Did cleaning fix your unit up? The haptic motor had an issue for
@LabPong (iirc) which he fixed himself by pulling the unit apart so that may be your next step.
My haptic motor ceased working for a few days too. I cleaned it thoroughly first to no avail. Then I disassembled it for the first and only time. It didn’t work initially then started working again on its own. There’s a little hammer or gong-like thingy inside the motor causing the vibration which is prone to getting stuck occasionally (I say this because only a few have had this issue). I do think taking it apart and gently poking at it, which is all I did, may have helped. I was going to clean the contacts if I were to open it up a second time, possibly even bending the motor pins up a tiny bit to make contact with the pads on the board, but it never came to that for me. Since it self-corrected I haven’t had a problem in a few weeks. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck!
BTW, I was sitting on my back deck last night with my TM finishing one load (one strain), then packing a new load with a different strain (why not?

), and man did I get buzzed. Life is good. This vape (DopeCannon((TM)) rocks every single time. It’s my favorite and such a joy to use running it between 5-7.5 depending on strain, mood and session. Cool wonderful vapor every single time!
EDIT: my unit worked fine without the haptic feedback motor working. On demand mode however required me to count to 10 approximately since there was no indication (vibration) it reached temp. It was a minor, and, for me temporarily, an annoyance. Sesh mode worked fine too during the issue. AND the great teardown posts herein provided lots of info to troubleshoot this!