first thing TWO seperate threads are needed, and as I thought others are starting to feel the same way.
OF thx for your thoughts. so u think I would not be happy with the TV products why? because I feel a 3 month warranty is way short for such an expensive piece?
lest someone think I just wanna bash the TV, that is not the case, although it may appear that way to some. I think the product as a working unit is rather awesome, in MANY way, quite appealing to me. It's the informed purchase decision side of me seeing a paltry 3 month warranty of the part that can and will fail, I have a very hard time looking past.
please note, I'm totally new to the "vape" world. was very near to purchase the magic flight launch box and besides all the glowing reviews of the MFLB the lifetime warranty was something that stood out to me. If I'm gonna drop a lot of money on a vape product I wanna know its gonna last. and when my "lets find the best deal on products in this vape world" I seen this thread and started reading it, as well as other threads of different products. and different forum's all together and other sources of info.
so then..... I visited the makers web pages of all the vape that interested me
I have taken the liberty to check warranties on other vape products, as this is a BIG purchasing "insurance" to me that I have spent my money in the right place.
with that said , most ALL vape products I looked at the 120 LB price and above and EVERY one had at least one year warranty and often 2 or 3 years.
hope this post helps u all understand my thinking and logic , I like to make the most informed decisions I can , with my tight budget, to me its a LOT of money, not rich to say the least. and THAT why this 3 month warranty bothers me so much, when Thermovape out of the gate takes the lets bash the other guys products , when we are brand new product in market . how many of you can show me vids made by other vape vendors that are bashing the "other guys" ? yeah thats what I though NONE !
does that not raise a flag with anyone but me?
lets assume they did lengthy testing with their "medical" testers. pure logic leads me to conclude that , although they make all their" tougher than nails" vids and "other guy" bashing vid , painting the picture for you all that it is very well made, in America no less, and they have a much cleaner , safer product. but at the end of the day there HAS to be a "founded in testing" reason the warranty of the part that can and will fail has been found to have a very short lifespan. pretty damn smart on the "money making" hand but totally goes against the painted picture of tough , long lasting. if they have such a great heater core, you would think it would come with a MUCH longer warrranty. good god think people , if the makers of thermovape really had a product they think is better and stood behind it, the warranty would be much longer.
and in this very thread was a post from an early adopter about his heater core no working properly.
this thread is going to be MOST interesting in May and through summer when the 3 month warranty ends and having the potential of dropping another 90+ bones to keep using the product.
why am I so much into this little 3 month warranty, the product seems to be providing good results for most buyers and its appealing on that level to me, but the sticking point is this lack of a lengthy warranty in such an expensive product. cause to be honest I would be pissed off in a big way if I bought this and the heater core failed at 32 days.
so in their testing some issues were surely found with the heater core, and their guess is it should last at least 3 months with heavy use. that is the ONLY way I can see it, unless of course Thermovape can provide info to the contrary.
they know the heater core will fail period as the call it a "consumable" there is no denying that by anyone, and they don't wanna have to replace the failed heater cores for FREE when they can make even more money.
this is from their site FAQ's
Built to last a lifetime. The ThermoVape is fully modular. Every part of the device is user replaceable in seconds without tools. If something does wear out, break, or get lost. No problem, youll be back vaping in no time.
Lifetime Warranty. Lifetime Warranty against manufacturing defects. (The heater core and batteries are a consumable and will need to be replaced eventually).
built to last a lifetime except for the parts that can fail u give 3 months warranty, a far cry from lifetime.
that 90+ $ price tag on the heater core replacement. how can the part have such a high price and u ONLY guarantee it to work for 3 months?
look at vapes in the TV price range and show me ONE that has only a real 3 month warranty. pls do, bear in mind I'm looking at where to spend my precious dollars and truth be told I would have already purchased your product if you had a decent warranty.
even if you keep your teeny tiny 3 month warranty make the heater core replacement cost more reasonably priced 25 to 30 bucks. its not like your not making money hand over fist at your 210 dollar asking price for a complete unit. spending such money a buyer should have piece of mind. and if your heater core actually costs 89 dollars to produce and u only have 3 month warranty on it, why does the rest of the unit cost 120$?
bottom line is if you know your product is that good you would stand behind it with a REAL warranty, not 3 months. and a 90+ dollar replacement cost. for all anyone knows u designed the heater core to only last a short time as there is much money to be made selling all those short life heater cores, more than would be made standing behind your product with a lifetime warranty. dollars and