Discontinued ThermoVape


Well-Known Member
SF Giant said:
OF said:
going to pick mine up.....
Lucky guy, despite my username i am not close enough to make pickup worth it (i moved up to santa rosa years ago....just love the Giants lol)

What a lightweight! An hour's drive, a nice bridge to cross, a chance to get lost in 'the city'.... How do you ever expect to master your art if you won't sacrifice for it? What kind of example is the for the young?

I'm fed, showered and dressed. Soon as I find my hat, I'm on my way.... I don't plan on getting sidetracked, but one never knows. Be fun to see the birthplace of the mighty TV.



I am a lil jealous that you are going on a TV field trip! :( wish i lived closer!

I am supper pumped! This thing looks like the best things since the mflb and omicron vapes were released imo. :)

So I don't think i totally understand the revolution yet.

you don't open it up and expose the glowing element and then drop your dab inside do you? there is an actual chamber that will hold a load of concentrates and then you just hit it as needed right? I could see trying to do dabs off this being fiddly.

BTW who else thinks it looks like a light saber?! :D haha I hope the force is strong with this one! ;)

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
So if i understand correctly you most likely wanna keep it upright during use also to prevent any leakage? And also need to let the device cool in an upright position to prevent spillage or your concentrate solidifying on the walls of the chamber? This is suddenly sounding kind of inconvenient :uhoh:
SF Giant,

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
weedemon said:
sounds the same as the general rules for the omicron to me though right?
I've never used an Omicron but i guess it stands to reason, i was expecting the Revolution to defie physics for me i guess ;)
SF Giant,


Vaporizer Manufacturer
SF Giant said:
So if i understand correctly you most likely wanna keep it upright during use also to prevent any leakage? And also need to let the device cool in an upright position to prevent spillage or your concentrate solidifying on the walls of the chamber? This is suddenly sounding kind of inconvenient :uhoh:

It does not need to be held perfectly upright in use. Below horizontal is better as gravity will be on your side to drive the heated oil into the core for the production of delicious concentrate vapor!

This is also less of an issue unless the Revolution is over filled.




Active Member
SF Giant said:
This is also less of an issue unless the Revolution is over filled.

And what would u considder "over filled" how much does the revolution handle?

EDIT : LOL, how did that happen :p well, the q was for u TV ;)
Hey Thermovape, Your new video ThermoVape vs. The Competition - Device Breakdown is really interesting. Lots of good info in there. I just wanted to let you know the video is a little messed up. The last 6 minutes repeat.

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
VaporBoxed said:
Hey Thermovape, Your new video ThermoVape vs. The Competition - Device Breakdown is really interesting. Lots of good info in there. I just wanted to let you know the video is a little messed up. The last 6 minutes repeat.
Yeah i just finished watching that vid too, definitely some good info there that really reassured me that we are getting a very well designed product with our safety in mind, one thing that strikes me is that while they did a pretty good materials breakdown on their heating cores, the material of the actual heating coil is never listed and intentionally vague, curious as to what those are made from.
@TV thx for the answer on usage angles, good to know.
SF Giant,


Vaporizer Manufacturer
VaporBoxed said:
Hey Thermovape, Your new video ThermoVape vs. The Competition - Device Breakdown is really interesting. Lots of good info in there. I just wanted to let you know the video is a little messed up. The last 6 minutes repeat.

Thanks! just tried to trim it, we'll see if it works! Definitely not video experts!




Active Member
VaporBoxed said:
Hey Thermovape, Your new video ThermoVape vs. The Competition - Device Breakdown is really interesting. Lots of good info in there. I just wanted to let you know the video is a little messed up. The last 6 minutes repeat.

wow!!!!! DID I JUST MENTION woooooow!!!!
Respect! U tore your unit totaly apart! And might i ad FUCK AMERICA :p hehe!
But seriously, after watching this video i realy feal confident in your product. Not many vapor manufactuoreres (?)would tare their unit apart like this!
I would love to see the response video from the omnicron developers......?!


Received my TV with the additional e-liquid atomizer + adapter + free mouthpiece!
Have been enjoying it all day!
Will post a review pretty soon!

Thx for being so friendly and professional at TVs!
Great people to work with!


Glass Blower
Been lurkin for over a year now, after owning many vapes, and just ordering a revolution kit, i decided to just make an account and post!


I have a couple questions for you TV,

1. How long will these batteries hold their charge for if not used? with my mflb batteries i lose about 150mah over a week even though i haven't used them. Do i need to keep these bad boys topped up before i leave for the day if they have not been used for a while?

2. Is there a PDF or any videos for the revolution in action or how to use it?
I can't find them :( I still don't understand entirely where my concentrate goes in yet. The top tube part right? How easy is it to clean and reuse that part? How does the oil get to the heater? or how does vaporization occur?

3. I just found your TV vs the competition video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o

Obviously you have pride in your product, but I feel your bias comes though a little too much in the way you toss and discard the competitions parts compared to how you clearly respect your own product during disassembley. :p I'm sure you didn't do this on purpose but I did notice it. I have taken apart my omi cartridge before too. It was a fun time, but it sure wasn't made to be taken apart easily haha. About the solder and wick in it. we don't know what they are(could be lead free solder right?), but im' not gonna claim they are definitely safe either.

I also really appreciate that you made this 100% in the USA. I am all for giving local people jobs! Not to mention getting a safer higher quality product too!

On pg 24 of the TV user guide PDF I found 2 typos, "car" adapter reads "care"
on pg 25 it refers you to go to pg 85 but no such page exists.

vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
@ Vito does solder and fiberglass not scare you? I am curious because I respect your opinion . When I bought the Omicron I knew there was fiberglass just like other e cig tech but I chose to ignore it untill there were suitable healthier alternatives. Hope the reviews roll in
vapor 4 life,

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Vitolo said:
vapor 4 life said:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o ... .....wish i had not seen the inside of my beloved Omicron
Showmanship designed to make you feel dissatisfied with your Omicron!
There is a difference between showmanship and showing facts, i dont think you can dispute that some of the parts in the Omi cart are less than desirable things to have in a device that you inhale hot air through, honestly your posts ITT have all been really skeptical, dismissive and biased toward devices which you may already own/endorse on FC :2c:
SF Giant,


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
SF Giant said:
Vitolo said:
vapor 4 life said:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o ... .....wish i had not seen the inside of my beloved Omicron
Showmanship designed to make you feel dissatisfied with your Omicron!
There is a difference between showmanship and showing facts, i dont think you can dispute that some of the parts in the Omi cart are less than desirable things to have in a device that you inhale hot air through, honestly your posts ITT have all been really skeptical, dismissive and biased toward devices which you may already own/endorse on FC :2c:

Skeptical is what FC is about. Dismissive and biased I have not seen.


Vapor Sloth
Vitolo said:
vapor 4 life said:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o ... .....wish i had not seen the inside of my beloved Omicron
Showmanship designed to make you feel dissatisfied with your Omicron!

Vito, I respect you and you are a great friend. But where you see magic (mis direction?) I see science. Your opinion as this threads experience moves against your initial notions is interesting. Please keep an open mind here. I know you love your Omicron and no one is saying its bad. We are just trying something new here.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
weedemon said:
I have a couple questions for you TV,

1. How long will these batteries hold their charge for if not used? with my mflb batteries i lose about 150mah over a week even though i haven't used them. Do i need to keep these bad boys topped up before i leave for the day if they have not been used for a while?

2. Is there a PDF or any videos for the revolution in action or how to use it?
I can't find them :( I still don't understand entirely where my concentrate goes in yet. The top tube part right? How easy is it to clean and reuse that part? How does the oil get to the heater? or how does vaporization occur?

3. I just found your TV vs the competition video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o

Obviously you have pride in your product, but I feel your bias comes though a little too much in the way you toss and discard the competitions parts compared to how you clearly respect your own product during disassembley. :p I'm sure you didn't do this on purpose but I did notice it. I have taken apart my omi cartridge before too. It was a fun time, but it sure wasn't made to be taken apart easily haha. About the solder and wick in it. we don't know what they are(could be lead free solder right?), but im' not gonna claim they are definitely safe either.

I also really appreciate that you made this 100% in the USA. I am all for giving local people jobs! Not to mention getting a safer higher quality product too!

On pg 24 of the TV user guide PDF I found 2 typos, "car" adapter reads "care"
on pg 25 it refers you to go to pg 85 but no such page exists.

Thank you for the post, I am undoubtedly biased. I probably could not be more biased. So I am caught red handed :).

We are on the same page completely regarding giving people jobs. We really do work hard to create good jobs. Everyone makes at lease double minimum wage, and we are working on getting healthcare for our employees. It matters to us. We could make 4X the money if we outsourced our production, but we refuse to do that.

Your batteries will hold a stable charge for much longer then a NiMH battery. Charged shelf life should be measured in months.

vitolo said:
Showmanship designed to make you feel dissatisfied with your Omicron!

I've never considered myself much of a showman. Just a completely biased direct competitor. Honestly I get nervous making the videos!




Well-Known Member
Vitolo said:
vapor 4 life said:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Txuf1yPf8o ... .....wish i had not seen the inside of my beloved Omicron
Showmanship designed to make you feel dissatisfied with your Omicron!

Have to agree with SF Giant that Vito's normally measured and helpful approach has been missing in his comments in this thread. Which is unfortunate. Perhaps you should be "dissatisfied with your Omicron" since its cartridges contain such crap!


The revolution looks interesting. I look foward to videos of it in operation. The omicron cart is really a lot easier to disassemble, just pop the bottom off like you did then just push the rest of it out the bottom. BTW the solder and wrapped wire are not in the air path.

Edit: I am happy there is competition in the oil vaporizer market, it will yield better products. And thank you for making the revolution with a 510 screw this will allow persei owners to use it.


I own over 2 dozen vapes (32 actually).. and I am biased and dismissive with MANY that I own myself!
I am also dismissive where I feel there is something to be skeptical about.
This is my right!
Of course I will also endorse those that I find to be acceptable for use with the community of MMJ patients that I serve.
No the solder and fiberglass does not scare me any more than the same components in an Ecig scare me.
I dismantled a cart, and the solder and fiberglass are not in the air path.
What is going on inside of the Omicron cart is Hash oil being introduced to a hot element, in exactly the manner that one would "dab" onto a red hot skillet. The inhalations are restricted to 5-6 seconds This is not the same as drawing long inhalations of air from a heat source in a vapor path designed to heat herb to 375 and higher.
While I am pleased that some folks are very happy with the TV, I have found most of the videos to be comprised of showmanship, irrelevancies (I do not care about it surviving a fire, or 100 drops), and I find it objectionable that a maker would resort to maligning the products of others to make their product look good by comparison.
zmurder said:
Have to agree with SF Giant that Vito's normally measured and helpful approach has been missing in his comments in this thread.....
If my normal helpful approach has been missing in this particular thread... maybe that says something about what I am seeing as I analyze the product from afar.
I have been privy on Skype to numerous sessions with 3 owners of this unit. One of the 3 has given me positive feedback.
I have appointments to skype with two other TV purchasers on Monday.
Perhaps they will make me feel differently.
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