TinyMight / TM 2


Life goes on, man...
"it's also the best desktop I own, it feels like a wide-heater log or something like that..... a log on steroids"
Funny you say that. I had been debating about getting a desktop like a volcano, but after having a TM2 for nearly two months, I don't see a need.

Every toke makes me feel like I just landed at Cloud City...
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Well-Known Member
Funny you say that. I had been debating about getting a desktop like a volcano, but after having a TM2 for nearly two months, I don't see a need.

Every toke makes me feel like I just landed at Cloud City...
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I own a TM2, Volcano, and Mighty, as well as a few other vapes. The Volcano gets the least amount of use from me. It's typically the TM2 when I want on-demand or 0.1g bowls, and the Mighty when I want sessions or 0.2+ bowls. While I love the on-demand of the TM2, a session with the Mighty just seems to hit me a little differently most of the times, in a good/different way.

I find the Volcano bags harsh on my throat. The whip is better, but it takes much longer to extract in the Volcano than in the TM2 or Mighty. Hence, it sits on my shelf while my other vapes get used more.

Does anyone who has experience with using different stems have any input on which stem provides the best combination of cooling, smallness, and ease of cleaning?

When at home, I use the TM2 with a WPA or with the long 3D stem, and am very happy with both of these setups. I'm looking for a better on-the-go solution than the stock stems with CUs. The CUs get gunked up so fast and are more annoying to clean than just glass, at least for me. I know that there are many options from many re-sellers listed in this thread, but I'm specifically wondering if anyone has purchased a bunch of the popular stems and has any input.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Does anyone who has experience with using different stems have any input on which stem provides the best combination of cooling, smallness, and ease of cleaning?

When at home, I use the TM2 with a WPA or with the long 3D stem, and am very happy with both of these setups. I'm looking for a better on-the-go solution than the stock stems with CUs. The CUs get gunked up so fast and are more annoying to clean than just glass, at least for me. I know that there are many options from many re-sellers listed in this thread, but I'm specifically wondering if anyone has purchased a bunch of the popular stems and has any input.
The stem I own that cools the most is a baller stem from GVB. However when I am out of the house I use my MWW stem or 508 Phineas column. Those are both pretty compact and cool as well as the CU.

Although I am not a fan of the 3D stem (old version) or the Grav upline taster. Neither cools as well as the others and I don't like the MP on either one.


Well-Known Member
@Grass Yes sums it up pretty nicely.

I bought a HA stem recently to try, was between that and a GVB stem. I had just bought a GVB with an 18mm end and love it. I have a touch of buyers remorse with the HA stem. This wouldn't bother everybody, but the pills move a bit too much for my liking. Using it more would solve it, but I'm considering bundling it with my TM1 so I can upgrade.

Other than that my most used TM stem has been from phineas508. I have another spiked stem for TRWW that also does a pretty good job at cooling and I like buying there because the options are really affordable. I have Ed's stem as well but that doesn't cool so much. It does remind me a lot of pipe smoking which is a nicr experience. I haven't been happy with the grav upline so it rarely gets taken out.

All in all, I'll likely purchase a TM stem from GVB next as I'm really really happy with the other stem they did ❤


Well-Known Member
Does anyone who has experience with using different stems have any input on which stem provides the best combination of cooling, smallness, and ease of cleaning?

When at home, I use the TM2 with a WPA or with the long 3D stem, and am very happy with both of these setups. I'm looking for a better on-the-go solution than the stock stems with CUs. The CUs get gunked up so fast and are more annoying to clean than just glass, at least for me. I know that there are many options from many re-sellers listed in this thread, but I'm specifically wondering if anyone has purchased a bunch of the popular stems and has any input.
I own Ed's TNT stem, a couple Gravs, a 9 bead GVB stem, a 4 terp HA stem.

Ed's stem with boro beads is leagues beyond anything else in the list. My GVB stem is honestly not impressive, and the HA stem requires a mouthpiece or it just suffers from too much heat on the lips. They both look cool, but a grav stem with boro beads inserted offer significantly better cooling..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, of course, a bowl roasting on 3-4 will be waaay less impacted by excessive heat spread through the glass up to your lips vs a 6-7 roast, pretty sure we can all agree to that one regardless of stem choice, it is a universal truth of how higher temperatures function when inhaled through a tube.

Problem is with the glass bodies that don't have a lot of diffusion (GVB, HA) it's very uncomfortable to finish a bowl on 6-7 without it just getting too hot. I understand you love the low temps, so it may not be as noticeable a factor, but it is a noticeable factor if you want a dark brown ABV roast end. The GVB beads and HA terp pills don't have enough in the air path to prevent the stems from just being too hot to handle after a session, whereas either of the Ed's stem/wpa I have can be handled right away, and even after a deep bowl on 7, it's not harsh on my throat, or giving me that vape burn feel that I get consistently off the GVB / HA stems on the same temp.

Mind you this comparison and strong Ed's stem rec for 'easiest portable, less fuss option' is all with the added configuration of boro beads being inserted into the Ed's TNT stem.
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone who has experience with using different stems have any input on which stem provides the best combination of cooling, smallness, and ease of cleaning?

When at home, I use the TM2 with a WPA or with the long 3D stem, and am very happy with both of these setups. I'm looking for a better on-the-go solution than the stock stems with CUs. The CUs get gunked up so fast and are more annoying to clean than just glass, at least for me. I know that there are many options from many re-sellers listed in this thread, but I'm specifically wondering if anyone has purchased a bunch of the popular stems and has any input.
Personally I'm a fan of the GRAV Upline Taster, for the reasons you articulate: easy to clean and not too large to carry. I think they also cool just as well as the stock stem and taste better, and they are a cheap option.

Others (some of whom have responded already) prefer other options, and this is an area where preferences and vaping style play some role. But for $14, the GRAV Upilne Taster is worth a try. And I also prefer a flat mouthpiece over a circle.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time I use the 3 terp pill HA stem. I rarely get the temp's above 5 on the dial though. For me the HA 3 pill stem is just the right height without being too long and getting in the way. And since I never move the dial past five it provides enough cooling and never get's hot. Usually I go with on demand mode and hit it between15 & 30 seconds. Takes me two or three rips to finish. The first two hits are really tasty, the third hit is strong just not as tasty by this point. I like to start at 3 and work up to 5. Sometimes when I'm feeling lazy I just set the temp to 4 and keep it there until the bowl is finished. I have put it on a water piece and turned the temp up to 7 and got very good results with a full white out of the tube and beaker. Also have the Ed's TNT stem with beads and it also works great. Just a little more restriction with all of the beads inside of it compared to what you would get with an HA stem. I use the HA mainly due to flavor, air flow, and ease of cleaning. Love the wooden Ed's stem for harsher strains.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone make a decent looking sleeve to cover the exposed part of glass stems? My Grav rubber reducer part will work but I would rather not stretch it more, lol plus it says Grav on it.

A sleeve would help for glass protection, but my hangup is I really dislike the glass look in public and kinda don’t like the look at home either unless it’s running a bubbler.

I guess Ed’s stems would solve my issue, but then I have the hangup of running the tm with a heated wood part, if it was offered in Pear or Briar wood I might be down.
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Well-Known Member
Personally I'm a fan of the GRAV Upline Taster, for the reasons you articulate: easy to clean and not too large to carry. I think they also cool just as well as the stock stem and taste better, and they are a cheap option.

Others (some of whom have responded already) prefer other options, and this is an area where preferences and vaping style play some role. But for $14, the GRAV Upilne Taster is worth a try. And I also prefer a flat mouthpiece over a circle.
Yeah, this absolutely. $14 is a fraction of the price of the other stems, and is a really solid option that offers decent cooling.

I didn't even mention the stock stem and cu, way too big of a pain to clean but the cooling is solid and buying other stems isn't necessary off the bat if you're trying to save a bit.
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Well-Known Member
How'd you add balls to the ed's stem?
I use the bucket screen TRWW has: https://theroguewaxworks.com/produc...or-the-tinymight?_pos=21&_sid=b040e3ce5&_ss=r for the bowl side, fill the stem with 3mm boro beads I got from Vgoodiez https://vgoodiez.com/products/3mm-glass-beads-10g-bag-by-vgoodiez?_pos=10&_sid=3e7bfbe30&_ss=r (about half a bag or slightly more is perfect) and then cap them in with another screen pressed into the mouth end of the stem a slight bit, just to give me some comfort on it requiring more pressure to dislodge. It doesn't add significant draw resistance for me, and I can still comfortably take long slow draws.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, the thing with those GVB stems is that there are usually so many options! Different lengths, number of balls, straight versus bent...

Or let's put it another way:

How long (and how many balls) does a GVB stem have to be in order for it to cool much better than:
- a 4 pill HA stem
- a phineas508 Vigreaux stem, and
- the titanium stem that comes with the TM2 + a cooling unit?


Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Or let's put it another way:

How long (and how many balls) does a GVB stem have to be in order for it to cool much better than:
- a 4 pill HA stem
- a phineas508 Vigreaux stem, and
- the titanium stem that comes with the TM2 + a cooling unit?


Oh you were asking a question?? Haha

It gets even more complicated than that, because the size of the balls, and the style of the spikes, along with the configuration, are another factor, he makes bent stems too!

In my opinion so far the different GVB I have are better than the pill stem or my vigreux stems, been so long since I've used stock cooling unit though, have not even tried the titanium stem yet, so I can't speak to that...


Well-Known Member
How's this for a review.

I bought the TM2 to be solely hiking vape.

Yesterday I sold my Volcano Hybrid. Simply because I don't want to use it any more. Ever. TM2 is not a hiking vape. It's an all day everyday vape. Tasty, fun to use, fast, versatile, beautiful.

I have 3 vapes now. The tenacious tag team of TM2/Anvil for every single day. The FP for when I have guests.

And honestly....the high I get of the TM2 is making me question the FP. I'm getting so much more out of my weed. Terps and high signatures previously inexperienced.
I love my Tinymight and use it daily, but occasionally it will irritate if I am using it a lot. Once that happens I switch back to the Volcano for a few days which is much less harsh, I guess because the vapor is stored in a bag rather than blasted straight down the throat. Both great vapes but not getting rid of my 12 year old Volcano just yet.

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
I love my Tinymight and use it daily, but occasionally it will irritate if I am using it a lot. Once that happens I switch back to the Volcano for a few days which is much less harsh, I guess because the vapor is stored in a bag rather than blasted straight down the throat. Both great vapes but not getting rid of my 12 year old Volcano just yet.
You have a 12 year old Volcano...wow, that is impressive. TM2 is strong and wonderful. I learned to crank it down and I get my best results. I love it. I also love my Volcano...those balloons are the bombdigity.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if the TM2 has a different heater than the TM1? I do believe the TM1 got a upgraded heater during its run (correct me if I'm wrong here), and wonder if it is the same heater in the TM 2 or if the TM 2 has an upgraded heater over the TM 1's?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Does anyone know if the TM2 has a different heater than the TM1? I do believe the TM1 got a upgraded heater during its run (correct me if I'm wrong here), and wonder if it is the same heater in the TM 2 or if the TM 2 has an upgraded heater over the TM 1's?

You are wrong, the heater itself has remained the same throughout...


Well-Known Member
You are wrong, the heater itself has remained the same throughout...
Looking at their site, I guess the heater is just more efficient.

The heater is now controlled much more tightly, keeping its temperature and heat output at stable level in all situations. The new heat spreader and improved heater control allows the herb to be more evenly vaped and the end result is amazingly tasty thick vapor production.

Anyone with both notice any difference between the two, heater wise?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Looking at their site, I guess the heater is just more efficient.

Anyone with both notice any difference between the two, heater wise?

I have both, there is nothing different in the heater, there is now metal part above it having it more sealed off though, and it is just all around more better put together and the other parts are better, the electronics and everything in/on the board is all
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