Well, it officially arrived, later than pretty much any other mail dropoff I can think of recently.
Shoutouts to POTV for pre-charging the battery they had installed in the unit. I've thrown at least 5 fresh dosing capsules at it so far, just got to magenta.
Gotta say, this thing pretty much meets all the wild expectations I had from reading about it so often over the years. On demand works just as well as advertised; so far I haven't even tried session mode. I had been wary of on-demand mainly because I've always been sensitive to stopping a session bowl halfway through and having to resume. I've always noticed the flavor starting the second session is just very offputting. Absolutely none of that with the TM though. I can set a bowl down, resume half an hour later, and the hit is still as smooth as if i'd just set it down a few seconds prior.
Temperature settings as-is are pretty peachy for me. I've found my initial sweet spot around 5. I can go higher for the first couple hits, but the last hit flavor definitely goes past where I want it at a 6. So far I've been exclusively using the beaded stem that comes with the PH edition from POTV, but I'll make myself give the shorty CU stem a try later tonight. Dosing caps only to keep things a bit cleaner.
The draw style was really easy to get down. All I do is wait til the buzz, then a second or two past while I'm breathing out, then just do a nice steady pull for a good 7-10 sec. Airflow is about as open as I was expecting, which is still far more wide-open than any other portable I've had the opportunity to try so far, and exactly what I'm looking for in my personal devices.
Seriously, my only gripe so far is that I'm a little nervous about the all-wood body since my hands sweat a ton. Everything else with function has been flawless.
Excited for what the next weeks of getting used to it will hold