I regularly finish at 8 and at times have started there; I never go to 9. I have just filled a rimmed screen with the contents of a previously filled dosing capsule. The volume is quite close. I will consume this via a TM long cooling stem and report back.
I'm back! And retyping this message that went puff. Aparently I failed to save after testing and reporting, so apparently I can attest to the efficacy of the Tinymight.
Loaded long cooling stem rimmed basket with the contents of previously loaded dosing capsule; about .1 - .12 grams.
Blue light battery
1st hit, full, clouds, cool
2nd hit, less of everything, still cool
3rd hit, why bother, never coughed
4th hit, nothing there, nada, zilch, totally spent dark ABV.
This can be fixed by the user. If I remember correctly, the Tinymight website FAQ tells how to do it. The repair is easier on the original than on the TM-2 due to tighter wood/metal tolerance on the new vape. The main screw and the bottom plate need to be removed; nothing else.
Usually the fix is simply bending the vibration motor contact tabs a bit to touch the circuit board contact strips better. Perhaps clean the contact points with ISO.