Discontinued ThermoVape


Well-Known Member
Stu said:
Someone compared this to a VG a while ago and I tend to agree. They both require similar stirring as the convection is concentrated into specific areas of the bowl. So a loose load and some stirring is probably your best bet. I have been just dumping the herb into my palm and then putting it right back into the bowl and it seems to work well.

That would be me. I also think the analogy can hold for heat too. I too let it run from say 5 to 10 seconds (depending on heating already done) then use a 'medium pull' that will eventually overheat things if I kept it up. When I sense were getting to the magic temperature I slow down the pull some so the heat transfer slows (just like I would with VG) and I can get a full hit. Fine grind, partly full, I too dump it into my hand like with MFLB. Someone said 'the TV want's to teach you how to use it', I agree. Work with it, basically every guy that does seems to sort it out, it's the guys that give in early that lose out.

FWIW I agree with the TV guys, no plant matter is falling into the heat core to burn. How could it if you're not blowing it there? The airflow goes the other way. Every 'burnt taste' I ever got (and there were a few.....) was in the herb. A dry pull (empty bowl) was normal, the herb was 'tracking'. That is all the hot air went down the same narrow path reaching a small fraction of the load and burning the walls of that path in the process. Can you actually tap burnt material out of the heat core onto a sheet of white paper? I couldn't.

Bottom line is a whole lot of guys with less going for them than you have sorted this keen machine out, I think you can too. The machine is no doubt just fine (and it's not going to change it's nature), the needed change is in software.

PB88123 said:
Once I can plug this in I'll need to get a stand that can hold the TV while plugged in so I can just grab it, hit it, and hang it back up for next time.

Interesting idea, but why mess with the cord? Use the two way radio charging rack idea like your cordless phone does. Make that stand a charging stand, you always have a fully charged unit and it's still cordless.



Well-Known Member
Great suggestions. What I would like to see though is a docking station for charging as well as a large capacity battery compartment for using at home.

OF said:
PB88123 said:
Once I can plug this in I'll need to get a stand that can hold the TV while plugged in so I can just grab it, hit it, and hang it back up for next time.

Interesting idea, but why mess with the cord? Use the two way radio charging rack idea like your cordless phone does. Make that stand a charging stand, you always have a fully charged unit and it's still cordless.



Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Stu said:
What he's saying is that the unit seems to hit better when kept perpindicular to the ground. This makes sense for a coupole of reasons. Mainly, the herb is kept evenly spread over the "floor" of the unit when "standing up" or being held perpindicular to the ground. If you were to hit it while "dangling" it at any angle other than perpindicular (not to mention holding it horizontal) the hits are not quite as good.


Yes, I got that part. I still have trouble picturing how you'd use it while holding it perpendicular to the ground without getting neck cramps and/or looking silly. Unless of course you lie down...


Well-Known Member
pakalolo said:
Stu said:
What he's saying is that the unit seems to hit better when kept perpindicular to the ground. This makes sense for a coupole of reasons. Mainly, the herb is kept evenly spread over the "floor" of the unit when "standing up" or being held perpindicular to the ground. If you were to hit it while "dangling" it at any angle other than perpindicular (not to mention holding it horizontal) the hits are not quite as good.


Yes, I got that part. I still have trouble picturing how you'd use it while holding it perpendicular to the ground without getting neck cramps and/or looking silly. Unless of course you lie down...

Perpendicular to the ground like sipping a milk shake, parallel to the ground like smoking a cigar. Get it?


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Hello guys!

I have been using it as you described above (milkshake) because I found that when the herb rests right on top of the heat source you produce thicker vapor. You have to tap it or shake it between hits as well and try no to have too fine of a grind. I am now just engaging the heater for five or so seconds, start drawing firmly but slowly and evenly. I continue until I feel my lungs are full :p and then stop hitting. I then release the heat button. I guess with the right amount of constant heat the angle isn't that critical...but This is how I was first really starting to see the device's power!!! I also think remembering that you need fresh batts for each bowl is important.

Hope that clarifies what I was saying before. I'd love to hear more about how all of you are using it and your successes!

Thanks everyone! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I finally have it! The first Thermovape to hit the Indian shores! I have never been so excited since the Solo was launched. I received the package a couple of days back but refrained from posting before I could get a hang of the device, to avoid uneducated untested claims. I am not new to vaping, have been exclusively vaping daily for more than 2 years now, have tested over a dozen vapes and own 7 of them ATM. There is a lot going on for this device and in my opinion, the TV is on its way to set a new higher benchmark for all vapes in the future. But it definitely needs some things worked out before it becomes a runaway success IMO. Following are my initial impressions of the TV:


Design: This is the part where I think the TV is breaking all grounds and setting a new standard in the world of vaping. The TV is probably the only vape I have seen where the creators are deeply concerned about the day to day issues with using vapes. From the moment you hold it in your hands and then go ahead to disassemble it, the device feels like it was designed with a lot of thought going into the problems of everyday use and how to solve these problems. Most vaporizer designers are focusing primarily on the most optimum vapor production, which is good, but the TV team seems to have not stopped at that. They have gone ahead and looked at every (ok most) aspects of how the device feels, behaves and interacts with your everyday life and in quite a few places, waled a lot of extra miles to make it great.

Durability: This is demonstrated well (even over the top i would say) in the video demos. The TV is built like a tank, while it doesn't weigh like one! This is important, not because i would be going to war with it, but because I need my vapes to be as reliable as possible. Something that will not give up on me. The TV has got to be one of the most durable and sturdy vape out there, in terms of both the materials used and in terms of design. It screams of reliability and ensures yours trust in it. This also makes it the most portable vaporizer I have tried. Essentially it lets you stop worrying about the vaporizer and only focus on the vapor and its effects :)

Modular componentized architecture: This will probably be my favorite feature of the TV and I think its the key to the great design and impending success of this vape. The TV is in no way a 'simple' device. And most complex vapes in todays world are sealed boxes with everything in them, untouchable by the user. That is understandable. But the TV shatters that norm by being a transparent collection of simple components that come together seamlessly (literally seamlessly) into one tight package. The only other devices with a similar philosophy that comes to my mind are the Golden greek nicotine vaporizers. (Those who know about the elite legacy of the GG will agree that this is a huge complement to the TV) And even the GG requires hours of video watching and tutorial reading to pull one apart and put it together again. The TV on the other hand is dead simple to put together. And the most beautiful aspect is that this componentization is done without any compromises to form or function. I consider that a huge achievement. This has 2 major advantages to us the consumers of the TV: 1. Its transformable and upgradable as the team churns out newer components. Again I have seen this work extremely well and satisfy the users of the GG in the ecig world and have no doubt that the same will happen with the Thermovape family if the creators intend it (and I think they have explicitly stated that they do). 2. Its repairable by buying partial components. I have seen that the TV has been taking some flak due to its 3 month warranty on its heating core and due to the fact that they have called it a consumable. I think its brutally honest of them to do so. Every electrical vaporizer here has a coil. Every heating coil possibly made degrades over time to its eventual point of failure. Most vaporizers would have to be thrown away when that happens. Most vapes don't feel like educating the customer about the same. But the TV not only comes out in the open with the facts, they device an easily replaceable module and start selling the module from day 1 so that the users feel comforted that they could be using the TV for the rest of their lives if need be and be able to replace the key parts that can fail. This strategy might cause some initial discomfort to buyers as they are going to feel "oh this vape has a consumable part!" and perceive it as a downer, but eventually the world will realise that all vapes should have their coils as user serviceable and replaceable parts. The coil is only as good as the material that's used to make it and from OF's feedback it seems they have used the best available metal in it. These of course are my partially educated guesses, only time will tell the actual life of the coils and the thermo cores.

Great air path: All vapes I have tried have a unique smell or taste some acceptable, and some downright nasty. Even if they claim to have an all glass air path. The TV has none! All you taste is what your herbs are supposed to taste like. The simple and straight forward vapor path design puts very very little between your herbs and your mouth, resulting in great flavor and also a feature thats always been my pet peeve...

Ease of cleaning and maintenance: If you have followed my previous reviews and discussions, you would know that one of the most important features I look for is ease of cleaning. I am a heavy vapor user (about 6 to 12 bowls a day) and the daily chores of cleaning these devices is what I hate the most about vaping. Maybe its the herbs I use or get in this side of the world, but I seem to be gunking up my vapes far more than most people here at FC. The TV seems to be one of the easiest to clean vapes I have come across. Just remove the batteries, take the components apart, and boil everything barring the batteries or toss it in an ultrasonic tank. (Though you should hardly need to clean all the parts, I am thinking only the top cap and the thermo core should do it) This again should be credited to its use of durable materials and its componentized design. I obviously have yet to gunk it up enough to actually validate this, but its ease of cleaning seems to be quite apparent to me.

Uses standard batteries: Coming from the NO2 and the Solo, its a welcome relief to see that the TV uses a standard and highly popular battery format the RCR123a. Battery tech evolves faster than vapes and power ratings keep going up over time. By using a highly popular standard battery format, the user is open to upgrade to a better compatible battery as soon as one comes out in the market. Also batteries are probably more of a consumable than the heating coil and usually the first thing that fails / degrades. Being half way across the globe from its manufacturers, its reassuring that I could procure the batteries locally as its a standard format. The other great thing about the batteries is the choice of the battery brand that the TV team has gone with. Tenergy makes great batteries, and their charger is really good too. It uses the CC, CV charging format and is dual channel, thus allowing you to charge 2 batteries of unequal charges simultaneously. I have been using a lot of Tenergy batteries, both the LiFePO4 and the Li-ion 123as for some time now and had zero issues with them. The Tenergy batteries are probably only second to AW in terms of quality. The only drawback right now is that I have looked hard and not found a 4 channel 3.2V LiFePO4 specific charger out there, and the TV needs to have one desperately. This of course will be solved by the market sooner or later, and the TV team won't have to do anything about it.

Great Aesthetics - Looks great, good to hold, easily pocketable: Its Simple shape and the lack of arbitrary protrusions makes it really easy to pocket. The TV looks sophisticated enough to not look absurd when you are pulling at it in public. I am a heavy e-cig user and own several mods. To an untrained eye, the TV is nearly indistinguishable from an ecig mod, which for me, serves as a great stealth / disguise feature.

Now with all these Pros I must be sounding like this vape is godsend for me, and should have become the only vape I need to have. Unfortunately, thats not the case yet. I have some glaring issues with the TV which is nearly making it a deal breaker for me. So much so that I am absolutely sad that I am unable to take benefit of all of the above mentioned goodness. So here come the


Just not enough vapor!!!: Now a vaporizer can be good in a hundred aspects, but if it doesn't produce enough vapor, then everything else stops mattering. I waited for some time for the TV to ship to me so I had enough time to read through every experience, tip and review here. I am aware of learning curves and being experienced enough with vapes, I have tried every stated technique in the last 2 days, controlled the draw from being non existently slow, to gradually increasing to strong draws, stirring after every 2 hits, extremely fine grinds, but just not enough vapor. And I am not only talking about visible clouds, I am talking about enough vapor to satisfy my needs. Visible vapor is probably lower than even my VG, and not even comparable to my Solo or NO2. One possible reason for this could be because of the kind of herbs I am using. Though I use the best and most expensive herbs available in my city, its no where close to potency of the herbs available in the US. Even though the herbs are dry, The first 3 to 4 hits nearly has no effect, and the 5th hit onwards, the vape gets too hot to handle (i'll come to this point next). I am not saying that my herbs just don't vape as exactly the same quantity of herbs in the NO2 produces clouds for at least 8 - 10 hits, usually more. I think the herbs I use need to get heated up amply before they start vaping.

The device gets hot. I mean really really hot! I am in no way extra sensitive to heat, but The TV quickly gets so hot that I cannot hold up the switch. Just in 2 days, I have already developed a blister on my thumb with the TV and I am sure it will get worse if I use it regularly. Moment my herbs are hot enough to provide vapor and flavor, the device gets uncomfortable and soon impossible to hold. Either I have a defective device and some how too much heat is being conducted to the body or its a design issue, I don't know. Maybe I am facing this as the ambient temperature in here is high and most of you have cold winters going on (We do too, but the coldest it gets around here is 17 degrees Celsius :p). I had originally bought the TV for my wife as she doesn't like any of the vapes I have, and still keeps going back to combustion. Even if I can somehow use my Yogic powers :p to hold on to the hot vape, she is not going to be touching it in that state! Even the Mouth piece gets incredibly hot too, but I am guessing I could mitigate that by using some longer drip tips made of less conductive materials. All of this happens within 10 hits and only 1 set of batteries. I am not chain vaping it by continuously swapping batteries. Infact, you cannot swap batteries immediately once you are done with 1 set, as the device gets so hot that the delrin sleeves spin freely and turning the threads to open up the battery chamber becomes really difficult. Not to mention the fact that it burns the whole palm of both your hands to even try. The switch mechanism makes things worse here, you have to keep your thumb pushed onto the hot metal to vape. Its funny that the point where there will be the maximum pressured contact between the device and human skin is left bare and the rest of the device is insulated such that all heat emits out of the switch part! It almost feels like punishment.

The Delrin sleeve design sucks: The sleeve feels like it was an after thought in design. I understand the TV team wanted to make a replaceable sleeve but why does a cylindrical sleeve not have any grooves that slide over bumps on the metal body? Especially when there are two threaded components that require constant twisting and opening? Unfortunately IMO to rectify this, the TV sleeve and the body will have to change, and I don't see that happening soon enough. Maybe Loctite could solve this, but that would ruin the inner aesthetics of the device and if and when I would want to the revolution without the sleeve, it wouldn't be possible. The metal body borrows the design of the Apex Alpha ecigs from Innovapor, To me it feels like TV team just chose to use the same body / switch mechanism for the TV, and when it got hot, they just shoved it into the sleeve.

I have a few other minor irritants with the TV, such as the fact that all my 510 drip tips fit loosely onto the TV out of the box and does not even for am airtight seal, but this could be rectified by using thicker o-rings I am guessing.

I am too heartbroken to look at any minor issues though, as I had fallen in love with the design and philosophy of the Thermovape and really hoped it would be the lifesaver vape I have been looking for. But in this current state, unless the TV team solves my top 2 issues, or provides a replacement warranty for my thumb, the TV is not working for me. I am going to continue testing and modify my techniques for another week, but I am already bordering the giving up line. And I don't give up so easily. I have always been a sucker for portable vapes, and have pre-ordered the stealthvape and have considered the AtmosRaw, but had the highest hope for the TV. Now I am just hoping that my unit is defective in some way and maybe a replacement can fix it as most other users here clearly are not facing my problem. Thank you all for reading through my extremely polarized views of the TV but thats just how I feel now.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for that review. I have read this entire thread and I feel like this is the most comprehensive review so far and it seems to sum up the feelings (both said outright and in between the lines) of this entire thread. I've never seen or used a Thermovape in person but this is my take on it so far...

1.The TV is a very high quality, durable, easy to clean and well made product (medical device quality and materials, better than any other current portable).

2.The Vapor production is simply NOT ENOUGH for heavy users. Users are working too hard to find the "sweet spot" and many can simply not ever get enough vapor and are left unsatisfied. Those expecting vapor production comparable to the MFLB seem to be relatively satisfied wheras people expecting a "portable ssv" or to instantly "blow big clouds" are very let down. If it really takes more than a couple days to get a technique for satisfactory hits then its not easy enough for the average user. You should be able to get great rips your first or second try.

3.Minor issues with design such as the loose delrin, uncomfortable switch mechanism and excessive heat during use that can be fixed in minor updates but seem like legitimate inconveniences.

I too am in love with the design and philosophy of the TV. I would love to purchase a TV but I feel the reality of it would be a letdown in comparison to my expectations, at least with this current model.

I am also reading that it just takes practice like a VG and a lack of strong vapor production is simply user error. Since the TV is capable of combusting I can't imagine that it doesn't produce enough heat... I was a VG master so I think I could get the hang of the TV...

The bottom line is you don't want people saying "its cool but...not enough vapor"

I see the Thermovape being SO CLOSE to exactly what I want. Just needs an update for aesthetics and I want NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION :)


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Great post darco!!! I am interested to read others impressions of your post as well. I have just been finding the sweet spot, but so far I have not had any issues with radiating heat as you mentioned. Current indoor temp here is about 70F ( and about 16F outdoors) I do think that environment will effect the unit, to some degree...

As I said I am looking forward to reports from others! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Phizix said:
Thanks for that review. I have read this entire thread and I feel like this is the most comprehensive review so far and it seems to sum up the feelings (both said outright and in between the lines) of this entire thread.

2.The Vapor production is simply NOT ENOUGH for heavy users. Users are working too hard to find the "sweet spot" and many can simply not ever get enough vapor and are left unsatisfied. Those expecting vapor production comparable to the MFLB seem to be relatively satisfied wheras people expecting a "portable ssv" or to instantly "blow big clouds" are very let down. If it really takes more than a couple days to get a technique for satisfactory hits then its not easy enough for the average user. You should be able to get great rips your first or second try.

Just needs an update for aesthetics and I want NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION :)

Please allow me to disagree with you. I don't think statement 2 "seems to sum up the feelings (both said outright and in between the lines) of this entire thread." For sure I never said anything like that, nor I think have many of the (generally very satisfied) owners. In fact the first such might be the post above?

For sure recreational users who want huge (wasteful) clouds are not going to be satisfied as easily as the medical users the unit is designed for. This is a medical grade unit from start to finish. Medical users are generally more interested in precise dose control and economy, not 'huge clouds'. Expecting jaw dropping performance from a purpose built economy car isn't realistic.

OTOH, if the goal is "NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION" I'm betting Nick and Noah (the principals of TV) would quickly agree with you this is not that unit. Never was intended to be. That calls for lots more power to heat lots more herb. This unit is in the MFLB range. It uses the same very small load and gives the same (or IMO faster) production in modest levels aimed at a different market than the "NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION" crowd. Economy and 'huge clouds' are not going to fit all that well together. To get lots of THC out you need to put lots in, there is no magic.

I'd think a guy with enough smarts and motivation could make a vape with 'massive clouds' (they exist) but this ain't it. I agree, guys that expect that are not going to be happy. Nor do I think they made an informed choice.



Director of Vapor Research Labs™
OF said:
Phizix said:
Thanks for that review. I have read this entire thread and I feel like this is the most comprehensive review so far and it seems to sum up the feelings (both said outright and in between the lines) of this entire thread.

2.The Vapor production is simply NOT ENOUGH for heavy users. Users are working too hard to find the "sweet spot" and many can simply not ever get enough vapor and are left unsatisfied. Those expecting vapor production comparable to the MFLB seem to be relatively satisfied wheras people expecting a "portable ssv" or to instantly "blow big clouds" are very let down. If it really takes more than a couple days to get a technique for satisfactory hits then its not easy enough for the average user. You should be able to get great rips your first or second try.

Just needs an update for aesthetics and I want NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION :)

Please allow me to disagree with you. I don't think statement 2 "seems to sum up the feelings (both said outright and in between the lines) of this entire thread." For sure I never said anything like that, nor I think have many of the (generally very satisfied) owners. In fact the first such might be the post above?

For sure recreational users who want huge (wasteful) clouds are not going to be satisfied as easily as the medical users the unit is designed for. This is a medical grade unit from start to finish. Medical users are generally more interested in precise dose control and economy, not 'huge clouds'. Expecting jaw dropping performance from a purpose built economy car isn't realistic.

OTOH, if the goal is "NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION" I'm betting Nick and Noah (the principals of TV) would quickly agree with you this is not that unit. Never was intended to be. That calls for lots more power to heat lots more herb. This unit is in the MFLB range. It uses the same very small load and gives the same (or IMO faster) production in modest levels aimed at a different market than the "NO EXCUSES MASSIVE VAPOR PRODUCTION" crowd. Economy and 'huge clouds' are not going to fit all that well together. To get lots of THC out you need to put lots in, there is no magic.

I'd think a guy with enough smarts and motivation could make a vape with 'massive clouds' (they exist) but this ain't it. I agree, guys that expect that are not going to be happy. Nor do I think they made an informed choice.


+1 on all of the above! You nearly ripped my thoughts outta mah head! You are absolutely right about it's intended use and the limitations...and I am just fine with that!!! I have been getting a nicely medicated effect and it works great for me! Whatever learning curve there was (about a day) is over now and it's full speed ahead. Yep! Med users rarely need BIG CLOUDS to get where they need to be. You can't use the TV Revolution to do snake dabs either. I'd be willing to bet though that when I do test out the concentrate function I am sure to be at least doubly impressed! Hater's (or jealous people) are always gonna hate, but TV and co. HAS my endorsement.



When I say it's like a SSV togo I mean 4 hits from my TV makes me feel like I just had 4 hits from the SSV when I pack the same amount in both. I don't need to see the vapor (although sometimes I do with both) to know I am well on my way to getting where I want to be.


Well-Known Member
Bluntcrush said:
You are absolutely right about it's intended use and the limitations...and I am just fine with that!!! I have been getting a nicely medicated effect and it works great for me! Whatever learning curve there was (about a day) is over now and it's full speed ahead. Yep! Med users rarely need BIG CLOUDS to get where they need to be. You can't use the TV Revolution to do snake dabs either. I'd be willing to bet though that when I do test out the concentrate function I am sure to be at least doubly impressed! Hater's (or jealous people) are always gonna hate, but TV and co. HAS my endorsement.

Thanks for the kind words, I was sure I wasn't alone.

IMO you're also spot on WRT the Revolution. Feed it some top grade concentrates and fresh batteries and you'd best be sitting down. Better still, put your seatbelt on and remove sharp objects from your pockets......

Over the long run, I seem to use about .05 grams a day in the Omicrons using high grade wax. Maybe half a dozen sessions. At 70% there's as much THC there as a 1/4 gram of top shelf bud. Put that much of the same wax in the Revolution and it's gone in a single session with the obvious results if I'm not careful. IMO that's a much better place for recreational users to seek their bliss.

While it's not the mythical one size that fits all, IMO the TV is very responsive to a defined need.



Well-Known Member
darco said:
If you have followed my previous reviews and discussions, you would know that one of the most important features I look for is ease of cleaning. I am a heavy vapor user (about 6 to 12 bowls a day) and the daily chores of cleaning these devices is what I hate the most about vaping. Maybe its the herbs I use or get in this side of the world, but I seem to be gunking up my vapes far more than most people here at FC.

Just not enough vapor!!!: Now a vaporizer can be good in a hundred aspects, but if it doesn't produce enough vapor, then everything else stops mattering.

And I am not only talking about visible clouds, I am talking about enough vapor to satisfy my needs. Visible vapor is probably lower than even my VG, and not even comparable to my Solo or NO2. One possible reason for this could be because of the kind of herbs I am using. Though I use the best and most expensive herbs available in my city, its no where close to potency of the herbs available in the US. Even though the herbs are dry, The first 3 to 4 hits nearly has no effect, and the 5th hit onwards, the vape gets too hot to handle (i'll come to this point next). I am not saying that my herbs just don't vape as exactly the same quantity of herbs in the NO2 produces clouds for at least 8 - 10 hits, usually more. I think the herbs I use need to get heated up amply before they start vaping.

You know, this has been bothering me. How come you're so far from what you want, vapor wise. I wonder how much of that is herb related, that is if you could load the top shelf stuff most of us use would you then be satisfied? For sure it's a factor, but I wonder how much of one?

Good luck in your efforts.


Edit: Any idea how potent your local herb is? Top shelf is probably 16 to 18%, I suspect you're a fraction of that? A guy might use half a gram or maybe a whole one per day? I'm thinking that with your tolerance and grade of local herb your consumption is probably more? Volume I think is a key factor.


vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
First off I Love the Rev but the T1 I really badly want to love but it is not getting me there. I do not want to give up because of all the people saying they love it ( and the $ I spent ) I get more combustion taste from this vape than any other. OF is right and I can not shake any burned dust out f my heater core onto white paper ( smart idea ) . But if I hold down the switch with no herbs packed smoke comes out from my residue. I am boiling my bowl as i speak but this has been issue since day 1. Beside the combustion taste I do not get much vapor. I have tried most suggestions from the forum. I am a medical user although I also can get recreational. I do not feel i am expecting too much. I do not expect volcano or vhw size hits ( i do not need huge clouds ) I more expect iolite or mflb (mastered mflb in a day ) like hits. I was hoping for a jet powered mflb. I do have sticky herb that is dry enough break aprt by hand. I love the idea of this vape the material, the durability, the customer service, made in usa everything Those of you who are satisfied help me out please

from bb size grind to fine
45 degree, perp and horizontal holding position
5-7 second warmup
slow steady draw then faster
when I feal the heat I toggle switch on and off ( trying to avoid combustion taste ) I have tried holding constant as well
20 ish second hit
flip and stir between every hit
vapor 4 life,


Staff member
Vaper 4 life,
That sounds like my technique, too. Except I don't toggle, and my draw speed is really hard. This provides me with good, flavorful hits as long as you shake/stir/unload-reload between hits. If your bowl is too full, or if you don't mix up your herb between hits you will likely get that "smokey" taste from scorching.



Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Stu said:
Vaper 4 life,
That sounds like my technique, too. Except I don't toggle, and my draw speed is really hard. This provides me with good, flavorful hits as long as you shake/stir/unload-reload between hits. If your bowl is too full, or if you don't mix up your herb between hits you will likely get that "smokey" taste from scorching.


Stu & Vapor4,
I am no longer toggling either. I just hold the slider up to preheat 5 secs and then start a slow steady draw until my lungs fill up. I now get clouds as big as MFLB and sometimes some real chokers too! :D Constant heat is always the answer, and I also keep my hit going sometimes by breathing in a little bit thru my nose. :ninja: A fresh set of batts for every load is important too.

I am getting ready to move on to the next level, but I will still be contributing here too. ;) I could see that depending on what you are used to there is a learning curve, but I really think if you stick with it, it will work (well) for you!

vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
How long does it take the thermocore to dry? If you fire it up to early will it break? T1 and Rev? I boiled my T1 then put it my food dehydrator for couple hrs. Too scared to break it to try but it seems dry. :peace:
vapor 4 life,


vapor 4 life said:
How long does it take the thermocore to dry? If you fire it up to early will it break? T1 and Rev? I boiled my T1 then put it my food dehydrator for couple hrs. Too scared to break it to try but it seems dry. :peace:

TV said this "Frequent cleaning will not reduce the life of the bowl. Plus it dries itself out when you turn it on."

TV manual recommends over night. In the revolution cleaning video they turned it on and it sizzled and steam came out as it was drying right after being boiled. So turning it on to check if it is dry won't hurt it.

vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
So I gave it an iso and boil then dry but when I fired it up to see if was dry and I could smell herb so I burned all the smell away with the thermocore ( I was surprised the smell survived the iso and boil ) I changed the batteries and had a good bowl. The thermo was already all heated up taste was good and i felt it then a second bowl also good but I can see clogged holes on the screen and if I poke them into the thermocore the combustion taste will be back. Maybe this is a boil daily vape . Off for more testing and battery charging
vapor 4 life,


Well-Known Member
Try holding the Thermovape in a vertical holding position. This works much better. In terms of the draw speed, you should be ok as long as the draw force is relatively strong, but not fast. Think about drinking a thick milk shake through a straw. For me, this is the ideal draw. The vertical orientation is also important. This results in much quicker and thicker vapor, which helps insure you can get through the whole bowl before the batteries crap out.

vapor 4 life said:
from bb size grind to fine
45 degree, perp and horizontal holding position
5-7 second warmup
slow steady draw then faster
when I feal the heat I toggle switch on and off ( trying to avoid combustion taste ) I have tried holding constant as well
20 ish second hit
flip and stir between every hit


Well-Known Member
vapor 4 life said:
So I gave it an iso and boil then dry but when I fired it up to see if was dry and I could smell herb so I burned all the smell away with the thermocore ( I was surprised the smell survived the iso and boil ) I changed the batteries and had a good bowl. The thermo was already all heated up taste was good and i felt it then a second bowl also good but I can see clogged holes on the screen and if I poke them into the thermocore the combustion taste will be back. Maybe this is a boil daily vape . Off for more testing and battery charging

Good to hear you're making useful progress. I found debris I forced into the holes in the bottom of the bowl were easily sucked up once they were warm. I also found that (almost all of) the taste was coming from the top, not below. Makes sense when you consider there's no vapor in the heat core (or shouldn't be....) but that which is generated is trying to condense on any surface it can on it's way up and out. I think of this as really thin 'wand hash', a little heat and it's likely to evaporate again and be tasted.

So when I want to switch strains, I just wash the top and wipe the bowl with a cloth patch with ISO on it. I have a little vial with ISO in it that I drop the cap into and put it in the ultrasonic sink for a couple of minutes. Then a rinse in hot water (makes drying faster), and a blow out and I'm back in gear. A little water in the cap isn't going to effect the vaporization below much and will rapidly disappear with heat. I've only boiled the core once, don't plan to again anytime soon. If you're very sensitive in this area, you might even consider ordering another cap from TV so you can have a clean spare standing by? I'll bet they'll quote you a reasonable price, even if you are the first to ask.

BTW, I do poke the debris out of the cap holes with a toothpick, but it's easy to blow it out if you pull the mouthpiece.



Well-Known Member
@pecosthecat I like way you describe things, they ring though clear as a bell. like the drinking a thick milkshake, its something any one , well anyone at least that has had a milkshake :brow:, can understand. ;)

a few things, I wonder as I read and read,

1. I see lots of talk about a battery set lasting only one bowl, but not very often does anyone say a weight or some measurable means, as there are so many variables to what one calls "a bowl". Is it safe to assume using BB size grind a loosely, almost dropped in, half bowl will give 8 to 10 draws and both the bowl and batteries should be cashed then?

2. battery charge time after being cashed? I should think, you have to wait for them to cool down before charging. If you had to put a TIME that the batteries last how long would it be? how long does it take for the 8 to 10 hits?

3. heat during and after use.
this may be the most confusing bit to me about the whole thing. I read anything from barely warm to very very hot, like not even wanting to hold it, blister hot. when I ask myself why, what are the variables? some say its hot some don't? a few things I can come to 1. is the heater core itself or the switch. the switch being the only moving part and the hand built heater core. is it possible that the only hand done part , the heater core, that some get hotter than others? Due to the "human hand variable" ? what is the target temp range when these cores are built? Can every heater core, hand built, produce the exact same temps? my guess is no.

the only other things I can see it being is of course the OTHER HUMAN variable, the customer, I have to wonder if the desires for these "big vapor clouds" does not lead folks to basically keep the battery pushed up too long, sorta out of design range?

I can't think of any reasons but these two, the whole thing is made by machines, oh wait isn't the heater core, what the name, housing somehow hand assembled and glued? could it have something to do with it? perhaps users are trying to use it out of the range the makers thought they would?

Like I said this getting hot thing has really got me scratching "me ol melon" :uhoh: :/ some get hot , some don't... hummm

most posts related to heat during use refereed to their thumbs getting warm/hot , and not the rest of their hand. does any part of the delrin get "too" warm/hot? or is it just the battery tube slider thing that gets that way?


in flavor country
Stone__Man said:
3. heat during and after use.
this may be the most confusing bit to me about the whole thing. I read anything from barely warm to very very hot, like not even wanting to hold it, blister hot. when I ask myself why, what are the variables? some say its hot some don't? a few things I can come to 1. is the heater core itself or the switch. the switch being the only moving part and the hand built heater core. is it possible that the only hand done part , the heater core, that some get hotter than others? Due to the "human hand variable" ? what is the target temp range when these cores are built? Can every heater core, hand built, produce the exact same temps? my guess is no.

the only other things I can see it being is of course the OTHER HUMAN variable, the customer, I have to wonder if the desires for these "big vapor clouds" does not lead folks to basically keep the battery pushed up too long, sorta out of design range?

I can't think of any reasons but these two, the whole thing is made by machines, oh wait isn't the heater core, what the name, housing somehow hand assembled and glued? could it have something to do with it? perhaps users are trying to use it out of the range the makers thought they would?

Like I said this getting hot thing has really got me scratching "me ol melon" :uhoh::/

most posts related to heat during use refereed to their thumbs getting warm/hot , and not the rest of their hand. does any part of the delrin get "too" warm/hot? or is it just the battery tube slider thing that gets that way?

I wouldn't mind knowing more about his aspect myself. I had the thought of some kind of heat sink placed between the heater core and battery housing some how possible with out hindering the use of the battery slide, or line the inside of the battery chamber with derlin? Just tossing ideas out there...


Well-Known Member
I'll try to address your points one by one from my perspective.

1. I haven't weighed out the amount I put into a bowl. I don't have a scale. What I do is fill the bowl with ground herb, relatively fine, but not powder. I usually use my volcano grinder, which seems to grind slightly finer than my space case 2 pc grinder. I usually fill the bowl about 3/4 full. The weed should be very loose in there. I don't tamp it down at all. I find if the load is too small, then I don't get good vapor hits. I am not sure exactly home many hits I normally get, but I think 8-10 sounds about right. I'm usually very stoned at that point, but my tolerance isn't all that high. Towards the end of the bowl the taste really isn't as nice and I usually just dump it out. I am not too concerned about getting every last bit out of my weed. Relative to smoking, the weed lasts so long and gets me high as I want to be. I usually just dump my ABV. I usually stir the bowl ( I use one of my wife's bobby pins) every couple of hits and usually give the unit a good shake after every hit.

2. I haven't really timed the battery charge. I think it normally takes just shy of an hour. Sometimes faster and sometimes slower. I guess it probably depends on how much juice is left in them when throwing them on the charger. I don't think I've every had a set of batteries totally discharged. Usually by the time I get to the end of the bowl and most of the flavor is gone, the batteries still have some power. However, when I refill the chamber, I always put in a fresh set of batteries.

3. I've never experienced the Thermovape getting really hot. A bit warm, yes, but I've never had it uncomfortably hot. I think this comes down to my style of vaping. I normally take one big hit (resulting in a big cloud), then chill a couple minutes before taking another hit. I think if you were taking consecutive hits with little time between them then the heat would build up. This is not my style of vaping, so I haven't had that issue. There might be some variables that I haven't encountered yet that would result in the unit getting hot, like how moist the weed is, etc. My stash box only contains a couple different batches of weed and they are all relatively dry so my experience with the Thermovape is limited. There may be some variability in the heater cores, but to be honest I think the greater variable is how the Thermovape is operated. The unit cools down quickly so I expect this is why with my style of vaping results in only a slightly warm temperature of the unit and the batteries. I haven't had the derlin get hot at all. I only get a slight degree of warmth coming to the thumb through the switch and it is not hot at all, just warm. With my technique, which I think I've got more or less optimized, is pretty simple.

1. Load the bowl as described above.
2. Activate the switch for around 5 seconds or slightly longer.
3. Make sure I am holding the Thermovape vertically.
4. Apply a slow but strong "milkshake" type inhale for around 20-30 seconds. If it gets too hot, I speed up the draw a wee bit. I do not cycle the switch on and off. I have it engaged for all of the hit, except maybe the last 2 seconds.

Using this technique, the first 4-5 hits are very big, cloudy and tasty. After that, I usually have another 3-4 hits that taste a bit toasty and are less satisfying. When I get to that stage, I am always really stoned and usually just dump out the bowl. I normally wait a couple minutes between tokes. Not so much because the Thermovape works better (I"m not sure if it does or not- haven't tried) but because this is how I like to consume cannabis. I am not a really heavy user and I find a bowl or two in the course of an evening gets me where I want to be.

I find that the Thermovape fits my need for a portable vaporizer just about perfectly. It is quick, clean, tasty and I get nice cloudy hits of vapor and the taste of the vapor is much nicer than the other portables I have tried (MFLB & Iolite). However, if one is a very heavy user, likes to take hit after hit with little time between between this might not be the ideal vaporizer for you. I'm not sure if there is an ideal portable for this kind of use. Certainly, the Thermovape is not really the best solution for a "party" type vaporizer where a group of friends are spending an evening constantly hitting it. It is a great vaporization tool, but it not really a one size fits all kind of product. I love it and I expect people who enjoy cannabis the way I do would like it as well. Before I bought the Thermovape the MFLB was my vaporizer of choice. I still like the Launch Box quite a lot. I can get much bigger clouds that my lungs can handle with the Thermovape. I find big hits in the launch box are pretty hard on the throat and the taste is less good.

Comparing the Thermovape to the MFLB, here's where I stand:

1. Vapor from the ThermoVape is much smoother and easier on the throat than the vapor from the Launch Box.
2. The Launch Box is much cheaper / better value for money. The cost of the ThermoVape is more than double than the Launch Box.
3. It is much easier to accidentally acheive combustion in the MFLB.
4. The Launch Box has less smell and keeps itself cleaner than the ThermoVape. Next to no maintanance or cleaning required.
5. The ThermVape can be completely cleaned. The unit can be dissasbled and cleaned in a pot of boiling water or by soaking in isopropyl alcohol. This is convenient for international travel. Personally, I will not cross a border with anything that has any kind of residue or resin in it.
6. It is much easier to get huge hits/vapor clouds with the ThermoVape. I can get big hits from the Launch Box, but the vapor is harsh enough to cause a lot of coughing. My opinion is that while big hits/clouds are wasteful, the resulting high is more intense.

Comparing the ThermoVape to the Iolite:

1. The iolite is much more practical for long/multiple vaping sessions or for sessions with groups.
2. The flavor of the ThermoVape is much better than the iolite.
3. The vapor from the ThermoVape is much more dense than from the Iolite. The impact per hit is much stronger from the ThermoVape.
4. The hissing from the Iolite is a bit noisy. The ThermoVape is totally silent.
5. The ThermoVape can be completely cleaned and sterilized. It would be difficult or impossible to get the Iolite completely sterilized.
6. The Iolite is much bigger and more bulky than the Iolite.

Even though I don't use my Iolite very often, I have no plans to get rid of it. I use it when I'm sharing with a group of friends, or when I know I won't have access to a/c power for charging batteries. I also use the Iolite when I am having a big session.

I have two Launch Boxes. I leave one of them at the office for cheeky vapes on quiet afternoons or sometimes right before my commute home on the subway. The smell of the vapor from the launch box dissipates much more quickly from the Launch Box than from the ThermoVape. It also doesn't need to be cleaned. I find it a perfect vaporizer for the office.

If I had to choose only one portable vaporizer from these 3, I'd go for the ThermoVape. Fortunately, I don't need to make that choice.

I've got an Arizer Solo on order and will probably receive it sometime this week. I've been on a bit of a vaporizer kick recently.

Sorry for rambling on. I have a tendency to get carried away. :ko:

Stone__Man said:
@pecosthecat I like way you describe things, they ring though clear as a bell. like the drinking a thick milkshake, its something any one , well anyone at least that has had a milkshake :brow:, can understand. ;)

a few things, I wonder as I read and read,

1. I see lots of talk about a battery set lasting only one bowl, but not very often does anyone say a weight or some measurable means, as there are so many variables to what one calls "a bowl". Is it safe to assume using BB size grind a loosely, almost dropped in, half bowl will give 8 to 10 draws and both the bowl and batteries should be cashed then?

2. battery charge time after being cashed? I should think, you have to wait for them to cool down before charging. If you had to put a TIME that the batteries last how long would it be? how long does it take for the 8 to 10 hits?

3. heat during and after use.
this may be the most confusing bit to me about the whole thing. I read anything from barely warm to very very hot, like not even wanting to hold it, blister hot. when I ask myself why, what are the variables? some say its hot some don't? a few things I can come to 1. is the heater core itself or the switch. the switch being the only moving part and the hand built heater core. is it possible that the only hand done part , the heater core, that some get hotter than others? Due to the "human hand variable" ? what is the target temp range when these cores are built? Can every heater core, hand built, produce the exact same temps? my guess is no.

the only other things I can see it being is of course the OTHER HUMAN variable, the customer, I have to wonder if the desires for these "big vapor clouds" does not lead folks to basically keep the battery pushed up too long, sorta out of design range?

I can't think of any reasons but these two, the whole thing is made by machines, oh wait isn't the heater core, what the name, housing somehow hand assembled and glued? could it have something to do with it? perhaps users are trying to use it out of the range the makers thought they would?

Like I said this getting hot thing has really got me scratching "me ol melon" :uhoh::/

most posts related to heat during use refereed to their thumbs getting warm/hot , and not the rest of their hand. does any part of the delrin get "too" warm/hot? or is it just the battery tube slider thing that gets that way?


Staff member
Very thorough post, Pecos. I agree with your assesment and admire that you took the time to lay it out so well. My unit will get warm at times when I'm doing back to back hits, but not uncomfortably so. The warmup time is much quicker when you to back to back hits, so that's a plus.
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