forever to get there.

I'll typically come home, finish work for the day while watching the little one and let the wife get a break, then put little one to bed and then have a session downstairs in the man cave from maybe 9pm to midnight, unwind from work, deal with aches and pains, and never change the battery.

Varies how much I vape, but even trying to kill the battery--i fail because I get too medicated.


Well-Known Member
I can help some, I don't have the Argo or Ambit, but do have the others.....

The two unregulated can be pushed harder, but you have to be paying attention and risk combustion if you push hard.

The splinters are damn close and do have some advantages, but.....

For the most part my TM has taken over my portable usage. It's easy, consistent and can handle most requests very well no matter what you're trying with it. I soak my CU's and stems after a days use and haven't looked back.

I guess I'd call it the best for me.


All who wander are not lost...

Milaana 2, Lil Bud, Splinter Z, DynaVap M, TinyMight, ArGo, Vivant Ambit
That’s beautiful - the 7 dwarves, er portables. Thanks for the pic! I was considering the ArGo last year, never pulled the trigger, and have been following this thread for a few months now. Also tried the TM a few weeks ago and it’s still VERY compelling for me, even sitting next to the ArGo. Two more months until 4/20, sales and a purchasing decision... ;) :peace:


Day Tripper
for you ... vaping * ...with whomever ... you want :doh: sorry... do you want a drawing?


* maria
I have a variety of vapes. Not just because one is better than another but rather because one might be better for a specific occasion . single user vs multiple people, portable vs plug in, fast, discreet, flavor etc
I like all the vapes that I own but for different reasons and situations. I'm guessing that was the reason for the response "Best for what....for who.....for how?"


Well-Known Member
That’s beautiful - the 7 dwarves, er portables. Thanks for the pic! I was considering the ArGo last year, never pulled the trigger, and have been following this thread for a few months now. Also tried the TM a few weeks ago and it’s still VERY compelling for me, even sitting next to the ArGo. Two more months until 4/20, sales and a purchasing decision... ;) :peace:

If you’re waiting for the Tinymight to be discounted, I’m guessing it’ll be a long wait indeed, except maybe accessories. Though, I suppose his backlog could disappear, it seems unlikely. Just buy it. :nod:

Like @MonkeyTime, it’s pretty much replaced my other devices, and after a month of usage, I don’t expect that to change soon. Honeymoons eventually end though, so there is that. :lol:

But, yeah, if you’re looking for simplicity, consistency, and ease of cleaning, the Tinymight should be your next purchase.


Well-Known Member
If you’re waiting for the Tinymight to be discounted, I’m guessing it’ll be a long wait indeed, except maybe accessories. Though, I suppose his backlog could disappear, it seems unlikely. Just buy it. :nod:

Like @MonkeyTime, it’s pretty much replaced my other devices, and after a month of usage, I don’t expect that to change soon. Honeymoons eventually end though, so there is that. :lol:

But, yeah, if you’re looking for simplicity, consistency, and ease of cleaning, the Tinymight should be your next purchase.

Damn! Did it even replace your nomad?


All who wander are not lost...
If you’re waiting for the Tinymight to be discounted, I’m guessing it’ll be a long wait indeed, except maybe accessories. Though, I suppose his backlog could disappear, it seems unlikely. Just buy it. :nod:
Yeah, I doubt the TM will be discounted then nor the backlog diminished by then but one can hope. Maybe the flood of 4/20 sales at that time might spur a discounted offer for a limited time but I won’t hold my breath. Indeed I may just buy it then anyway. We’ll see. It will be an interesting time, not because I need it but want it. I can wait however. It’s a fantastic vape. :peace:


Vaping since 2010
Nice pic!
Which one is the best?
Depends upon the occasion. That said the TM acquisition is contributing to the dust accumulation on some of these.

Nice Collection @YaMon !
Thanks brah! Unfortunately VAS is strong and this is just tip of the iceberg :brow:

Best for what....for who.....for how?

How about....What's your favorite out of this bunch?
Again, it depends upon the need. I'm starting to think I could narrow down my collection, but find that difficult. Ambit is great for a show where if I need to toss it I would not cry too hard. The ArGo has been my discrete out an about with friends, the Splinter Z hard to part with its so good and the TM.. well it's a pleasure to use and had I purchased it before the others I think my collection would be much smaller. I say I 'think' it would be smaller as I do have a place in my heart for artisan vapes made by hand.

The two unregulated can be pushed harder, but you have to be paying attention and risk combustion if you push hard.
Totally agree as I am beginning to think my unregulated days are coming to an end. I'm using my DynaVaps almost exclusively with an induction heater.

Two more months until 4/20, sales and a purchasing decision... ;) :peace:
I agree with others and highly doubt you'll see the TM discounted anytime soon. Why mark the price down when there is a waiting list?

but rather because one might be better for a specific occasion

If you’re waiting for the Tinymight to be discounted, I’m guessing it’ll be a long wait indeed,


Well-Known Member
Damn! Did it even replace your nomad?

Yes, but as @abracadaver said, that’s no reflection on Dan or his work. As unregulated vapes go, I love my Nomad. I’n just not using it much these days, as I prefer regulated devices overall.

My Nomad ain’t going nowhere though, and I’m sure I’ll continue to use it from time to time. Probably tonight, now that I’m thinking about it. :tup:


Vaping since 2010
I prefer regulated devices overall.
I'm definitely on the same bus! I think it's the consequences. With an unregulated vape it's not a matter of if you will combust, but when! Yes, I am coming out.. I have combusted with a vape.. but not on purpose! I'm also TinyMight ripped right now.. woohooo! :rofl: @RelaxedNow I think it's the necessity of cleaning after combusting that kills it for me, although I don't care for the carcinogens either!


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely on the same bus! I think it's the consequences. With an unregulated vape it's not a matter of if you will combust, but when! Yes, I am coming out.. I have combusted with a vape.. but not on purpose! I'm also TinyMight ripped right now.. woohooo! :rofl: @RelaxedNow I think it's the necessity of cleaning after combusting that kills it for me, although I don't care for the carcinogens either!

Yeah, combustion happens.

A big factor for me is the difficulty of sharing an unregulated device, particularly with my wife. She just can’t wrap her head around unregulated technique. :rolleyes: I still love her though. :love:
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