Well-Known Member
High all, first posting here. glad to be here, 

I have done much reading on this forum in different threads, much good info within this forums pages, and I quite like it. I have read this whole thread as this looks quite the interesting product.
My situation is such that I am a total n00blet with regards to vaping
:/ but a grizzled vet in partaking of the Great Spirt's gifts. 
I very much enjoy my smoke but as I age want to be a bit more healthy in my consumption of goods. therefore.
in my research into the world of vaping stumbled upon this great place FC. I was juuuuussst about to pull the trigger on a MFLB having read a LOT of good opinions on it then, ... then this Thermovape caught my attention, so I have read this whole (to this point) nearly 1500 posts.

the MFLB has a TRUE lifetime warranty
noob to vape remember, so I wonder of all of you guys that I see have MANY vapes in their collection(by sigs) , do any of the ones you have that cost NORTH ^^^ of 200$ only have a 3 month warranty on the "heart" of the system? very interested to hear this info. thx
If I may , I have a few observations and questions.
first observation , the videos. I like the one's that actually INFORM about the TV, the "tougher than nails bit" of vids, is a thinking mans way to go about "pushing" the product, they are ok. gives the impression it can take ANYthing and last forever... Now, the vid of the Vs competiton was done in poor taste intentional or not, lets tear this piece of crap apart, all the while coddling your VT baby, sorry I had to laugh and at the end of it all what does it say or prove about either product? yeah .. no much except the "other guys" product is a tough shell to crack

good laughs on one hand for me, but on the other baffled by the utter lack of any professional tact is sad, a doctor and an engineer afterall , not larry and billy bob, who would of thunk that? not I to be sure.
one more thing about your vs vid. how much does your product cost and how much does the competitor cost? not nearly in the same range now are they? I totally see where the (sorry man cant recall name) vito with green avatar is at 100 % , your word is showmanship , mine is poor taste and again my mind nudges me that this is coming from a doctor and an engineer. friggin' unreal , and with such professional photos and webpage and the way you represent yourself here is professional , so who's head did the rock fall on to make this one of the very first things someone sees of your product?
still on the topic of "what's in the heater core" it appears to me still odd to take such an approach of ours is hand made in america, look at this "overseas" crap they put in, when your heater core has a very very sad warranty length of 3 months? really? only 3 months for your far superior heater core? your heater core at 90 dollars cost to the consumer after dropping 250 dollars , really don't speak much for your confidence in you product now does it, not like fire and water does right?
the "other guy" has a one year warranty and I am amazed as can be that noone has broached the topic of warranty of 3 months only for the ONE part that can fail. so the heater core makes up nearly half the cost of the whole unit, why does that matter? well that leaves 120$ cost for the rest of the unit, that seems a LOT to pay for what you get, cheap part warrant for life, the part that can fail 3 months. so u can trash the other guys product and all the while your very expensive product bears a 3 month warranty, takes nerve. Seems to say the complete opposite to me, of fire, tires, and water oh my! the 210 dollar price tag would make more sense to me if the heater core were included in your lifetime warranty. unless , GASP !!! perhaps u don't really expect your heater core to last longer than 3 months? :/ .... quite curious indeed. must have had some "interesting" reports from your medical testers regarding failure of the heater core. 3 months

I'd love a real answer about the warranty.
and all this thinking done by just one individual over a poor choice of video. ok that's off my mind.
having read all of the posts so far one thing is clear as day, once their different product Revolution was released, nearly this whole thread has turned to the rev, it all starts to be a convoluted mess for those looking for info on the T1, and the same will go for the rev, separation before it becomes a monster, start separate thread for the revo and it would be easier to wade through the info. cause for one thing some who does not even know that two different products are being discussed in this thread they could be easily mislead to believe the T1 does everything peeps are talking about the rev doing. ... hummmm think thank thunk
I almost wish I had not seen ANY of your video's ('cept) the break down and clean vidz, as they alone got me to scratching my head about your product/s. and really where I'm gonna spend my money on a vape the TVT1, MFLB or one of the many others.
any and everyone please share your thoughts, and don't worry if u don't like or agree with what I say, I'm a big boy I can take it as well as dish it
, we can't please everyone. and I get the feeling I'm not the only one with questions and/or concerns that are the very same or similar to mine, about THE TVt1
like the arena announcer says on Bob Seger - Live Bullet before the encore, " you want to hear some more? money is awful hard to get these day's , more longer" ... that is pretty much what I want for dropping such a large chunk on change on a product, MORE and LONGER!
ok, rant off

I have done much reading on this forum in different threads, much good info within this forums pages, and I quite like it. I have read this whole thread as this looks quite the interesting product.
My situation is such that I am a total n00blet with regards to vaping

I very much enjoy my smoke but as I age want to be a bit more healthy in my consumption of goods. therefore.
in my research into the world of vaping stumbled upon this great place FC. I was juuuuussst about to pull the trigger on a MFLB having read a LOT of good opinions on it then, ... then this Thermovape caught my attention, so I have read this whole (to this point) nearly 1500 posts.

the MFLB has a TRUE lifetime warranty
noob to vape remember, so I wonder of all of you guys that I see have MANY vapes in their collection(by sigs) , do any of the ones you have that cost NORTH ^^^ of 200$ only have a 3 month warranty on the "heart" of the system? very interested to hear this info. thx

If I may , I have a few observations and questions.
first observation , the videos. I like the one's that actually INFORM about the TV, the "tougher than nails bit" of vids, is a thinking mans way to go about "pushing" the product, they are ok. gives the impression it can take ANYthing and last forever... Now, the vid of the Vs competiton was done in poor taste intentional or not, lets tear this piece of crap apart, all the while coddling your VT baby, sorry I had to laugh and at the end of it all what does it say or prove about either product? yeah .. no much except the "other guys" product is a tough shell to crack

one more thing about your vs vid. how much does your product cost and how much does the competitor cost? not nearly in the same range now are they? I totally see where the (sorry man cant recall name) vito with green avatar is at 100 % , your word is showmanship , mine is poor taste and again my mind nudges me that this is coming from a doctor and an engineer. friggin' unreal , and with such professional photos and webpage and the way you represent yourself here is professional , so who's head did the rock fall on to make this one of the very first things someone sees of your product?
still on the topic of "what's in the heater core" it appears to me still odd to take such an approach of ours is hand made in america, look at this "overseas" crap they put in, when your heater core has a very very sad warranty length of 3 months? really? only 3 months for your far superior heater core? your heater core at 90 dollars cost to the consumer after dropping 250 dollars , really don't speak much for your confidence in you product now does it, not like fire and water does right?
the "other guy" has a one year warranty and I am amazed as can be that noone has broached the topic of warranty of 3 months only for the ONE part that can fail. so the heater core makes up nearly half the cost of the whole unit, why does that matter? well that leaves 120$ cost for the rest of the unit, that seems a LOT to pay for what you get, cheap part warrant for life, the part that can fail 3 months. so u can trash the other guys product and all the while your very expensive product bears a 3 month warranty, takes nerve. Seems to say the complete opposite to me, of fire, tires, and water oh my! the 210 dollar price tag would make more sense to me if the heater core were included in your lifetime warranty. unless , GASP !!! perhaps u don't really expect your heater core to last longer than 3 months? :/ .... quite curious indeed. must have had some "interesting" reports from your medical testers regarding failure of the heater core. 3 months

I'd love a real answer about the warranty.
and all this thinking done by just one individual over a poor choice of video. ok that's off my mind.

having read all of the posts so far one thing is clear as day, once their different product Revolution was released, nearly this whole thread has turned to the rev, it all starts to be a convoluted mess for those looking for info on the T1, and the same will go for the rev, separation before it becomes a monster, start separate thread for the revo and it would be easier to wade through the info. cause for one thing some who does not even know that two different products are being discussed in this thread they could be easily mislead to believe the T1 does everything peeps are talking about the rev doing. ... hummmm think thank thunk
I almost wish I had not seen ANY of your video's ('cept) the break down and clean vidz, as they alone got me to scratching my head about your product/s. and really where I'm gonna spend my money on a vape the TVT1, MFLB or one of the many others.
any and everyone please share your thoughts, and don't worry if u don't like or agree with what I say, I'm a big boy I can take it as well as dish it

like the arena announcer says on Bob Seger - Live Bullet before the encore, " you want to hear some more? money is awful hard to get these day's , more longer" ... that is pretty much what I want for dropping such a large chunk on change on a product, MORE and LONGER!
ok, rant off